Session Start: Fri Mar 18 16:37:57 2005 Session Ident: #SLB [16:37] * Now talking in #SLB [16:37] * Topic is '8,4 SuperLiga:0 Setúbal x SLB (Amanhã/21:15/TVI) INVASÃO A SETÚBAL! | 8PARABÉNS MANTORRAS! 0|4,0' [16:37] * Set by MaGiK on Fri Mar 18 10:25:05 [16:38] * moon-girl21 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [16:38] * D-O-U-G-L-A-S has joined #SLB [16:40] * Reis_Rose has joined #SLB [16:41] * [S]aInT_VoDeViL is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [16:41] SLBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB [16:41] amanha e para ganhar [16:41] * KiD ARROTA a rissois de peixe [16:41] * digit` has joined #SLB [16:41] oh nuke tens irmas ? [16:42] ou primas ? [16:42] * tympest69 has joined #SLB [16:42] boas ? [16:42] tem tem [16:42] * SLB1904 sets mode: -v Kobille [16:42] sou sempre banido do canal fcp [16:42] ele ate foi pa tropa pa ser comido no kuartel [16:42] so lhes perguntei kem era o ADRIANO [16:42] lol [16:42] Reis_Rose e normal [16:43] lolada [16:43] Reis_Rose logico ke tinhas de ser banido [16:43] eles nao sabiam o que responder [16:43] se um se o outro [16:43] lol [16:43] pois era [16:43] lol [16:43] eles n sabem nd [16:43] AnTiSoCiaL tenho... [16:43] a tua prima debaixo de mim [16:43] o mourinho e k sabia [16:43] ahah [16:43] D-O-U-G-L-A-S [[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]] [16:44] * bot has left #SLB [16:44] * robinhosantos has left #SLB [16:44] * bot has joined #SLB [16:44] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [16:44] tympest69[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [16:44] * nuke was kicked by KiD (tem educaçao se faz favor corno do crl) [16:44] * nuke has joined #SLB [16:44] * ChanServ sets mode: +o nuke [16:44] LOLLL [16:44] lool [16:44] nuke ( has joined #SLB [16:44] ke host de merda [16:44] lol [16:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [16:44] * Splitt3r has joined #SLB [16:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [16:45] * digit` has left #SLB [16:45] kuando e k e o jogo pa taça? [16:45] por acaso n sei [16:45] mas vamos ganhar [16:45] isso e certo [16:45] dobradinha [16:45] =) [16:45] era bom [16:46] mas eu akredito [16:46] kem me dera [16:46] no slb [16:46] ate fazia o pino [16:46] * morgoph has joined #SLB [16:46] sempre [16:46] * morgoph has left #SLB [16:46] * kiduxo17 has joined #SLB [16:46] * bot sets mode: +b kiduxo17!*@? [16:46] vou bazar [16:46] * kiduxo17 was kicked by bot (Banned: Out) [16:46] fikem bem [16:46] detesto os tripeiros men [16:46] * D-O-U-G-L-A-S has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [16:47] fica bem [16:47] nao es o unico [16:47] lol [16:48] * TuNiNGBoY has joined #SLB [16:48] oh nuke ja marcaste ? [16:49] ja marquei o k ? [16:49] * rApA plays - To Semedo - Falta Di Bo -  [16:49] curtes kizoma nuke ? [16:49] Tudo sobre o Glorioso é em: [16:49] kizoma nao conheço [16:50] fdx nao jogaste no fim de semana ? [16:50] tas lerdo de todo [16:50] kizomba nuke [16:50] desculpa [16:50] enganei-me [16:50] rApA +/- tenho de gramar por causa da minha gaja [16:50] * KtroniX has joined #SLB [16:50] ahh, AnTiSoCiaL nop [16:50] nuke entao ? ela é mulata ? [16:50] ainda me doi o pé bues nao ando a jogar nepia [16:51] rApA sim tem descendencia cabo verdiana [16:51] adoro mulatas daÇ [16:51] dao-me 1 tesao [16:51] meu deus [16:51] nem digo nd [16:51] * putozao has joined #SLB [16:51] por falarem em volta hj voltei aos treinos :d [16:51] * lordgim has joined #SLB [16:51] ontem fui treinar.. aparece lá td contente ás 21:30.. o treino era ás 19:30 tavam eles a tomar banho [16:51] ahaha [16:52] * slb_faNN has joined #SLB [16:52] lol [16:52] * KapS has joined #SLB [16:52] * lordgim has left #SLB [16:53] * Metzelder_ has joined #SLB [16:53] queria jogar 1 dia ctg nuke lol mas já vi que e' dificil [16:53] o meu pai ligou-me a pco [16:53] a dizer que os amigos dele precisam de mim para irem jogar contra uns gajos [16:54] * Metzelder_ boas ppl [[]] *** [16:54] rApA é marcarmos um jogo aqui do canal :P [16:54] podiamos jogar na minha unidade lol [16:54] pois nao sei [16:54] lol eu vou jogar todo fdd [16:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [16:54] * [bLiNd]MaN is away, keyboard missing... (auto-away após 20 minuto(s) idle) (log:yes\pag:yes) [16:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [16:55] * Cyber_Power has joined #SLB [16:55] Pois é meus amigos já falavam de bola [16:55] * |skinneR| is now known as _|skinneR| [16:56] nuke próximo piteu sei 1 sitio mesmo bacano para irmos pitar.. o silva fica por cima da loja da adidas :D [16:57] * _|skinneR| is now known as |skinneR| [16:57] nice [16:57] LOL e ja almoçam juntos [16:57] ainda se casam [16:57] e adoptam um puto [16:57] neleiros [16:57] ROTFL [16:57] * Cyber_Power has left #SLB [16:57] Mais vale morrer no parto do que nascer e ser lagarto fdx [16:57] oh KiD kk dia temos dir [16:58] eles sao todos feios tubas [16:58] depois ia destoar .. dois gajos bonitos ( nos ) no meio de tanto feioso [16:58] LOLLL [16:58] vamos ao jantar mas vamos jantar noutra mesa [16:58] separada deles [16:58] LOL [16:59] aparecias la bebedo, iam parecer-te inseridos no grupo [16:59] xau people [16:59] slb 4 ever [16:59] LOLLL bem visto [16:59] * Reis_Rose has left #SLB [17:00] * Faked tenho q deixar de dar sangue pqp [17:00] lá tá o KID armado em carapau.. até aprecia homens ele [17:00] Faked pagam.te ? [17:00] rApA caralho gajos de coimbra poem os gajos de lx no bolso [17:00] KiD [17:00] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [17:00] n [17:00] mas n pago taxas moderadoras no hospital [17:00] :x [17:00] * rApA de [17:00] * rApA die [17:00] * rApA die!!!! [17:00] ando é c a tensão baixa dsd q dei [17:00] KiD gajos nao sei.. mas as gajas dai tem todos bigode fdç [17:01] * [S]aInT_VoDeViL is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [17:01] por acaso fui a coimbra na quarta, vi la gajas boas [17:01] mas vi uma q parecia q n tinha cu [17:01] Faked loll [17:01] :X [17:01] foi a k eu comi [17:01] claramente [17:01] pareçia q so tinha as pernas [17:01] fui ganancioso demais [17:01] * |-slipy_boy-| has joined #SLB [17:01] LOLLL [17:01] comi.lhe o cu todinho [17:01] * terabyte has joined #SLB [17:02] (+AnTiSoCiaL) foi a k eu comi [17:02] looool [17:03] <|-slipy_boy-|> SLBBBBBBBBBBBBbb [17:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [17:04] AnTiSoCiaL [17:04] LOL [17:04] * [KinG_TreVaS] has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [17:04] literalmente [17:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [17:05] * DrDeViL is away:  (DrDeViL off - BNC on) [17:05] * DrDeViL is back after 1sec [17:05] o KiD tb é assim [17:05] nao tem cu... [17:05] * DrDeViL is away, FORMATAR PC PELA 1ª VEZ. [17:05] pois tu com mta força [17:05] es guloso [17:05] * _FBI_ has joined #SLB [17:05] * |-slipy_boy-| has left #SLB [17:05] vai ter de fazer um implante de cu de babuino [17:05] LOLAO [17:06] DrDeViL [17:06] qto tempo tem o PC? [17:07] * _FBI_ has left #SLB [17:07] * [_Parreira_] is away, treinar (auto-away após 99 minuto(s) idle) (log:yes\pag:yes) [17:08] * PadreMalicias has joined #SLB [17:08] * ARG3L has joined #SLB [17:08] <|NazGul> alguem me explica uma coisa? [17:08] nop [17:08] <|NazGul> o q fez o helder postiga pra ser chamado À selecção? [17:08] what [17:08] LOOOOOOOOL [17:08] boa pergunta [17:08] nada, ai é k esta a essencia da coisa [17:08] ó |NazGul o postiga foi convocado ? [17:08] |NazGul GOLEADOR [17:08] <|NazGul> foi [17:08] ele ja jogou uma meia hora este ano [17:09] o Fabuloso quer ir embora e tudo [17:09] ja merece [17:09] o k fas o ricardo na baliza da selecçao ? [17:09] NADAAAAAA [17:09] *FAZ [17:09] Desviou um golo do FCP no jogo contra o Benfica [17:09] fez a ponta de um corno... [17:09] :DD [17:09] * SoulWatcheR has joined #SLB [17:09] é o k vai fazer a selecção!!! [17:09] * capitao-ROBY has joined #SLB [17:09] <|NazGul> só se foi chamado pra defesa central [17:09] o scomerdas nojo [17:09] eles sao lunaticos [17:09] <|NazGul> pq ele é mais defesa das outras equipas q avançado da selecção [17:09] esmantorra faz anus! parabens mácáco! [17:09] * capitao-ROBY has left #SLB [17:09] agora andam a sonhar com a uefa LOLAOO [17:10] so nao sonham com a taça pk ja foram de vela [17:10] se ganham ao porto na segunda, ja nig os cala LOL [17:10] * Offspring FILHAS DA PUTA [17:10] * bot sets mode: +b *!*@localhost [17:10] * Offspring was kicked by bot (Linguagem imprópria) [17:10] <|NazGul> ? [17:10] AnTiSoCiaL não é assim tão impossível ... Newcastle é acessivel ... Dps teem Steua Bucharest ou outras Teams fraquitas ... [17:10] Tmb nc ganharam nada ... [17:10] LOL [17:10] <|NazGul> villareal [17:10] oxala eles nao passem [17:10] fdx [17:10] Uma UEFA [17:10] nao os kero oubir mais [17:10] Não era assim tão mau [17:10] <|NazGul> villareal é q vai ganhar [17:10] Sempre eram pontos para Tugal [17:11] ke se foda Tugal [17:11] ups [17:11] ke se lixe [17:11] LOL [17:11] * Nightfall is now known as Zombiemetal [17:11] agora nao se podem dizer asneiras [17:11] Se FCP e SCP podem ganhar Compt Europeias ... Talvez o nosso ano também chegue em breve [17:11] :D [17:11] poix [17:11] talvez em 2057... a jogarem assim [17:12] * rApA gone * [17:12] Para me sentir um Lampião realizado, era ganharmos a Taça , a Superliga, o Trappa sair, e o Veiga 'idem' [17:12] eu ja nao vejo u benfica á BENFICA ha mt time... [17:12] * rui_costa_slb Lloret is waiting for me!!!! [17:13] a mim bastava a superliga... [17:13] * [KinG_TreVaS] has joined #SLB [17:13] * Patozao has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [17:13] * KtroniX has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [17:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [17:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [17:16] * FrIsKeY has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [17:16] * Argel|Dv has joined #SLB [17:17] * [KinG_TreVaS] is away, kalker coisa msn ou tele !!!, (log\off pager\on) [17:17] antes de ganhar algum trofeu é preciso ganhar jogos [17:17] a mim bastava a sl a taça o trap partir uma perna o fcp ficar em 4º e o scp em 5º [17:17] FORÇA SLB [17:17] o AnTiSoCiaL partir os cornos numa eskina [17:17] * DrDeViL alguem k me ajude a formatar o pc sff... =X [17:17] e pronto era um lampiao feliz [17:17] fdx o mantorras so faz 23 anos... [17:17] ela ja fez kuantas vezes 23 anos ? [17:17] 23 [17:17] LOL [17:18] ele tem pinta de xavaleco [17:18] * Flute has joined #SLB [17:18] nao falsificaram akela merda [17:18] * R3d_Soul has joined #SLB [17:18] * R3d_Soul has left #SLB [17:19] * [[Anonimo]] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [17:19] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -b *!*@localhost [17:20] * Flute has left #SLB [17:20] * BAR_DO_XINTRA has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [17:21] * [S]aInT_VoDeViL is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [17:21] * {andre} has joined #SLB [17:21] * betterman___ has joined #SLB [17:21] * betterman___ has left #SLB [17:21] * dengOtwO has joined #SLB [17:21] * Beaves has joined #SLB [17:22] * dengOtwO has left #SLB [17:22] * {andre} has left #SLB [17:22] * peterD has joined #SLB [17:22] :D [17:22] slbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb [17:22] * Beaves has left #SLB [17:23] * Integrale Está Away Agora: [Motivo: out] - Storm Script XP [17:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [17:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [17:25] Mais vale morrer no parto do que nascer e ser lagarto fdx [17:25] * [bLiNd]MaN has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [17:26] * Ka0s_Br1nGeR has joined #SLB [17:26] * hOpY is back after 2h 48m 19s [17:27] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -b *!*@localhost [17:28] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -o Peixinho [17:28] * Faked has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [17:28] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -o nuke [17:28] * KiD sets mode: -o KiD [17:28] * terabyte has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [17:28] LOL [17:29] * bot has left #SLB [17:29] * bot has joined #SLB [17:29] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [17:29] * putozao has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [17:29] * KiD is away, ..., (log\off pager\on) [17:29] * [[Kaladze]] has joined #SLB [17:29] * Snake_____ has joined #SLB [17:30] * [Golfinho-azul] has joined #SLB [17:30] * [Golfinho-azul] has left #SLB [17:31] * NeuroN has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [17:32] * Teninho has joined #SLB [17:32] * Teninho has left #SLB [17:33] * _OdrAkiR_ has joined #SLB [17:33] * _OdrAkiR_ has left #SLB [17:34] * XeF has joined #SLB [17:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [17:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [17:35] * [bLa_De] has joined #SLB [17:35] * SoulWatcheR está away.. [Volto Ja] [t7DS: pager/on, logging/on] [17:35] * Snake_____ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [17:35] * [bLa_De] has left #SLB [17:35] * RIOS has quit IRC (Killed ( (PUB,Flood or other Abuse))) [17:36] * XeF has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [17:37] * _spectro_ has left #SLB [17:37] * _spectro_ has joined #SLB [17:37] * _CM4fan_ has joined #SLB [17:39] Tudo sobre o Glorioso é em: [17:40] * TuKyS has joined #SLB [17:41] * [S]aInT_VoDeViL is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [17:41] * Ricardo_R_ has joined #SLB [17:42] * L-DeR` has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [17:42] * AnTiSoCiaL is now known as TuBaS [17:42] * kry has joined #SLB [17:43] * JASS_KU_MIA has joined #SLB [17:43] * SLB1904 sets mode: -v rApA [17:43] * JASS_KU_MIA has left #SLB [17:43] o mantorras fax anos? [17:43] * |AdRi_ThA_ZoUk| has joined #SLB [17:43] * |AdRi_ThA_ZoUk| has left #SLB [17:43] faz 46 [17:44] * ||vIRCiado||||| has joined #SLB [17:44] os parabens é só kd se fax anos??? [17:44] * ||vIRCiado||||| has left #SLB [17:44] ha? [17:44] normalmente, se nao ocorrer nada de especial [17:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [17:44] [ SLB ] MAIOR QUE A NOSSA GRANDEZA SÓ A VOSSA INVEJA [ SLB ] [17:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [17:45] * hugonike has joined #SLB [17:46] puta k vos pariu seus lampioes de merda!!!!!!!!! F.C.Porto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [17:46] * hugonike was kicked by bot (Esse tipo de linguagem não é permitida, modera-te.) [17:46] * [[Anonimo]] has joined #SLB [17:46] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -b kiduxo17!*@? [17:46] * [[Anonimo]] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [17:47] LOL [17:52] * slb_faNN has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [17:53] * R4k3|_16 has joined #SLB [17:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [17:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [17:55] * Ribas_girl has joined #SLB [17:56] * L-DeR` has joined #SLB [17:56] * Fabio_ is back [17:56] * DreageR has joined #SLB [17:57] * TaNaKa_99 has joined #SLB [17:57] * hot_stuff has joined #SLB [17:57] * TaNaKa_99 has left #SLB [17:58] Mighell [17:58] ` [17:58] ** [17:58] * danimites has joined #SLB [17:59] * Ka0s_Br1nGeR is away "auto away after 20 minutes idling" • Log: on • Pager: off [17:59] * Ka0s_Br1nGeR is now known as k4071c|OUT [18:00] * [S]aInT_VoDeViL is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [18:02] * PadreMalicias has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [18:03] * DreageR CS TIME LOV YA PATRICIA :D [18:03] * SLB1904 sets mode: -v KiD [18:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [18:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [18:05] [ SLB ] MAIOR QUE A NOSSA GRANDEZA SÓ A VOSSA INVEJA [ SLB ] [18:05] * syskro has joined #SLB [18:05] Amanha td em Setubal a apoiar o Glorioso :D [18:06] * SoulWatcheR está de volta... [t7DS: - fora: 30min 59s] [18:06] * DreageR has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [18:06] * _-OutsideR-_ has joined #SLB [18:06] * StuntmaNN has joined #SLB [18:07] * StuntmaNN has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [18:08] * _CM4fan_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [18:09] * moon-girl21 has joined #SLB [18:09] * aLeMa0_92 back [18:09] * lightning_crash has joined #SLB [18:10] * FeXor HAsta te pa semana ehehehe [18:10] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -b *!*@localhost [18:10] * FeXor has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [18:11] * bot has left #SLB [18:11] * aLeMa0_92 is away (pq q so me acontece a mim !? :() [18:11] * bot has joined #SLB [18:11] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [18:11] * TuBaS is away, auto-away after 15 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [18:11] * leoa1 has joined #SLB [18:11] * [_|TheViruS|_] is back [18:11] * G-uNiT_SoLdIeR has joined #SLB [18:12] * lightning_crash has left #SLB [18:13] * Angel is now known as Soul [18:13] * ZyLoR has joined #SLB [18:14] * Fabio_ is away (Not here =X) [18:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [18:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [18:15] * R4k3|_16 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [18:15] * Retrieving #SLB modes... [18:15] * PaSsA-o-TrAvA has joined #SLB [18:16] * Nutts_ has joined #SLB [18:16] * Nutts_ has left #SLB [18:16] * Integrale has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [18:17] * _Diablo_ is now known as _Diablo_OFF [18:17] * [[Anonimo]] has joined #SLB [18:18] * __EaRtH__DeViLL has joined #SLB [18:19] * delgado has joined #SLB [18:19] * TuBaS is back after 8m 22s [18:19] * G-uNiT_SoLdIeR has left #SLB [18:20] * ZyLoR is away: ..... que seca dos (_(_) <- colhoes :o loool [18:20] * n0sl3n has joined #SLB [18:20] * ZyLoR was kicked by bot (Esse tipo de linguagem não é permitida, modera-te.) [18:20] * ZyLoR has joined #SLB [18:21] * [S]aInT_VoDeViL is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [18:21] * _TeReXa has joined #SLB [18:22] * gRaNNdAmOkA has joined #SLB [18:22] * Prodigy_ has joined #SLB [18:23] * gRaNNdAmOkA O benfica é a minha droga quero morrer de overdose jlkdsfjlkdsfjlkdsjlkfldsjkdfkldsfjlk [18:23] * delgado has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [18:23] * leoa1 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [18:24] * peterD has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [18:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [18:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [18:24] * GirlDolphin has joined #SLB [18:25] * jvp8 has joined #SLB [18:25] * Xpl0siv_ has joined #SLB [18:26] * asajr has joined #SLB [18:26] * asajr has left #SLB [18:26] * syskro has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [18:26] * _Diablo_OFF is now known as _Diablo_ [18:27] * Fly_AwAy has joined #SLB [18:27] * Fly_AwAy has left #SLB [18:27] * ZyLoR has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [18:27] * rapazz20 has joined #SLB [18:27] * Prodigy_ has left #SLB [18:27] * GirlDolphin has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [18:27] * Nikom has joined #SLB [18:28] * Xpl0siv_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [18:28] * Nikom has left #SLB [18:28] * baby_girl2004 has joined #SLB [18:28] * Splitt3r is away, auto-away after 69 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [18:29] * moon-girl21 has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [18:29] * k4071c|OUT has been away for 30m • auto away after 20 minutes idling [18:29] Tudo sobre o Glorioso é em: [18:29] * Exilion has joined #SLB [18:30] * Exilion has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [18:30] * DrDeViL Alguém que tenha experiencia em formatar PC's ? [18:30] * k4071c|OUT is back [31m 7s] [18:30] * k4071c|OUT is now known as Ka0s_Br1nGeR [18:30] * RuSs3L has joined #SLB [18:30] * Soul is now known as Saint [18:31] * DrDeViL Alguém com experiencia em FORMATAR pc's ???????? [18:31] * rapazz20 volto logo [][] e ** [18:31] * rapazz20 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [18:32] * Saint is now known as LeeT [18:32] * LeeT has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST utilizado por BrOnKs))) [18:33] * R4k3|_16 has joined #SLB [18:33] * RuSs3L has left #SLB [18:33] * R4k3|_16 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [18:33] * rui_costa_slb volto pra semana, motivo: Lloret del mar!!!! [18:33] * L-DeR` has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [18:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [18:34] [ SLB ] MAIOR QUE A NOSSA GRANDEZA SÓ A VOSSA INVEJA [ SLB ] [18:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [18:36] * gRaNNdAmOkA jORNAL D DESPORTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo [18:36] * gRaNNdAmOkA was kicked by bot (Esse tipo de linguagem não é permitida, modera-te.) [18:36] * _Batistuta_ has joined #SLB [18:36] <_Batistuta_> Mighell ban baby_girl2004 [18:36] * KOMBATENTEEEEEE has joined #SLB [18:37] * Descalco35 has joined #SLB [18:37] * dNd has joined #SLB [18:37] * [MindSex] has joined #SLB [18:37] * Ribas_girl has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [18:38] * Descalco35 has left #SLB [18:38] * _Batistuta_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [18:38] * FenisTil has joined #SLB [18:38] * FenisTil has left #SLB [18:39] * [Ultra-DV] is away, FERIASSSSS, (log\off pager\off) [18:39] * [Ultra-DV] is back after 7h 24m 10s [18:39] * dNd is now known as Angel [18:39] * [Ultra-DV] Boas Tardes! Ja tou de Ferias fdx :DD [18:40] * bot has left #SLB [18:40] * bot has joined #SLB [18:40] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [18:40] * cusco has joined #SLB [18:40] * _Diablo_ is now known as FDiablo [18:40] * [S]aInT_VoDeViL is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [18:41] * cusco has left #SLB [18:41] * FDiablo is now known as _Diablo_ [18:41] * |NazGul DBZ :D [18:41] * _Diablo_ is now known as _Diablo_OFF [18:41] * [palhas] has joined #SLB [18:43] * tweeta-away has joined #SLB [18:44] * [[Kaladze]] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [18:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [18:44] Pois é meus amigos já falavam de bola [18:44] * BONNOVOX a devorar as novas babatas fritas da matutano - Rufles exta onduladas sabor a heinz ketchup [18:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [18:45] * aLeMa0_92 is away (pq q so me acontece a mim !? :() [18:45] * _R4g4zz4_ has joined #SLB [18:47] * BaKaNu has joined #SLB [18:48] * RicardoSLB69 has joined #SLB [18:49] * newyorkerr has joined #SLB [18:49] * _R4g4zz4_ has left #SLB [18:50] * _SnIfAs_ has joined #SLB [18:50] * RicardoSLB69 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [18:51] * Zamalek has joined #SLB [18:51] * Laindo has joined #SLB [18:51] * Laindo has left #SLB [18:52] * Karell has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [18:52] * [MindSex] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [18:54] * BONNOVOX on Portishead - Roads (original version) Simplesmente brutal [18:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [18:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [18:54] * BONNOVOX how cant i it feel this road from this moment [18:55] * |AnnAh| has joined #SLB [18:56] * |leviathan| has joined #SLB [18:56] * Ricardo_R_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [18:56] * Enfadado has joined #SLB [18:56] * [RuFy] has joined #SLB [18:57] * cartero15 has joined #SLB [18:57] Pois é meus amigos já falavam de bola [18:57] * cartero15 has left #SLB [18:57] * aPa|x0n4da_ has joined #SLB [18:57] \o/ [18:58] * _SnIfAs_ has left #SLB [18:58] * Tommy_Franks has joined #SLB [18:58] * Ka0s_Br1nGeR is away "auto away after 20 minutes idling" • Log: on • Pager: off [18:58] * Ka0s_Br1nGeR is now known as k4071c|OUT [18:58] * [MindSex] has joined #SLB [18:58] * tweeta-away is away, auto-away after 15 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [18:59] * d0c^ has joined #SLB [19:00] * [S]aInT_VoDeViL is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [19:01] (SLB) E Pluribus Unum (SLB) [19:01] * R_e_l_a_x has joined #SLB [19:02] * centauro_00 has joined #SLB [19:02] * eYeballs has joined #SLB [19:02] boas noites benficistas [19:02] * Mecoman has left #SLB [19:03] boas [19:03] * xxl_69 has joined #SLB [19:03] * aLeMa0_92 is away (Out @ Psybnc On) [19:03] boas tardes [19:03] lol [19:03] * centauro_00 is now known as centauro_00away [19:03] * centauro_00away has quit IRC (Killed: PUB,Flood or other Abuse) [19:04] * baby_girl2004 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:04] * |AnnAh| has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [19:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [19:04] * R_e_l_a_x SAuDaÇÕeS ULtRaS [19:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [19:05] * Tommy_Franks xau ppl [19:05] * Tommy_Franks has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:06] * __EaRtH__DeViLL has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:07] * hOpY is away, auto-away after 69 minutes, (log\on pager\on) [19:08] * Angel Alg k perceba d unix e d shells? =D [19:08] * CJPA is back, boas [19:09] * ET_PsIcAdElIcO has joined #SLB [19:09] * Angel is now known as dNd [19:09] * aiRmax has joined #SLB [19:09] * aiRmax has left #SLB [19:10] * |AnnAh| has joined #SLB [19:10] * PaTuSkA has joined #SLB [19:11] * bot has left #SLB [19:11] * bot has joined #SLB [19:11] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [19:11] * _Diablo_OFF is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [19:13] * GREV3N has joined #SLB [19:13] * ChanServ sets mode: +o GREV3N [19:13] Boa Tarde minha Gente [19:13] [ SLB ] MAIOR QUE A NOSSA GRANDEZA SÓ A VOSSA INVEJA [ SLB ] [19:13] [[]]] *** [19:14] * BONNOVOX pq recordar é viver - The OffSpring - Self Esteem [19:14] * Offspring has joined #SLB [19:14] * Offspring is back after 1h 27m 42s [19:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [19:14] o/ [19:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [19:15] * kik0 has joined #SLB [19:15] * jottaxmile has joined #SLB [19:15] * _Diablo_OFF is now known as _Diablo_ [19:15] * kik0 has left #SLB [19:15] * CaBr1T0 has joined #SLB [19:15] * ejcc_2005_Canad has joined #SLB [19:15] o topico ta uma merda ...devia ser setubal*lider da super liga [19:15] * alient21 has joined #SLB [19:15] * CaBr1T0 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:15] * other_side has joined #SLB [19:16] setubal benfica [19:16] inicio de jogo [19:16] entrem as duas formações em campo [19:17] * adidas_boy has joined #SLB [19:17] * adidas_boy has left #SLB [19:17] * R_e_l_a_x is now known as emailepass [19:17] * emailepass is now known as R_e_l_a_x [19:17] * bLuEcAp has joined #SLB [19:18] começa o jogo [19:18] * dNd has left #SLB [19:18] 20 segundos [19:18] * PuTo_do_VodkA has joined #SLB [19:18] * Zamalek has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:18] goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolo [19:18] * Rivolt has joined #SLB [19:18] do SLB [19:18] * PaTuSkA has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:18] ups engano [19:18] nuno gomes estava fora de jogo [19:19] 40 segundos [19:19] * aPa|x0n4da_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:19] ups engano [19:19] goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolo [19:19] ups engano [19:19] * nikiana has joined #SLB [19:19] Tudo sobre o Glorioso é em: [19:19] entrou uma perna do mantoras na baliza [19:20] baza tripeiro [19:20] alient21 sabs uma coisa [19:20] Porto-0 Nacional-4 [19:20] xcala te [19:20] * [RuFy] has left #SLB [19:20] * [RuFy] has joined #SLB [19:20] lool [19:20] ele ñ sabe q é a bola q tem de entrar [19:20] * zOuK has joined #SLB [19:20] 7-0 [19:20] inter 3 porto 1 [19:20] gooooooooooollllloooooooooooooooooooooo [19:20] ups engano [19:20] ñ vos lembra nada [19:20] a mae do alient tinha as pernas abertas [19:20] * [S]aInT_VoDeViL is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [19:20] fazer downloads do site do fcp é Nacional ou INTERnacional ? [19:21] guimaraes 2 porto 0 [19:21] porto vai directamente pra final da ta;a [19:21] jogar com o travanca do monte [19:21] * |-AnOkAs-| has joined #SLB [19:21] * tallek has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [19:21] * [MindSex] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:22] * |-AnOkAs-| has left #SLB [19:22] * jottaxmile has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:22] calou-se [19:22] xD [19:22] se calhar ela tinha mm as pernas abertas [19:22] :p [19:22] ta a ver o video [19:22] :p [19:22] lololollo [19:23] * |NazGul has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:23] * SaLaMaLeCO has joined #SLB [19:23] * |NazGul has joined #SLB [19:23] * aTs0C has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [19:23] * Blueman21 has joined #SLB [19:24] GREV3N engholes ou fazes bolinhas? * [19:24] * centauro_00 has joined #SLB [19:24] * L-DeR` has joined #SLB [19:24] * DorchaFearg has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [19:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [19:24] * dNd has joined #SLB [19:25] bLuEcAp bochecho [] [19:25] 4 minutos de jogo trapatoni manda o homem de negro com uma bandeira aquecer [19:25] boas noites benfiquistas [19:25] * Suzyana has joined #SLB [19:25] * [Triple-X] has joined #SLB [19:25] os jogadores advertem-no dizendo q esse é o bandeirinha [19:25] * MegaLsd has joined #SLB [19:26] * Suzyana has left #SLB [19:26] ele diz q ñ faz mal [19:26] * [Triple-X] is now known as [CSM]Triple-X [19:26] Ou é de inveja.. [19:26] ou é de magoa.. [19:26] * PuTo_do_VodkA has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:26] GREV3N [19:26] da me op [19:26] @ [19:26] pois diz q é o q se mexe mais em campo [19:26] :p [19:26] e q merece entrar [19:27] bLuEcAp ate te dou dois [19:27] Tao KiDuXA [19:27] =] [19:27] da me voz [19:27] :p [19:27] já te calavas alient21.... [19:27] sou begger [19:27] * ]Shadow0[ has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [19:27] 4:30 minutos de jogo trapatoni ainda insiste em mandar o homem de negro com uma bandeira aquecer [19:28] o meu pseudonimo é Raptor2002_atrasado [19:28] :p [19:28] .b alient21 0 cansas-me [19:28] * bot sets mode: +b *!*@localhost [19:28] * alient21 was kicked by bot (Banned: cansas-me) [19:28] * Blueman21 was kicked by bot (Banned: cansas-me) [19:28] nukeeeeeeeee [19:28] * [19:28] :D [19:28] hi blue :) [19:28] * k4071c|OUT has been away for 30m • auto away after 20 minutes idling [19:29] * _Red_Devil_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:29] * Patozao has joined #SLB [19:31] * Argel|Dv is away, auto-away after 69 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [19:32] * zOuK has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:32] * _spectro_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [19:33] * Faked has joined #SLB [19:33] * Smirnoff-_-Ice] is away (Cya! *) [19:34] * [Miss_Thunder] has joined #SLB [19:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [19:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [19:35] * Viktor has joined #SLB [19:35] * HiOs o.O aka MaR¶u€s - ßacK fR0M : BBL - after : 5h 16m 9s O.o [19:36] * [|Flash|] has joined #SLB [19:36] * [|Flash|] has left #SLB [19:36] Hi! [19:36] * |skinneR| is now known as _|skinneR| [19:37] * _|skinneR| is now known as |skinneR| [19:37] * GeRmAn|OnE has joined #SLB [19:37] * GeRmAn|OnE has left #SLB [19:38] que dá hoje an SPortv? [19:39] * hot_stuff has left #SLB [19:39] na soprtbê? [19:39] * Fabio_ brb [19:39] na sportêbê keres tu dizer? [19:39] TV KAKA [19:39] e' melhor [19:39] * DaVinciCode has joined #SLB [19:39] ahh tvkaka ok , isso ja entendo [19:40] pahhh so amanha k eu saiba [19:40] na tvkaka so da a dar agora a sic radical [19:40] * [S]aInT_VoDeViL is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [19:41] * ^CrOw^ has joined #SLB [19:41] * _Diablo_ hasta []* [19:41] * _Diablo_ is now known as _Diablo_OFF [19:42] * S1lv3r has joined #SLB [19:42] * PhantomNorth has joined #SLB [19:42] * Karell has joined #SLB [19:42] * S1lv3r has left #SLB [19:42] * k4071c|OUT is back [44m 19s] [19:42] * k4071c|OUT is now known as Ka0s_Br1nGeR [19:43] * Karell boas noites [19:43] * GREV3N is away, auto-away after 15 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [19:44] Karell a mulher do jardel [19:44] :-X [19:44] caso n saibas [19:44] * |OmEgA_CrOw| has joined #SLB [19:44] * |OmEgA_CrOw| has left #SLB [19:44] a mulher do jarden é karen n é karel [19:44] karen* [19:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [19:44] * Jucka has joined #SLB [19:44] kgnjhmlfjkgh [19:44] * xuntouchablex has joined #SLB [19:44] * Jucka has left #SLB [19:44] LOLOLOLOL [19:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [19:45] * kahum has joined #SLB [19:45] vai dar à msm [19:45] * GREV3N is back after 1m 40s [19:45] :-X [19:45] tudo a ver [19:45] lógica da batata [19:45] * ]Shadow0[ has joined #SLB [19:46] * cortes has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [19:46] * ^CrOw^ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:46] * Nike27 has joined #SLB [19:46] * Nike27 has left #SLB [19:46] * CjohNNson has joined #SLB [19:46] * HighLight has joined #SLB [19:47] * HighLight has left #SLB [19:47] * [Cancel] has joined #SLB [19:47] a mulher do jarden n é karen nem é karel , é KUreina [19:48] * tympest69 has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [19:48] * MoNtAnA-GolD has joined #SLB [19:48] * MoNtAnA-GolD has left #SLB [19:48] * _ghanDI_ has joined #SLB [19:49] * _ghanDI_ has left #SLB [19:49] * bot has left #SLB [19:49] * bot has joined #SLB [19:49] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [19:49] * Zeus has joined #SLB [19:49] * Zeus has left #SLB [19:50] * tweeta-away is back after 51m 6s [19:50] * |AnnAh| has quit IRC (Killed ( (PUB,Flood or other Abuse))) [19:50] * gajo_lixado has joined #SLB [19:50] * tRiStAn has quit IRC (User has been banned) [19:50] * Jan_Koller has quit IRC (User has been banned) [19:51] * gajo_lixado has left #SLB [19:51] * [Miss_Thunder] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:51] * DrDeViL fdçe, eu n cnsg formatar o pc !!!!!! =X [19:51] <]Shadow0[> LOOOOOOOOOOOOOl [19:51] * bLuEcAp has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:53] * [T]sUbaSa has joined #SLB [19:53] * ChanServ sets mode: +o [T]sUbaSa [19:53] <[T]sUbaSa> bois [19:53] <[T]sUbaSa> ois [19:53] * Ka0s_Br1nGeR is away "I'm currently at a Pick Up (TAG)" • Log: on • Pager: off [19:53] * Ka0s_Br1nGeR is now known as k4071c|OUT [19:53] Mais vale morrer no parto do que nascer e ser lagarto fdx [19:53] * _Wildboy has joined #SLB [19:54] * _Wildboy has left #SLB [19:54] * [malukinho] has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [19:54] [T]sUbaSa Boiolas [[]] [19:54] * CJPA is back, boas [19:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [19:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [19:55] <[T]sUbaSa> =) [19:55] * DrDeViL is away: Treino!!! (DrDeViL off - BNC on) [19:55] * oculto_ has joined #SLB [19:55] * TuNiNGBoY has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [19:55] * |leviathan| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:56] * Enfadado has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:57] * Bomberjm has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST utilizado por Grav1tY))) [19:57] * whispert has joined #SLB [19:57] * whispert has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:57] * |skinneR| has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST utilizado por _|skinneR|))) [19:57] * xuntouchablex has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:58] * _Red_Devil_ has joined #SLB [19:58] * Unico has joined #SLB [19:59] * nikiana has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [19:59] * Rivolt has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [19:59] * Fabio_ is away (Not here =X) [19:59] * centauro_00 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:00] * xxl_69 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:00] * |skinneR| has joined #SLB [20:00] * Unico has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:00] * R_e_l_a_x DinA tIme [20:00] * Grav1tY has joined #SLB [20:00] * [Ultra-DV] Back [20:00] * [S]aInT_VoDeViL is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [20:01] * PaSsA-o-TrAvA has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:02] * idl3r has quit IRC (User has been banned) [20:02] * idl3r has joined #SLB [20:02] * Koala_18 has joined #SLB [20:02] * SaLaMaLeCO has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:03] * antibofia has joined #SLB [20:03] * Koala_18 has left #SLB [20:03] * d12 has joined #SLB [20:04] [T]sUbaSa [20:04] Jogo? [20:04] <- Dreager [20:04] * d12 is now known as DreageR [20:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [20:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [20:04] <[T]sUbaSa> ? [20:04] * dNd is now known as Angel [20:05] * [KinG_TreVaS] has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [20:05] [T]sUbaSa [20:05] CS... [20:05] * tweeta-away is away, auto-away after 15 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [20:05] Ja te esqueçes-te? [20:05] <[T]sUbaSa> ah ya [20:05] * MindTrap has joined #SLB [20:05] lol [20:05] <[T]sUbaSa> disseste jogo [20:05] Vamos? [20:05] <[T]sUbaSa> pensei k era do benfica [20:06] * Viktor is now known as ViCtor [20:07] * KapS is away, ( ( NN ) ) NO NAME BOYS ( ( NN ) ), (log\off pager\on) [20:07] [T]sUbaSa [20:07] Bora? [20:07] <[T]sUbaSa> agora? [20:07] <[T]sUbaSa> agoora n posso [20:07] * XmIr has joined #SLB [20:07] * polen- has joined #SLB [20:07] Ent [20:08] * XmIr has left #SLB [20:08] ? [20:08] Bah [20:08] * cortes has joined #SLB [20:08] * QuIkSiLvErB0Y has joined #SLB [20:08] * The_Devil has joined #SLB [20:08] * The_Devil has left #SLB [20:09] * SoulWatcheR has left #SLB [20:09] * |Gely| has joined #SLB [20:09] Tudo sobre o Glorioso é em: [20:09] * MarkinHu has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:09] * GREV3N is away, auto-away after 15 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [20:09] * Unak has joined #SLB [20:09] * GREV3N sets mode: -o GREV3N [20:10] * newyorkerr has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:10] * ViCtor fui... [20:10] * ViCtor has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:10] * HiOs dps da praia nd melhor k um treino :D [20:11] * bastordd has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [20:11] * HiOs o.O aka MaR¶u€s - away - Reas0N - : TR€iNaR O.o [20:11] * klone_boy has joined #SLB [20:11] * MeninaFeia has joined #SLB [20:11] * slb_faNN has joined #SLB [20:12] * |Prodigy| has joined #SLB [20:12] * klone_boy has left #SLB [20:12] * [palhas] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:13] * |AnnAh| has joined #SLB [20:13] * eYeballs is AFK, auto away after 60 minutes. [20:14] * JMA has joined #SLB [20:14] * KOMBATENTEEEEEE has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:14] * Enfadado has joined #SLB [20:14] * bastordd has joined #SLB [20:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [20:14] * gothen has joined #SLB [20:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [20:15] * Slim_Shady has joined #SLB [20:15] * d0c^ Boas! [20:15] * pedriouf_slb has joined #SLB [20:17] * Offspring On Samhain - I Am Misery [20:17] * tyago_luis has joined #SLB [20:17] * Offspring is now known as Samhain [20:18] * TuBaS has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:18] Mais vale morrer no parto do que nascer e ser lagarto fdx [20:18] * D-O-U-G-L-A-S has joined #SLB [20:19] * _Night_Master_ has joined #SLB [20:20] * slb_faNN has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [20:20] * Chris_Benoit has joined #SLB [20:20] * Chris_Benoit has left #SLB [20:20] * [S]aInT_VoDeViL is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [20:21] * [Hargreaves] has joined #SLB [20:22] * DreageR is now known as Teclado [20:22] * Teclado is now known as DreageR [20:22] * [Miss_Thunder] has joined #SLB [20:23] * k4071c|OUT has been away for 30m • I'm currently at a Pick Up (TAG) [20:23] * _Skillz_ has joined #SLB [20:24] * unexplored has joined #SLB [20:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [20:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [20:25] * Manny-Calavera [19:22] MANDAME CARALHO ----> o irc tá cada vez pior... ainda se fosse gaja [20:25] * Manny-Calavera was kicked by bot (Esse tipo de linguagem não é permitida, modera-te.) [20:25] * Manny-Calavera has joined #SLB [20:26] * ET_PsIcAdElIcO has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:26] * [Miss_Thunder] is away, dinner (log:yes\pag:yes) [20:26] * GirlDolphin has joined #SLB [20:26] * rapazz20 has joined #SLB [20:27] * |The_PreTenDer| has joined #SLB [20:27] * QuIkSiLvErB0Y is idle, automatically dead (l:on\p:on) [20:27] * oculto_ has left #SLB [20:28] * rapazz20 Boa noite!! [20:28] * L_Krdso has joined #SLB [20:28] * _DoRFMeiSTeR_ has left #SLB [20:28] * SLB1904 sets mode: -b *!*@localhost [20:28] :) [20:28] * ][Alex_PX][ has joined #SLB [20:28] * _|_RED_FISH_|_ has quit IRC (User has been banned) [20:28] * ][Alex_PX][ has left #SLB [20:29] * ejcc_2005_Canad has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:29] * |Una_StreGa| has joined #SLB [20:30] * DarkFury has joined #SLB [20:30] hj o mantorras faz 21 ou 22 anos? [20:30] * MarkinHu has joined #SLB [20:30] LOL [20:30] 30 [20:30] ;P [20:30] * DarkFury has left #SLB [20:30] 23 :) [20:30] * |The_PreTenDer| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:31] * bot has left #SLB [20:31] * bot has joined #SLB [20:31] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [20:31] :) [20:31] ta a fikar velhu.. [20:31] lol [20:31] * `ecl1ps- has joined #SLB [20:31] * [red_devil_69] has joined #SLB [20:31] * `ecl1ps- has left #SLB [20:31] * Samhain is now known as Offspring [20:32] * Faked has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [20:32] * Offspring YUPI 2ª FEIRA VOU A MINHA SEGUNDA AULA DE CODIGO!!!!! [20:32] * Unak has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:33] Offspring isso é a loucura total [20:33] * Ice_Ball has joined #SLB [20:33] tao nao e [20:33] * |NazGul is away, auto-away after 69 minutes, (log\on pager\on) [20:33] oh oh se é [20:33] * fais[a has joined #SLB [20:33] * Ice_Ball has left #SLB [20:33] * Manny-Calavera ai o caraças... agora tenho o meu pai a chatear-me pra sacar álbuns do roberto carlos... aiiiii [20:34] * D-O-U-G-L-A-S has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [20:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [20:34] * moon-girl21 has joined #SLB [20:34] * OTT0 has joined #SLB [20:35] * k4071c|OUT is back [41m 39s] [20:35] * k4071c|OUT is now known as Ka0s_Br1nGeR [20:35] * Bartolo_ has joined #SLB [20:35] * cybershark is away, auto-away after 20 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [20:35] alguem sabe quanto e q ta os bilhetes do jogo em setubal ? [20:35] * [MaLuKe] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:35] 25 euros os mais baratos [20:36] * Faked has joined #SLB [20:36] dasss q xulos do crl [20:36] 25 euros pa sentares o cu na pedra [20:36] pois é mm [20:36] mas so pelo meu benfica [20:37] faço isso e mt mais [20:38] * [bLiNd]MaN has joined #SLB [20:38] * [Ultra-DV] is away, Night!!! Ja volto, (log\off pager\off) [20:38] * [CyBeR_MaN] has joined #SLB [20:39] * Metzelder_ has left #SLB [20:39] ja n lhes chega encherem o estadio pela primeira e unica vez na epoca ainda cobram bue da guito [20:39] * TvR has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:39] ya [20:39] 25 euros fdx, mas q abuso [20:39] em englaterra é 5euros, 10 euros [20:39] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -o [T]sUbaSa [20:40] epa tens k te abituar os proximos jogos [20:40] * Offspring ! @pOh > NOJO NOJO NOJO! ÇLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [20:40] é o k da um gajo ser do maior clube de portugal [20:40] * hApOiSe has joined #SLB [20:40] ya [20:40] * hApOiSe has left #SLB [20:40] * [S]aInT_VoDeViL is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [20:41] * Lasac__boy has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [20:41] * PuTuH_duh_CrX has joined #SLB [20:41] * Manny-Calavera será que ele fica contente com o novo dos Hammerfall? :x [20:41] * PuTuH_duh_CrX has left #SLB [20:41] * gajo_lixado has joined #SLB [20:42] * R_e_l_a_x COFFe time [20:42] * R_e_l_a_x Cya Later [20:42] * blit has joined #SLB [20:43] * Manny-Calavera on Comme Restus - As bóias são noços amigos [20:43] * baby_girl2004 has joined #SLB [20:43] benfica = merda!!! [20:43] * [_vIrTuAl_] has left #SLB [20:43] fuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii [20:43] * blit has left #SLB [20:44] * CjohNNson has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [20:44] * SLB_CAMPEAO has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [20:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [20:44] * Fabio_ is away (Not here =X) [20:44] fogo eu n sou benfiquista!! sou do Maritimo.. mas se fosse do Benfica n permitia que viessem aki enxovlhar o clube e vcs n fazem nada. [20:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [20:45] lol [20:45] es mm 1 gajo_lixado [20:45] vese logo [20:45] * ]|V0N_DuTcH|[ has joined #SLB [20:45] ias bater neles [20:45] es mau! [20:45] duhhh [20:45] n conheces akela dika? maior k a noxa grandeza so a vossa inveja? [20:45] gajo_lixado o k é que tu fazias ? [20:45] n sabes o k é kickar?! [20:45] * [[Anonimo]] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:46] não [20:46] diz lá [20:46] o que é o "kickar" [20:46] então aprende campeão. [20:46] * OTT0 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:46] explika :) [20:46] pergunta ao teu op- [20:46] neps n me pagam pra te explicar. [20:46] * leoa1 has joined #SLB [20:46] * L_Krdso has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:47] * [StK] has joined #SLB [20:47] vem aki pessoal resondava-te de tudo, e dizias k gostavas RoLiz?! [20:47] * ||ReDeViL|| has joined #SLB [20:47] * JP19 has joined #SLB [20:47] gajo_lixado aki é um canal do slb se n és e estas aki pa gozares com ppl do benfica ! [20:47] olha vai po canal do maritimo e [20:47] * _Skillz_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:47] se n existir cria um [20:47] ja q percebes td de informatica e irc [20:48] * newyorkerr has joined #SLB [20:48] * d0c^ Shake..Shake..Shake that ass GIRL! [20:48] * {-Gonti-} está away -=- motivo: out [20:48] cá n me importo que enxovalhem o vosso clube eu só alertei pro ridiculo que é isso [20:48] no canal do meu clube entra um gajo do Nacional é logo posto na rua. [20:48] mto à frente pá! [20:49] * jvp8 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:49] * Manny-Calavera Devastation por cada preto extinto fika o mundo mais limpo ----> o/ [20:49] * zig0t0 has joined #SLB [20:49] gajo_lixado la pelos outros serem selvagens, [20:49] looool [20:49] n ker dizer k nos tambem o sejamos. [20:49] :) [20:49] * zig0t0 has left #SLB [20:49] mt mt a frente n haja duvida [20:49] á pois. [20:50] * alves- has joined #SLB [20:50] vem um gajo diz k benfica = merda, e vcs ficam todos babados [20:50] * Patozao está automaticamente away após 45 min(s) inactivo [20:50] * _|ASTERIX|_ has joined #SLB [20:50] * ChanServ sets mode: +b _|ASTERIX|_!*@? [20:50] * _|ASTERIX|_ was kicked by ChanServ (AKI SO SERES HUMANOS! OS CÃES FICAM AI FORA) [20:50] isso sim é k teve ser tar à frente. [20:50] óó toto ele bazou lg [20:50] * d0c^ oh naci Oriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiishas! [20:51] e bocas q vem de baixo n afectam [20:51] pois pois... inda teve de tempo de dizer Fuiiiiii [20:51] * sExUsLoNNgUs has joined #SLB [20:52] * [CyBeR_MaN] is away » Jantar ::. [20:52] * Bartolo_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:52] * Rivolt has joined #SLB [20:53] * B4NB4N has joined #SLB [20:54] * Achada_boy has joined #SLB [20:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [20:54] * alves- has left #SLB [20:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [20:54] * moon-girl21 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:55] Boas Noites [20:55] * Enfadado has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:55] * cifo_escoliose has joined #SLB [20:56] * bot has left #SLB [20:56] * bot has joined #SLB [20:56] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [20:56] * Ragazzo vai JaNtaR [20:57] * ||ReDeViL|| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:57] * JP19 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [20:58] * el_boss has joined #SLB [20:58] [ SLB ] MAIOR QUE A NOSSA GRANDEZA SÓ A VOSSA INVEJA [ SLB ] [20:58] * BrunOXP has joined #SLB [20:59] * O_castro has joined #SLB [20:59] * ucra has joined #SLB [20:59] * ucra has left #SLB [20:59] * [bLiNd]MaN is away, keyboard missing... (auto-away após 20 minuto(s) idle) (log:yes\pag:yes) [20:59] Tudo sobre o Glorioso é em: [20:59] * leoa1 has quit IRC (Killed ( (PUB,Flood or other Abuse))) [20:59] * bastordd has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:00] * KiNg_Of_Da_NaIt has joined #SLB [21:00] * Patozao está away (Te LoGo) [21:00] * ]_MaRtA_[ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [21:01] * _Pit_Bull_X_ has joined #SLB [21:01] * |-[RaP^BoY]-| hj vai ser so comer betas no garage (= [21:01] * [StK] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:02] * _RuI_cOsTA has joined #SLB [21:03] * [Cancel] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:03] * SLB_CAMPEAO has joined #SLB [21:03] * MeninaFeia has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [21:03] * MSA has joined #SLB [21:04] * Aardvark has joined #SLB [21:04] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Aardvark [21:04] * DFGN has joined #SLB [21:04] * OwnZz has joined #SLB [21:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [21:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [21:05] * Manny-Calavera on Hammerfall - Blood Bound [21:05] * SiNNce92 has joined #SLB [21:05] * pedriouf_slb has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:06] * |-[RaP^BoY]-| Parabens mantorras (= ... (tipo k ele vai ver :\) [21:06] * el_boss has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:07] * [[Anonimo]] has joined #SLB [21:07] * DFGN has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [21:07] * Aardvark sets mode: +b *!*@localhost [21:07] * baby_girl2004 was kicked by Aardvark (pub) [21:07] * NNtoxic has joined #SLB [21:08] * DreageR has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [21:08] * Enfadado has joined #SLB [21:09] * Ka0s_Br1nGeR has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:09] * ]_MaRtA_[ has joined #SLB [21:09] * Tesis has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [21:10] * EskiloKanibal has joined #SLB [21:10] * leoa1 has joined #SLB [21:10] * Achada_boy has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [21:10] * EskiloKanibal has left #SLB [21:10] * warstone has joined #SLB [21:10] * cortes has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:10] <_RuI_cOsTA> sadasdasf [21:10] áhhhhhhhhhhh leoa1 :P [21:10] * txico has joined #SLB [21:11] rapazz20 :D [21:11] * MONALIZA-49 has joined #SLB [21:11] * txico has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:12] * Bart_Tuga has joined #SLB [21:12] * MONALIZA-49 has left #SLB [21:13] * Bart_Tuga has left #SLB [21:13] * gRaNNdAmOkA has joined #SLB [21:13] * placeHF has joined #SLB [21:13] * [_|TheViruS|_] has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [21:14] * [S]aInT_VoDeViL has quit IRC (Connection timed out) [21:14] * placeHF has left #SLB [21:14] * gRaNNdAmOkA isto foi obra de socrates [21:14] * g0dg0ry has joined #SLB [21:14] * Rulezz has joined #SLB [21:14] FILHOS DA PUTAAAAAAAAAAAAA [21:14] * Rulezz was kicked by bot (Esse tipo de linguagem não é permitida, modera-te.) [21:14] * Rulezz has joined #SLB [21:14] FILHOS DA PUTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [21:14] * bot sets mode: +b *!*@localhost [21:14] * Rulezz was kicked by bot (Linguagem imprópria) [21:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [21:14] * _Batistuta_ has joined #SLB [21:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [21:15] * _Batistuta_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:15] * |-[RaP^BoY]-| e se me xuxaxem a pila? [21:15] * WildsmaN is now known as EuRoMaN [21:15] sinceramente nao percebo [21:15] * Sweatdream has joined #SLB [21:15] * Microemission Nero Introduces NeroLINUX, A Much Anticipated Optical Recording Solution for LINUX Users [21:16] é dor de coto por nos estarmos a disputar duas competiçoes e eles nenhuma ? [21:16] :| [21:16] * |Sean| has joined #SLB [21:16] * Mario22 has joined #SLB [21:16] * Mario22 has left #SLB [21:16] * gajo_lixado has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:17] * louco` has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [21:17] * louco` has joined #SLB [21:17] * hOpY is back after 2h 9m 37s [21:17] * |Una_StreGa| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:17] * Offspring o meu pai ta a ver canal panda LOL [21:17] * Drub has joined #SLB [21:18] * _RuI_cOsTA has left #SLB [21:18] * _Rodman_ oix [21:18] * Warrior_Gang has joined #SLB [21:19] * GirlDolphin has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:19] * aPa|x0n4da_ has joined #SLB [21:19] \o/ [21:19] * Sweatdream is now known as Moreiragirl_1 [21:19] * _Night_Master_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:19] * [nO_cOmMeNts] has joined #SLB [21:20] * louco` has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [21:20] * ]oX|Sasuke][ has joined #SLB [21:20] * louco` has joined #SLB [21:20] <]oX|Sasuke][> FCP SUKS [21:20] * MeninaFeia has joined #SLB [21:20] <]oX|Sasuke][> SCP AINDA SUKS PIOR [21:20] * Patozao has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [21:20] <]oX|Sasuke][> SLB AINDA SUKS MUITISSIMO PIOR [21:21] ]oX|Sasuke][ cala-te [21:21] * Aardvark sets mode: +b *!*@localhost [21:21] * ]oX|Sasuke][ was kicked by Aardvark (Entrada aqui só com convite) [21:21] * bot has left #SLB [21:21] * [T]sUbaSa has left #SLB [21:21] * [T]sUbaSa has joined #SLB [21:21] * bot has joined #SLB [21:21] * ChanServ sets mode: +o [T]sUbaSa [21:21] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [21:21] * antibofia has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:22] * _Exploited_ has joined #SLB [21:22] * leoa1 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:23] * _Exploited_ has left #SLB [21:23] * |Una_StreGa| has joined #SLB [21:23] * centauro_00 has joined #SLB [21:23] * DiAb|nHa^ has joined #SLB [21:23] * aPa|x0n4da_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:23] * [[Anonimo]] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:24] * NNtoxic has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [21:24] * ]_Jp_[ has joined #SLB [21:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [21:24] * DiAb|nHa^ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [21:25] * middle has joined #SLB [21:25] * mAsSiVe-ToWn has joined #SLB [21:25] * middle has left #SLB [21:25] * DvPluribus «21:24:52» ALguem sabe os nrs dos euros milhoes? ? [21:25] * adidas_boy has joined #SLB [21:25] eu sei crl [21:26] * the_kid has joined #SLB [21:26] * Fabio_ is away (Not here =X) [21:26] * ogaiT has joined #SLB [21:26] * ogaiT has left #SLB [21:26] DvPluribus 48 - 39 - 23 - 6 - 43 estrelas 5 e 7 [21:27] * [_Karadas_] has joined #SLB [21:27] * SoNg^ has joined #SLB [21:27] * joaom has joined #SLB [21:27] * DvPluribus numeros dos TOTO MELHOES 48 - 39 - 23 - 6 - 43 estrelas 5 e 7 [21:28] * D-O-U-G-L-A-S has joined #SLB [21:28] * _TeReXa has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:28] * D-O-U-G-L-A-S has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:28] * kahum has left #SLB [21:28] * joaom has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:28] * warstone has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:28] * SoNg^ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:28] * [_Karadas_] nem sai me o euromilhoes nem nada [21:29] * [_Karadas_] vai ver os numeros [21:29] * XpuritanX has joined #SLB [21:29] * [_Karadas_] 6 ;23;39;43;48 *s 5;7 [21:29] * [_Karadas_] saiu-me [21:29] * loftyboy has joined #SLB [21:29] * ChanServ sets mode: +b loftyboy!*@? [21:29] * loftyboy was kicked by ChanServ (banido do canal) [21:29] * |Gely| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:30] * [_Karadas_] sou milonario [21:30] fiz so o sete das estrelas [21:30] * [Miss_Thunder] is back! (1h 3m 42s) [21:30] * Lasac__boy has joined #SLB [21:31] * nervosinha has joined #SLB [21:31] * _KID_MASTER_ kem kiser BNC /q Polis têm é k pagar!! :) [21:31] * [CyBeR_MaN] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:31] * Grav1tY has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST utilizado por Bomberjm))) [21:31] o.O [21:31] * ]_Jp_[ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:31] <_KID_MASTER_> :o [21:31] <_KID_MASTER_> hello vacas * [21:31] <_KID_MASTER_> eskessi.m de vos comprimentar [21:31] * [21:31] <_KID_MASTER_> :) [21:31] LOL [21:32] * SacredBeast has joined #SLB [21:32] * Bomberjm has joined #SLB [21:32] Pois é meus amigos já falavam de bola [21:32] <_KID_MASTER_> :o [21:32] * OwnZz té já cromolas! * [21:33] * Bomberjm has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST utilizado por Grav1tY))) [21:33] * OwnZz has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:33] * fearthadark has joined #SLB [21:33] * [nO_cOmMeNts] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:33] * L_Krdso has joined #SLB [21:34] MANTORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSS [21:34] * fearthadark has left #SLB [21:34] <_KID_MASTER_> =X [21:34] * censured has joined #SLB [21:34] * EuRoMaN is now known as WildsmaN [21:34] * {FaLcOn} has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [21:34] * |_NePtUnE_| has joined #SLB [21:34] é pena é o [T]sUbaSa ser larilas [21:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [21:34] <_KID_MASTER_> lol [21:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [21:34] <_KID_MASTER_> RaPtoRa2005 * [21:34] <_KID_MASTER_> :o [21:34] * tweeta-away has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [21:35] * the_kid has left #SLB [21:35] <[T]sUbaSa> :( [21:35] * L_Krdso has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:35] * censured has left #SLB [21:35] <_KID_MASTER_> [T]sUbaSa girl * [21:35] <_KID_MASTER_> :) [21:35] * RaPtoR2005 plays - 16 - Rammstein - (encore) - Pav.Atlantico 09-11-2004 - (44KHz/256Kbps/4.07MB) [21:35] <[T]sUbaSa> [] [21:36] <_KID_MASTER_> epa n me apertes kom força [21:36] <_KID_MASTER_> :D [21:36] * RaPtoR2005 plays - 03 - Rammstein - Links 2 3 4 - Pav.Atlantico 09-11-2004 - (44KHz/320Kbps/8.44MB) [21:36] * L0uKo has joined #SLB [21:36] * Neptune has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [21:36] * RaPtoR2005 LINKS \o/ [21:36] * jcean has joined #SLB [21:37] * RaPtoR2005 marxa [21:37] * Rivolt has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:37] * jcean has left #SLB [21:37] * [_xerox_] has joined #SLB [21:37] * moon-girl21 has joined #SLB [21:37] * [Nuts] diz boa noite [21:37] * fais[a has left #SLB [21:38] * Confidant has joined #SLB [21:38] * KGB_1 has joined #SLB [21:38] * Confidant has left #SLB [21:39] * louco` has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [21:39] * Bomberjm has joined #SLB [21:39] * louco` has joined #SLB [21:39] * neck has joined #SLB [21:39] * centauro_00 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [21:40] * |_buLLsEyE_| has joined #SLB [21:41] * milton has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:41] * Offspring is away, este mundo, é so farpalhas por ai., (log\on pager\on) [21:41] * Verne has joined #SLB [21:41] * Red-Blood has joined #SLB [21:41] * SWAT Boas noites :) [21:42] alg tem akela cena do fcp sakas traf INter e Nacional a 4.0 e 3.1kb? ? lol [21:42] o textu lolol [21:42] * Numb_Toes has joined #SLB [21:42] * rapazz20 is away, Jantar!!, (log\off pager\off) [21:42] * DarK||AngeL has joined #SLB [21:43] * MaRiU has joined #SLB [21:43] * m|ke has joined #SLB [21:43] * moon-girl21 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:44] * DNAM has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [21:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [21:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [21:45] * Red-Blood has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:45] * DJ-HUGABUGA has joined #SLB [21:45] * Numb_Toes has left #SLB [21:45] * os_corvos has joined #SLB [21:46] * PxO_boY has joined #SLB [21:46] * _NhU_NhE_ has joined #SLB [21:46] * Splitt3r has left #SLB [21:47] * Robert_Pires_7 has joined #SLB [21:47] * PxO_boY has left #SLB [21:48] * {-Gonti-} está away desde 20:48 -=- motivo: out [21:49] * Aardvark has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:49] * DiAbItAxInHa has joined #SLB [21:49] Tudo sobre o Glorioso é em: [21:49] * Cout0 has joined #SLB [21:50] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -b _|ASTERIX|_!*@? [21:50] * wahwahboy has joined #SLB [21:50] * DiAbItAxInHa olaaaaaaa pexoal ***************** [21:51] * _TeReXa has joined #SLB [21:51] * Cout0 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:52] * bot sets mode: +o nuke [21:52] * MSA has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [21:52] * Jan_Koller has joined #SLB [21:52] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jan_Koller [21:52] * |Una_StreGa| is away, auto-away after 30 minutes, (log\on pager\on) [21:52] * collision_boy has joined #SLB [21:53] * tRiStAn has joined #SLB [21:53] * ChanServ sets mode: +o tRiStAn [21:53] * MeninaFeia has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:53] * Robert_Pires_7 has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [21:54] <_KID_MASTER_> tchi [21:54] <_KID_MASTER_> :| [21:54] * Bomberjm has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [21:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [21:54] * Robert_Pires_7 has joined #SLB [21:54] * |_Puto_SLB_| has joined #SLB [21:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [21:54] * ChanServ sets mode: +v |_Puto_SLB_| [21:55] * _KID_MASTER_ Alguem tem a musika do anuncio da Adidas?? kem tiver PVT!! [21:55] * katarinak has joined #SLB [21:55] * Drub has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:55] * Microemission A dúvida que tem abalado os portistas... no site oficial do FCPorto, os downloads contam como NACIONAL ou INTER??? Um porta voz do porto disse: Existe das duas maneiras, mas a contar com o NACIONAL, podem sacar a 4.0kb/s, e em INTER apenas a 3.1kb/s [21:56] * _NhU_NhE_ has left #SLB [21:56] * Mr_xXx has joined #SLB [21:56] Coninhas .\. [21:56] epah [21:56] eu até axo essa frase engraçada [21:56] * |_Puto_SLB_| boas noites a tds! [ ] *** [21:56] Saudaçoes Gloriosas Familia :P [21:56] mas pra kem apanhou 3 batatas do anderlecht.. [21:57] <|-xtazy-|> mas em casa.... [21:57] tao? [21:57] em casa jogam com 12? [21:57] olha q apanhar do anderlecht e apanhar do nacional n tem nada a ver!!! [21:57] <|_Puto_SLB_|> O_castro seria assim tão necessário relembrares isso!? =// [21:57] <|-xtazy-|> ya.....adeptos! [21:57] e logo 4 [21:57] lol [21:57] pois [21:57] :P [21:57] nao [21:57] é só p n nos afastarmos mt da realidd [21:58] o inter deste ano [21:58] * Korsch boa noite [21:58] nao é o mesmo do ano passado [21:58] * MaRiU has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [21:58] <|-xtazy-|> pois ta a 16 pontos do milan [21:58] <|-xtazy-|> lol [21:58] * neck has left #SLB [21:58] <|_Puto_SLB_|> Jan_Koller Mighell nuke tRiStAn [T]sUbaSa Polis O_castro Mr-Murder _KID_MASTER_ Korsch .. ena pah hj tá ka a malta td :) [[]]'s [21:58] <_KID_MASTER_> * [21:58] <_KID_MASTER_> lolol [21:58] |_Puto_SLB_| [[]]] [21:59] lol [21:59] [[]] [21:59] * [L]aMpIaO has joined #SLB [21:59] lol [21:59] ta mesmo [21:59] casa cheia :P [21:59] Hey |_Puto_SLB_| [] [21:59] <_KID_MASTER_> Polis, ja fizes.t akilo [21:59] * |-Linkin-Park has joined #SLB [21:59] <_KID_MASTER_> lol [21:59] hi puto [21:59] * _KID_MASTER_ is now known as AMO-TE`CLAUDIA [21:59] AMO-TE`CLAUDIA o kê? [21:59] * Warrior_Gang is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [21:59] Polis a foto [21:59] lol [22:00] ah [22:00] nao lol [22:00] lolol [22:00] AMO-TE`CLAUDIA essa claudia tem net? [22:00] tem [22:00] lol [22:00] nick? [22:00] <|_Puto_SLB_|> o maritimo ja perde em kasa.. [22:00] num dig0 [22:00] LOL [22:00] * DreageR has joined #SLB [22:00] <|_Puto_SLB_|> adivinhem kem marcou o golo do vitória.. [22:00] [ SLB ] MAIOR QUE A NOSSA GRANDEZA SÓ A VOSSA INVEJA [ SLB ] [22:00] * {silatromi} has joined #SLB [22:00] Jorginho? [22:00] :| [22:01] ups [22:01] LOl [22:01] * DV_GiRl_ has joined #SLB [22:01] [T]sUbaSa |_Puto_SLB_| ... [22:01] * SacredBeast has left #SLB [22:01] Ninguem pa cs? [22:01] eskessam [22:01] lol [22:01] <|_Puto_SLB_|> DreageR n kurto disso [ ]'s! [22:01] * [L]aMpIaO has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:01] * S20 has joined #SLB [22:01] * ChanServ sets mode: +v S20 [22:02] * bot has left #SLB [22:02] * bot has joined #SLB [22:02] * Robert_Pires_7 has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [22:02] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [22:02] <|_Puto_SLB_|> S20 olho desgraçado =P [ ]'s [22:02] * adidas_boy has left #SLB [22:02] * Maldini_ has joined #SLB [22:02] * Maldini_ has left #SLB [22:02] <|_Puto_SLB_|> AMO-TE`CLAUDIA vitória de guimarães.. ou eu tou enganado e n jogamos kom o setubal amanha!? [22:02] <|_Puto_SLB_|> LOL [22:02] puto [22:02] [[]] [22:03] * Znarzo is away, Descançar..., (log\off pager\on) [22:03] S20 |_Puto_SLB_| :P [[[]]] [22:03] * [_xerox_] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:03] GREV3N broda[[[]]] [22:03] <|_Puto_SLB_|> GREV3N mano [ ]'s mékié! [22:03] =D [22:03] |_Puto_SLB_| eu dps disse eskeçam [22:03] :| [22:03] lol [22:03] S20 [22:03] @@@ [22:03] <|_Puto_SLB_|> AMO-TE`CLAUDIA lol [22:03] DreageR arrotaste ? [22:03] * AMO-TE`CLAUDIA is now known as _KID_MASTER_ [22:03] nick foleiro [22:04] <|_Puto_SLB_|> _KID_MASTER_ kem marcou o golo foi mm o nosso Alex [22:04] !!!! [22:04] * |PJ_Ladd| has joined #SLB [22:04] <|PJ_Ladd|> o setubal n anda a jogar nd, mas amanha esfolam-se todos pra tentar tirar pontos ao benfica [22:04] DreageR ** [22:04] <_KID_MASTER_> |_Puto_SLB_|] heheh [22:04] <_KID_MASTER_> :) [22:04] |PJ_Ladd| o normal.. [22:04] * Kittin has joined #SLB [22:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [22:04] * LOKKO has joined #SLB [22:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [22:05] <_KID_MASTER_> GREV3N * [22:05] <|-xtazy-|> mas n ta a dar na sporttv pq? [22:05] nem existe relato nem nada [22:05] <|_Puto_SLB_|> |-xtazy-| tmb n percebo.. [22:05] * [22:05] <|_Puto_SLB_|> até é 1 jogo + ou - [22:05] pois e [22:05] <|_Puto_SLB_|> newyorkerr népia [22:06] o jogo e na madeira [22:06] <|-xtazy-|> indian wells? [22:06] ninguemsabe uma radio dela? [22:06] * DV_GiRl_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:06] de la [22:06] * [Ultra-DV] is back after 1h 28m 16s [22:06] * [Ultra-DV] Backk [22:07] * BRUTAL_KILLER has joined #SLB [22:07] * BRUTAL_KILLER has left #SLB [22:07] * SLB1904 sets mode: -b *!*@localhost [22:07] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -o [T]sUbaSa [22:08] * mAsSiVe-ToWn has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:08] * _Rodman_ is away (HUMAN PROCESS SHUT DOWN. AUTOMATIC SYSTEM INITIATED) [22:08] * [Ultra-DV] has left #SLB [22:08] * [Ultra-DV] has joined #SLB [22:08] <|PJ_Ladd|> a merda da sporttv em x de dar o maritimo-v.guimaraes vai-me dar jogos de rugby e jogos de tennis [22:08] <|PJ_Ladd|> ldskfçldsflçghdshlºd [22:08] * tyago_luis has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:08] * L0uKo has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:08] * ARG3L has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [22:09] pakek keres ver esses dois [22:09] * O_castro has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:09] tonhos? [22:09] * CyBeR7 has joined #SLB [22:09] * HuGo_RoCha has joined #SLB [22:10] * SpideR-Bob has joined #SLB [22:10] * TuBaS has joined #SLB [22:10] <|PJ_Ladd|> de certeza k ha mais gente e preferir esse jogo a um jogo de tennis [22:10] |PJ_Ladd| então se vai dar jogos de rugby vai dar o boavista [22:10] <|PJ_Ladd|> lool [22:11] * PatoBorracha has joined #SLB [22:11] * Bogas_SLB has joined #SLB [22:11] * Metzelder_ has joined #SLB [22:11] * |PJ_Ladd| Cubanos é a palavra mais sexy do Mundo. Começa em CU, acaba em anus, e ninguém me tira da cabeça q o B é d broche. [22:12] * |PJ_Ladd| was kicked by bot (Esse tipo de linguagem não é permitida, modera-te.) [22:12] * |PJ_Ladd| has joined #SLB [22:12] * BaNNdido has joined #SLB [22:12] * BaNNdido has left #SLB [22:12] * |Sean| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:12] * |_NePtUnE_| is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [22:13] * PatoBorracha AirÔ [22:13] * cybershark bacK [22:13] * Metzelder_ boas ppl! [22:13] * adidas_boy has joined #SLB [22:14] * |3Anel| has joined #SLB [22:14] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -b *!*@localhost [22:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [22:14] * Mister_Master has joined #SLB [22:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [22:15] * advisory- has joined #SLB [22:15] * HuGo_RoCha has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:15] Pois é meus amigos já falavam de bola [22:15] * And_1 has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [22:16] lol [22:16] * SpideR-Bob is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [22:16] o pessoal esta stressado [22:16] amanha temos uma final [22:16] * S20 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:16] * SWAT is away (Leaving...) [22:16] * Boy_Y is away (-DISCONNECTED-) [22:17] * Mister_Master has left #SLB [22:17] * B4NB4N has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:17] <|_Puto_SLB_|> |PJ_Ladd| LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL tás la! [22:17] lol [22:17] setuballllllllllllllllll [22:17] <_KID_MASTER_> oi? [22:17] <_KID_MASTER_> :\ [22:17] Jan_Koller Mighell nuke |_Puto_SLB_| tRiStAn _KID_MASTER_ |skinneR| RoLiZ [Ultra-DV] _-OutsideR-_ rApA Ola Porcas Da Montanha ** [22:17] * ChanServ sets mode: +o GREV3N [22:17] GREV3N * [22:17] GREV3N lol [22:17] <|_Puto_SLB_|> BrunOXP viva ao setubal.. prá semana [22:17] <_KID_MASTER_> @ [22:17] * GREV3N sets mode: +b *!*B???oXp@? [22:17] * BrunOXP was kicked by GREV3N (FRAGOZELA DE BAIXOOOOOOOOO ·42·) [22:17] <_-OutsideR-_> * [22:17] <_KID_MASTER_> toma lá javarda [22:17] * GREV3N sets mode: -o GREV3N [22:18] * LOKKO has left #SLB [22:18] <|_Puto_SLB_|> Mr_xXx URSO [ ]'S =p [22:18] =) [22:18] sou segurança agr |_Puto_SLB_| ... Ve-la como me falas :D [22:18] AWEEEEEEEEEEE [22:18] <|_Puto_SLB_|> LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [22:18] vou buscar o 106 Rally !!!!!!!!! [22:18] aweeeeeeeeeeee [22:18] <|_Puto_SLB_|> segurança tu? [22:18] :PPPPPPPP [22:18] ya filha [22:19] :) [22:19] <|skinneR|> Mr_xXx ** [22:19] <|_Puto_SLB_|> kem é o camelo do teu patrão? [22:19] * nervosinha has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [22:19] <|_Puto_SLB_|> LOOOOOOL [22:19] LOL [22:19] é um gajo k depositou o maximo de confiança e k ta a AMAR o meu serviço [22:19] :P [22:19] * sExUsLoNNgUs has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:19] <|_Puto_SLB_|> lol [22:19] <|_Puto_SLB_|> inda bem.. [22:19] xupssssssss [22:19] :D [22:20] im the best .. and fuck the rest [22:20] pena e k tenho k tar 8 horas em pe [22:20] :\ [22:20] mas ando a cata dos ucranias :P PORRADA NELES :D [22:20] <|skinneR|> cala-te noooooooooob Gnuuuuuuuuuuu Mr_xXx [22:20] :o [22:20] gnu [22:20] :o [22:20] <[Hargreaves]> k7 [22:21] 7 [22:21] k [22:21] * Ralph_Boy6 has joined #SLB [22:21] * Bogas_SLB has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:21] houve hoje algum jogo da sl? [22:21] <|_Puto_SLB_|> collision_boy tá a haver.. [22:21] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -b *!*@localhost [22:21] <|_Puto_SLB_|> maritimo x guimarães [22:21] kuanto ta? [22:22] * Bogas_SLB has joined #SLB [22:22] <|_Puto_SLB_|> 0-1 ao intervalo! [22:22] * |-Linkin-Park has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [22:22] fdx o guimaraes ta numa forma! [22:22] * _fabi0_ has joined #SLB [22:22] <|_Puto_SLB_|> ya [22:22] * _fabi0_ has left #SLB [22:22] <|_Puto_SLB_|> o Alex foi o autor do golo [22:22] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -o Jan_Koller [22:22] ainda bem ke ja jogamos kom eles [22:23] oh [22:23] * Dragus has joined #SLB [22:23] * [KinG_TreVaS] has joined #SLB [22:23] * JMA has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [22:23] o sportEM ainda tem de jogar com o braga, guimaraes, boavista... [22:23] ta bem fodidooo [22:23] * bot sets mode: +b *!*@localhost [22:23] * TuBaS was kicked by bot (Linguagem imprópria) [22:23] * A_bEnFiKiStA has joined #SLB [22:23] Caguem a rir xD parece o voz do Carlos Cruz LLLLLLOOOOOLLLLLL VAO COM O RATO A CIMA DO BONECO ROXO [22:24] * wahwahboy has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:24] * [G]aP_ has joined #SLB [22:24] * CitY_HunteR has joined #SLB [22:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [22:24] <|_Puto_SLB_|> Mr_Twix LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [22:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [22:25] * |Una_StreGa| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:25] * DarK||AngeL has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:25] LOL [22:25] twix [22:25] LOL [22:25] <|_Puto_SLB_|> tinkiuinki, dipsi, lala, poll! [22:25] <|_Puto_SLB_|> LOL [22:25] LOOOOOOOOL [22:25] o roxo era o paneleiro [22:25] * GREV3N was kicked by bot (Esse tipo de linguagem não é permitida, modera-te.) [22:25] * GREV3N has joined #SLB [22:25] * ChanServ sets mode: +o GREV3N [22:25] nem ta mal [22:25] ya LLLLLLLLOOOOOOLLLLLLL [22:25] bot.. [22:26] <|_Puto_SLB_|> looooooooooooooooool [22:26] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -o tRiStAn [22:26] <|_Puto_SLB_|> GREV3N ja ng te kurte [22:26] guimaraes ta em grande! [22:26] <|_Puto_SLB_|> nem o otário do bot =P [22:26] ai kona da tia [22:26] vou indo [22:26] <|_Puto_SLB_|> Metzelder_ tá pois [ ]'s [22:26] ate ao Bar Na Bobadela [22:26] <|_Puto_SLB_|> fdxxxxxx [22:26] <|_Puto_SLB_|> este palvreado e n é kikado [22:26] venho dakenada la pas 2 ou 5 da manha [22:26] <|_Puto_SLB_|> tás a falhar bot do krl [22:26] hazta [22:26] ** [22:26] fuiiiiii [22:26] * KiNg_Of_Da_NaIt está away -=- motivo: ........................ [22:26] * tRiStAn has quit IRC (User has been banned) [22:26] * Jan_Koller has quit IRC (User has been banned) [22:27] <[Ultra-DV]> Mr_xXx [] [22:27] <|_Puto_SLB_|> Mr_xXx dá-le! []'s [22:27] * cool_k has joined #SLB [22:27] * Devilking has joined #SLB [22:27] * cool_k has left #SLB [22:28] * |_Nistelrooy_| has joined #SLB [22:28] |_Puto_SLB_| tou a ver que sim lol [22:28] e ate bazo [22:28] ate logo [22:28] :) [22:28] * GREV3N sets mode: -o GREV3N [22:28] * AaMoN has joined #SLB [22:28] * GREV3N is back after 2h 18m 57s [22:28] * GREV3N is away, not here, (log\off pager\on) [22:29] * MARTINI_MAN_X has joined #SLB [22:29] * MARTINI_MAN_X has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:29] * [_vIrTuAl_] has joined #SLB [22:29] <|_Puto_SLB_|> GREV3N até logo! [ ]'s [22:29] * Crazy_Susan has joined #SLB [22:30] cuecas bayona! [22:30] :)) [22:30] Vamos é beber um copo, ok? [22:30] * SLB1904 sets mode: -b loftyboy!*@? [22:30] * [Miss_Thunder] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [22:31] com ailerons matias... [22:32] * ManuGinobli20 has joined #SLB [22:32] * Man-31 has joined #SLB [22:33] * SLB29SLB has joined #SLB [22:33] * Man-31 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:33] * DeikonDhevin has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [22:34] * _KID_MASTER_ vai-se por na alheta! [22:34] * advisory- has left #SLB [22:34] * [_Karadas_] has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [22:34] * SweLL has joined #SLB [22:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [22:34] * SweLL has left #SLB [22:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [22:35] * ManuGinobli20 saiu o euromilhoes a alguem? [22:35] <_KID_MASTER_> saiu ao |_Puto_SLB_| [22:35] * DeikonDhevin has joined #SLB [22:35] <_KID_MASTER_> :) [22:35] * Karell has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:35] * |doce_pecado| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:35] * _big_baby_ has joined #SLB [22:36] * SLB1904 sets mode: -v Polis [22:36] * _big_baby_ has left #SLB [22:36] * _big_baby_ has joined #SLB [22:37] * Red-Blood has joined #SLB [22:38] * _big_baby_ has left #SLB [22:38] * X-Pippes has joined #SLB [22:38] * X-Pippes has left #SLB [22:38] * [KinG_TreVaS] is away, auto-away after 13 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [22:38] * _sMiLe_4mE_ has joined #SLB [22:38] * |_Nistelrooy_| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:38] * _sMiLe_4mE_ has left #SLB [22:39] Tudo sobre o Glorioso é em: [22:39] * Karell has joined #SLB [22:40] * [Miss_Thunder] has joined #SLB [22:40] * katarinak has left #SLB [22:40] * Ralph_Boy6 is away, auto-away after 20 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [22:40] * [Miss_Thunder] is away, busy (log:yes\pag:yes) [22:40] * L_Krdso has joined #SLB [22:40] * L_Krdso VENDO JOGOS ORIGINAIS DE PS2 --> GO TO PVT!!! [22:42] * moon-girl21 has joined #SLB [22:42] * A_bEnFiKiStA has quit IRC (Client exited) [22:42] * bengirl has joined #SLB [22:42] boa noite [22:42] * bastordd has joined #SLB [22:42] <|_Puto_SLB_|> tá a sair 1 kill para o L_Krdso por favor! [22:42] * Bogas_SLB has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:42] * collision_boy has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [22:42] <|_Puto_SLB_|> bengirl olha olha a menina **************************************** td bem!? :) [22:43] * No_Nick_4 has joined #SLB [22:43] * bot has left #SLB [22:43] * bot has joined #SLB [22:43] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [22:44] olá |_Puto_SLB_| ***************** jornalista lool [22:44] <|_Puto_SLB_|> lol [22:44] lolol [22:44] * L_Krdso has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:44] e olha o Mighell lol *************** [22:44] * ManuGinobli20 saiu o euromilhoes a alguem? [22:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [22:44] ManuGinobli20 saiume a mim :/ [22:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [22:44] * |PJ_Ladd| [22:45] * |PJ_Ladd| [22:46] * moon-girl21 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:46] * DNAM has joined #SLB [22:46] * |PJ_Ladd| LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [22:46] * KiNg_Of_Da_NaIt está away desde 22:26 -=- motivo: ........................ [22:47] * oluap has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [22:47] * DNAM boa noite [22:47] * ROSKOPH has joined #SLB [22:47] * toxicity_ has joined #SLB [22:47] * MardImmoEmpDark has joined #SLB [22:48] parabéns mantorras? [22:48] qts anos fez o jovem prodigio? [22:48] para aí 18 anos não [22:48] ? [22:48] * {-Gonti-} está away desde 20:48 -=- motivo: out [22:48] * v1RCiad0 has joined #SLB [22:48] <|-xtazy-|> de futebol, sim [22:48] * gkmc has joined #SLB [22:49] * unexplored has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [22:49] lol [22:49] * |PJ_Ladd| A FAMÍLIA MAFIOSA --> [22:49] * AngelMix has joined #SLB [22:50] * Sonekas has joined #SLB [22:50] pessoal amanha vai ser uma ganza do crl... vamos buscar os 3 pontos [22:50] * DreageR has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [22:50] * ^CrOw^ has joined #SLB [22:50] * the_kid has joined #SLB [22:50] <|_Puto_SLB_|> MardImmoEmpDark LOL no BI 23.. [22:50] <|_Puto_SLB_|> fez n.. Faz! [22:51] <|_Puto_SLB_|> k ainda n é meia noite! [22:51] ou ja fez [22:51] lol [22:51] çhgkjghc,jxjgcv [22:51] parabens ao mantorras!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [22:51] * gkmc has left #SLB [22:51] * |PJ_Ladd| has left #SLB [22:51] * ROSKOPH has left #SLB [22:51] <|_Puto_SLB_|> amanha marca GOLO outra vez! [22:52] bai po banco [22:52] * Sonekas oi ppl***************+ [] [22:52] :/ [22:52] <|_Puto_SLB_|> Metzelder_ n sei.. [22:52] * Gasparov has joined #SLB [22:52] <|_Puto_SLB_|> o trap n me deu a entender isso na konferÊncia de emprensa.. [22:52] msm k entra so jogara 6omin [22:52] <|_Puto_SLB_|> Metzelder_ tempo + k suficiente para resolver o jogo! [22:52] * Gasparov has left #SLB [22:52] <|_Puto_SLB_|> :) [22:52] * |AnnAh| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:52] bamos ber no k dara! [22:52] deus te ouça [22:52] <|_Puto_SLB_|> 64' Maritimo 0 - 1 Vitoria Guimaraes [22:52] * No_Nick_4 has left #SLB [22:53] * _|_The_Ghost_|_ has joined #SLB [22:53] * Sonekas has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [22:53] * cifo_escoliose has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [22:53] * Tyson has joined #SLB [22:53] * PhantomNorth has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [22:54] * inexistente has joined #SLB [22:54] * BAR_DO_XINTRA has joined #SLB [22:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [22:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [22:56] * IdeiasAvulso has joined #SLB [22:56] * toxicity_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [22:57] * Red-Blood has left #SLB [22:57] * PhantomNorth has joined #SLB [22:57] * Bomberjm has joined #SLB [22:57] * xalita- has joined #SLB [22:57] * d0nE has joined #SLB [22:57] * IdeiasAvulso has left #SLB [22:57] * xalita- has left #SLB [22:58] hi [22:58] Mighell nuke |_Puto_SLB_| ** [22:58] hi d0nE [22:59] <|_Puto_SLB_|> d0nE viva [ ]'s [22:59] * nuke sets mode: -o Mighell [22:59] * nuke sets mode: +o |_Puto_SLB_| [22:59] * RuiGamito has joined #SLB [23:00] * DeikonDhevin has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:01] * ]Shadow0[ has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [23:01] * KGB_1 has left #SLB [23:02] * Tyson on Hypocrisy - Into the Abyss [23:02] * f_jay has joined #SLB [23:02] * KGB_1 has joined #SLB [23:02] * |_buLLsEyE_| has left #SLB [23:02] * f_jay has left #SLB [23:02] =mente d0nE lol [23:02] nuke ;x [23:02] <|_Puto_SLB_|> lol [23:03] * QuIkSiLvErB0Y has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:03] * [StK] has joined #SLB [23:03] * darkmaniac has joined #SLB [23:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [23:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [23:05] * [G]aP_ has left #SLB [23:05] * bastordd has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [23:05] * |3Anel| has left #SLB [23:06] * _Batistuta_ has joined #SLB [23:06] * Nuno_20 has joined #SLB [23:06] * |X|-Centric has joined #SLB [23:06] * Nuno_20 has left #SLB [23:06] * KiNg_Of_Da_NaIt está away desde 22:26 -=- motivo: ........................ [23:06] * HaSuRa has joined #SLB [23:07] Glorioso só há um, é o Benfica e mais nenhum! [23:08] * TITE has joined #SLB [23:08] * geno has joined #SLB [23:08] como está o boavista? [23:08] * geno has left #SLB [23:08] ????????????? [23:08] * V14 has joined #SLB [23:09] llllllooooooooollllllll [23:09] * Bomberjm has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [23:09] <|_Puto_SLB_|> LOL [23:09] <|-xtazy-|> 81' Maritimo 1 - 1 Vitoria Guimaraes [23:09] * _Batistuta_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:09] * MiCz has joined #SLB [23:11] * MiCz has left #SLB [23:11] * moon-girl21 has joined #SLB [23:11] * shinzy^ has joined #SLB [23:11] <|_Puto_SLB_|> http://ww* [23:12] * hOpY is away, wwe, (log\on pager\on) [23:12] * Metzelder_ has left #SLB [23:12] * [Hargreaves] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [23:12] * guldenpfennig has joined #SLB [23:13] * bot has left #SLB [23:13] * bot has joined #SLB [23:13] * moon-girl21 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:13] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [23:13] * KGB_1 has quit IRC (Killed ( (PUB,Flood or other Abuse))) [23:13] tarde de quinta feira, tolerancia de ponto [23:14] * other_side has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [23:14] * ramstein has joined #SLB [23:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [23:15] VITORIA DE SETUBAL 5 EKIPA DE MERDA 0 [23:15] * Bomberjm has joined #SLB [23:15] * HiOs o.O aka MaR¶u€s - ßacK fR0M : TR€iNaR - after : 3h 4m 29s O.o [23:15] * skillz_Lv has joined #SLB [23:15] LOL [23:15] * [Red_Devil] has joined #SLB [23:15] ramstein .... SHUT UP [23:15] era porreiro :) [23:16] FUCK YOU [23:16] * MardImmoEmpDark has left #SLB [23:16] * |_Puto_SLB_| sets mode: +b *!*inkfloyd4@localhost [23:16] * ramstein was kicked by |_Puto_SLB_| (Not enough memory to displ ·232·) [23:16] <|-xtazy-|> 87' Maritimo 1 - 2 Vitoria Guimaraes [23:17] * [StK] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:17] * |_Puto_SLB_| golooooooooo guimarães 88 min maritimo 1 - 2 guimarães [23:17] * [Hargreaves] has joined #SLB [23:17] <|-xtazy-|> alex [23:17] <|-xtazy-|> outra x [23:17] fdx [23:17] <|-xtazy-|> yeaaah [23:17] * [HND] has joined #SLB [23:17] * ManuGinobli20 has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [23:17] <|_Puto_SLB_|> tá maluko o homem [23:17] <|_Puto_SLB_|> LOL [23:17] o guimaraes esta em alta [23:17] <|_Puto_SLB_|> a bisar! [23:17] * |_Puto_SLB_| Alex a BISAR! [23:17] * __GOIS__ has joined #SLB [23:17] * RuiGamito is away, Dinner Time, (log\off pager\on) [23:17] <|-xtazy-|> fica a 2 pontos dos lagartos [23:17] <|-xtazy-|> ehhhe [23:17] alex teve boa escola [23:17] um ano a evoluir [23:17] no glorioso [23:18] * Anjinha-Caluxa has joined #SLB [23:18] * shinzy^ has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [23:18] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -b *!*B???oXp@? [23:18] * Da`ShuRkz has joined #SLB [23:19] * Korsch is away, brb, (log\off pager\on) [23:20] * Dragus has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [23:20] * Nicolino has joined #SLB [23:20] * |_Pacheco_| has joined #SLB [23:20] * |_Pacheco_| has left #SLB [23:20] * KGB_1 has joined #SLB [23:20] * guldenpfennig has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:21] * ]S|{Y[ has joined #SLB [23:21] * ]S|{Y[ has left #SLB [23:21] * |BrUnO| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:21] * deviL][ has joined #SLB [23:21] * |_Puto_SLB_| is away, not here, (log\off pager\off) [23:22] * _|_The_Ghost_|_ is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [23:22] * |_Puto_SLB_| sets mode: -v |_Puto_SLB_| [23:22] * |_Puto_SLB_| sets mode: -o |_Puto_SLB_| [23:22] * |_Puto_SLB_| is back after 8s [23:22] * |_Puto_SLB_| is away, not here, (log\off pager\off) [23:22] * PatoBorracha is away, auto-away after 68 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [23:22] * [_xInA_] has joined #SLB [23:22] * [[Johnny]] has joined #SLB [23:23] * Nicolino has left #SLB [23:23] * ]_MaRtA_[ has left #SLB [23:23] * SLB1904 sets mode: -b *!*@localhost [23:24] * DrDeViL is back after 3hrs 28mins 35secs [23:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [23:24] * Bomberjm has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST utilizado por Grav1tY))) [23:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [23:25] * DrDeViL Bem... vou dormir !!! [23:25] * DrDeViL is away:  (DrDeViL off - BNC on) [23:25] * DrDeViL is back after 1sec [23:26] * darkmaniac F [23:26] * KiNg_Of_Da_NaIt está away desde 22:26 -=- motivo: ........................ [23:27] * Mystica| has joined #SLB [23:27] * _TeReXa has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [23:27] * deviL][ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:27] * DoC-DeViL has joined #SLB [23:28] * d0nE brb [23:28] * Grav1tY has joined #SLB [23:28] * Exilion has joined #SLB [23:28] * Exilion has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [23:29] * jvp8 has joined #SLB [23:29] * Grav1tY has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST utilizado por Bomberjm))) [23:29] * SWAT xD [23:29] * BuNiNhU has joined #SLB [23:29] Tudo sobre o Glorioso é em: [23:29] * _rapt0r_ has joined #SLB [23:30] * _rapt0r_ has left #SLB [23:30] * BuNiNhU has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [23:30] * SLB29SLB has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:30] * SpideR-Bob has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:30] <|-xtazy-|> sporting 42 [23:30] <|-xtazy-|> vitoria 40 [23:30] <|-xtazy-|> hehe [23:30] <|-xtazy-|> pra semana passam [23:31] * Anjinha-Caluxa has left #SLB [23:31] * the_kid has left #SLB [23:31] * Crazy_Susan has left #SLB [23:31] * HugoViana25 has joined #SLB [23:31] * gothen has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [23:32] * Lasac__boy has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:32] 28 de Fevereiro de 1904 - Uma data Memoravel para a Nação Benfiquista [23:32] <[[Johnny]]> guimaraes ganhou? [23:33] * HugoViana25 has left #SLB [23:33] * Bomberjm has joined #SLB [23:33] * Xutos_man has joined #SLB [23:33] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -o nuke [23:34] * bot sets mode: +m [23:34] * [[Anonimo]] has joined #SLB [23:34] * AngelMix has left #SLB [23:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [23:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [23:35] * TITE has left #SLB [23:35] * [_xInA_] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:35] * DJ-HUGABUGA has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:35] * _Red_Devil_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:36] * _TeReXa has joined #SLB [23:37] * Ragazzo has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [23:37] * syskro has joined #SLB [23:38] * bot has left #SLB [23:38] * bot has joined #SLB [23:38] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [23:38] * syskro has quit IRC (Killed ( (PUB,Flood or other Abuse))) [23:38] * Ralph_Boy6 has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [23:38] * Moreiragirl_1 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:39] * Devilking has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:40] * Dizzymu has joined #SLB [23:40] * SLBoy has joined #SLB [23:40] * _BaDameko has joined #SLB [23:40] * Peixinho has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (valid LOGIN received))) [23:40] * SLBoy is now known as Peixinho [23:41] * Dizzymu has left #SLB [23:41] * syskro has joined #SLB [23:41] * MegaLsd has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:42] * GTE04 has joined #SLB [23:44] * |-xtazy-| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:44] * [Miss_Thunder] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:44] * Xutos_man has left #SLB [23:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [23:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [23:46] * arvore_das_pata has joined #SLB [23:46] * Tyson has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:46] * MegaLsd has joined #SLB [23:47] * NN_BoY_NN has joined #SLB [23:47] * ChanServ sets mode: +v NN_BoY_NN [23:47] * [Hargreaves] has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [23:48] * syskro has quit IRC (Killed ( (PUB,Flood or other Abuse))) [23:48] * gladiadores has joined #SLB [23:48] * gladiadores has left #SLB [23:48] * kamarate85 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:49] * _Diablo_OFF is now known as _Diablo_ [23:50] * [Red_Devil] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:50] * gladiadores has joined #SLB [23:50] * adidas_boy has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:51] * Drub has joined #SLB [23:51] * gladiadores has left #SLB [23:52] * _-OutsideR-_ has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST utilizado por _MiNdLeSs_))) [23:52] * NN_BoY_NN has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:52] * _MiNdLeSs_ has joined #SLB [23:53] * gaudenzi has joined #SLB [23:53] * gaudenzi has left #SLB [23:54] * Mystica| has left #SLB [23:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [23:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [23:55] * PhantomNorth has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [23:55] * DreageR has joined #SLB [23:55] * HaSuRa has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:56] * _MiNdLeSs_ is now known as _-OutsideR-_ [23:57] * deadmarsh19 has joined #SLB [23:58] * PeRfOrCe has joined #SLB [23:58] * Enfadado has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [23:59] * KGB_1 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) Session Time: Sat Mar 19 00:00:00 2005 [00:00] * syskro has joined #SLB [00:00] * _Diablo_ is now known as _Diablo_OFF [00:00] * syskro has left #SLB [00:00] * [CSM]Triple-X is now known as [Triple-X] [00:00] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Mighell [00:00] * Mighell sets mode: -m [00:00] 28 de Fevereiro de 1904 - Uma data Memoravel para a Nação Benfiquista [00:00] * [HND] has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [00:00] * TuKyS has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:01] * PeRfOrCe has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:01] * Mighell changes topic to '8,4 SuperLiga:0 Setúbal x SLB (HOJE/21:15/TVI) INVASÃO A SETÚBAL! | 8PARABÉNS MANTORRAS! 0|4,0' [00:01] * RuiGamito has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:02] * ordep has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST utilizado por ordep`))) [00:02] só cmg mesmo fdç [00:02] * [Ultra-DV] Porque é que o Sporting vai passar a ser patrocinado pela BP? R: Pk a BP dá pontos!!! ROTFLLLLLLLLLLL [00:02] * [_|TheViruS|_] has joined #SLB [00:02] em cada lagarto ha um paneleiro msm [00:02] * rapazz20 was kicked by bot (Esse tipo de linguagem não é permitida, modera-te.) [00:02] * rapazz20 has joined #SLB [00:02] fdx [00:02] <[[Johnny]]> lol [00:02] <[Ultra-DV]> loool [00:02] os anos do mantorras ja foi ontem, lol [00:02] * [_|TheViruS|_] Quem tem ADSL da Telepac ? [00:03] * syskro has joined #SLB [00:03] * syskro | :D [00:03] * ordep has joined #SLB [00:04] * [Triple-X] is away ({- PsYbNc = ON ! Eu = OFF -}) [00:04] * {silatromi} has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [00:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [00:04] * [Ultra-DV] Sabem qual é a diferença entre o sporting e o salário minimo? R: A diferença é que no salario minimo a pessoa ganha, ganha, ganha e n compra nada e o sporting compra, compra, compra e não ganha nd!! rotfllllllllll [00:05] * rapazz20 bem vou bazar! desiludido! Pessoal do DV uma optima Invasao amanha! [[]] e *** [00:05] * Slim_Shady has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [00:06] * BaKaNu has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:06] * KiNg_Of_Da_NaIt está away desde 22:26 -=- motivo: ........................ [00:07] * syskro has quit IRC (Killed ( (PUB,Flood or other Abuse))) [00:08] * aLeMa0_92 back [00:09] * CyBeR7 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:11] * __GOIS__ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:11] * m|ke has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [00:13] * _Dead_Star_ has joined #SLB [00:13] * [[Carochinha]] has joined #SLB [00:14] * syskro has joined #SLB [00:14] * lightning_crash has joined #SLB [00:14] * IntensoNightly has joined #SLB [00:14] -syskro:#slb- Novo site ANTI-FCP E ANTI-SCP EM [00:14] * bot sets mode: +b *!Nickname@localhost [00:14] * syskro was kicked by bot (So é permitido o uso de notices para o canal por @ & +) [00:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [00:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [00:15] * lightning_crash has left #SLB [00:15] * [[Carochinha]] has left #SLB [00:15] * Dark_Lord6996 has joined #SLB [00:15] * _Dead_Star_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:15] * [[Anonimo]] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:16] * Robben11 has joined #SLB [00:16] <[[Johnny]]> syskro [00:16] <[[Johnny]]> sou benfikista [00:16] <[[Johnny]]> nao sou anti nada [00:16] * Robben11 has left #SLB [00:16] <[[Johnny]]> ou anti kualker coisa [00:16] ele nao te esta a ler [00:16] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -b *!*inkfloyd4@localhost [00:16] * Luso has joined #SLB [00:16] <[[Johnny]]> pois nao [00:16] <[[Johnny]]> :| [00:17] * Loonatico has joined #SLB [00:17] * [[Anonimo]] has joined #SLB [00:17] * kyno has joined #SLB [00:17] * m|ke has joined #SLB [00:19] * rapazz20 SIC [00:19] * Luso boas [00:19] Tudo sobre o Glorioso é em: [00:20] rapazz20 SIC ?? [00:20] pq [00:20] ?? [00:20] * Verne has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [00:20] ve [00:20] * lightning_crash has joined #SLB [00:20] * lightning_crash has left #SLB [00:21] * dArK_sIdE| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:21] * bot has left #SLB [00:21] * bot has joined #SLB [00:21] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [00:21] * [_|TheViruS|_] has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [00:22] * [sp]osiris has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:23] * kry has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:23] * _TeReXa has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [00:23] * DvPluribus Visita o nosso forum de humor desportivo  registate e deixa os teus comentarios....  [00:23] * pinocas has joined #SLB [00:24] * deadmarsh19 has left #SLB [00:24] * rapazz20 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [00:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [00:25] * navegador1971 has joined #SLB [00:25] * [_xerox_] has joined #SLB [00:25] * Loonatico has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:26] * v1RCiad0 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:26] * pinocas has left #SLB [00:26] * Tommy_Franks has joined #SLB [00:26] * [KinG_TreVaS] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [00:26] * KiNg_Of_Da_NaIt está away desde 22:26 -=- motivo: ........................ [00:26] * Polis has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [00:27] * Dark_Lord6996 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:27] * ReptileSD has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [00:27] * [[Anonimo]] has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST utilizado por [[Conhecido]]))) [00:27] * _KID_MASTER_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [00:27] * [[Anonimo]] has joined #SLB [00:27] * [vicius] has joined #SLB [00:28] <[vicius]> [00:28] * [vicius] was kicked by bot (Spam) [00:28] * bot sets mode: +b *!*@localhost [00:28] * |skinneR| has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [00:28] * Tommy_Franks has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [00:28] * navegador1971 has left #SLB [00:29] * trafulha has left #SLB [00:29] * PaSsA-o-TrAvA has joined #SLB [00:30] * Luso has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:31] * aLeMa0_92 is away (sempre a mesma merda.. PO KRL!) [00:32] * [3m4Nu3L] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [00:32] * aLeMa0_92 is back (00:31:04) [00:33] * Jan_Koller has joined #SLB [00:33] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jan_Koller [00:33] * tRiStAn has joined #SLB [00:33] * ChanServ sets mode: +o tRiStAn [00:34] * CitY_HunteR has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [00:34] * Nhunhu has joined #SLB [00:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [00:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [00:34] * _SEV7N_ has joined #SLB [00:35] * |skinneR| has joined #SLB [00:36] ja vi [00:36] este canal [00:36] em melhores [00:36] dias... [00:36] * lolitaluz has joined #SLB [00:36] * to30 has joined #SLB [00:36] * lolitaluz has left #SLB [00:36] * _FiReStArtEr21_ has joined #SLB [00:36] * ]|V0N_DuTcH|[ ... <--- ROTFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ahhah MORRIIIIIIIIIIIIII xDDD [00:36] * Becas has joined #SLB [00:36] boas pessoalllllllll do slb [00:37] * Becas has left #SLB [00:37] * dAni[sLB] is back after 1d 28m 4s [00:37] * to30 has left #SLB [00:37] * redsaint has joined #SLB [00:38] * redsaint has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:38] * centauro_00 has joined #SLB [00:38] boas noites [00:38] Por outro lado, reafirmou que a liderança do Benfica deve-se ao facto de ser beneficiado pelas arbitragens. «Se estamos a três pontos do actual líder é porque, realmente, ainda não inventaram o apito encarnado para analisar a forma como o Benfica ganhou ao Estoril. Aquele penalty do Karadas vai para Guinness... E como empatou em casa com o Rio Ave com um fora-de-jogo que também vai para o Guinness; e como o modelo do golo irregular e de outras coisas que não [00:38] Glorioso só há um, é o Benfica e mais nenhum! [00:38] pinto da bosta no seu melhor xeio de azia [00:39] <[[Johnny]]> sim e o jogo com o porto tambem [00:39] <[[Johnny]]> 3 penalties e a bola k entrou e nao valeu [00:39] <[[Johnny]]> em guimaraees penalties inexistentes [00:39] <[[Johnny]]> agressoes do silva ao simao [00:39] SIM e o jogo deles com o belem tambem no lançe k o lourenço foi impedido de rematar pelo ricardo costa...penalty nao assinalado! [00:39] <[[Johnny]]> penalty sobre o sokota nao assinalado [00:39] <[[Johnny]]> em leiria [00:39] <[[Johnny]]> etc.. [00:40] é melhor nem comentar o k este animalexko dizz [00:40] * arvore_das_pata has quit IRC (Killed ( (PUB,Flood or other Abuse))) [00:40] <[[Johnny]]> o mccharthy tb ja marcou fora d jogo sei la ktas vezes [00:40] <[[Johnny]]> este ano [00:40] k ideia... [00:40] axu k a arbitragem rouba a todos!! [00:40] <[[Johnny]]> este foi um ano [00:40] * HiOs has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:40] <[[Johnny]]> em k ninguem ta a ser benficiado [00:40] <[[Johnny]]> nem prejudicado [00:40] poix [00:40] * Zorro25 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:40] <[[Johnny]]> ta ela por ela [00:40] * Drub has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [00:40] * Kittin has left #SLB [00:40] * r4ndyort0n has joined #SLB [00:40] <[[Johnny]]> isso é k lhes causa impressao [00:41] <[[Johnny]]> pk eram sempre benficiados [00:41] * r4ndyort0n has left #SLB [00:41] por isso é k tá a ser tão desputao a super liga [00:41] epah mas ha k ver k o slb ta em 1º e ja ta a incomodar MTA tentativa falhada de gente [00:41] <[[Johnny]]> obviamente [00:41] <[[Johnny]]> em alvalade tb expulsaram mal o alcides [00:41] <[[Johnny]]> etc... [00:41] é por essas e por outras k em kk lugar a kk hora do Mundo o porto é mmmmeeerrddaaa [00:42] <[[Johnny]]> no jogo com o gil vicente penalty sobre o karadas [00:42] axu k quando o slb tá no topo os porcos fikam lixados!!!!e muito!!!! [00:42] * BioKiller has joined #SLB [00:42] * BioKiller has left #SLB [00:42] k arranjam senas pa desmoralizar [00:42] <[[Johnny]]> um gajo tem k komecar a assentar kdo somos prejudicados...keh para saber responder [00:42] <[[Johnny]]> senao eles falam a toa e ninguem lhes responde [00:43] <[[Johnny]]> o vieira e o veiga so falam no jogo do porto [00:43] axo mal [00:43] <[[Johnny]]> ate parece k nao houve mais jogos em k fomos prejudicados [00:43] poix [00:43] <[[Johnny]]> é como o seara na sic nao ve os jogos e nao sabe defender o benfica [00:43] * deadmarsh19 has joined #SLB [00:44] o karadas cuaker dia tem de meter as mãos nos bolços pa não fazer faltas!!! [00:44] kualker coisa apitam!!! [00:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [00:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [00:45] * AaMoN has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:45] * [Ultra-DV] is away, Ja venho!, (log\off pager\off) [00:45] * skid has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:45] * _[INFECTED]_ has joined #SLB [00:45] * Volumax has joined #SLB [00:45] * _SEV7N_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:46] * bot has left #SLB [00:46] * bot has joined #SLB [00:46] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [00:46] * _FiReStArtEr21_ has left #SLB [00:46] * nonpoint has joined #SLB [00:46] <[[Johnny]]> realmente depois d tantos anos de arbitragens vergonhosas [00:46] * _[INFECTED]_ has left #SLB [00:46] <[[Johnny]]> ainda teem a lata d falar nos arbitro [00:46] <[[Johnny]]> arbitros [00:46] <[[Johnny]]> looool [00:46] * Jagc has joined #SLB [00:46] * KiNg_Of_Da_NaIt está away desde 22:26 -=- motivo: ........................ [00:47] <[[Johnny]]> e o dias da cunha é igual [00:47] * moon-girl21 has joined #SLB [00:47] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -o Mighell [00:47] <[[Johnny]]> ja nao se deve lembrar dos penalties do acosta e dos livres do andre cruz [00:47] <[[Johnny]]> das piscinas do joao pinto [00:47] <[[Johnny]]> e dos penalties do jardel [00:47] <[[Johnny]]> akele na luz foi fantastico [00:48] * deadmarsh19 has left #SLB [00:48] * Nhunhu is away, auto-away after 15 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [00:48] * PhantomNorth has joined #SLB [00:48] foi pa foto!!! [00:48] lol [00:48] <[[Johnny]]> é o problema da falta d memoria [00:48] loooooooooooooooool [00:48] <[[Johnny]]> é normal em Portugal [00:48] têm de pensar antes de falar [00:48] as piscinas do joao pinto morri loooooooool [00:48] * [_xerox_] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:48] * jvp8 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:48] <[[Johnny]]> sao porcos,incoerentes,ladroes.. [00:48] <[[Johnny]]> etc.. [00:48] * DvPluribus ja nao aguenta os olhos... axo k vou pa cama.... [00:48] poix agora é o Liedson [00:49] <[[Johnny]]> o liedson pelo k eu ouvi ta lesionado nos joelhos [00:49] <[[Johnny]]> como é k nao ha d tar [00:49] <[[Johnny]]> cai 4239563490 vezes por jogo [00:49] <[[Johnny]]> e bate com os joelhos no chao [00:49] ora ai está [00:49] kloooooooooooooooooooooool [00:49] <[[Johnny]]> tem k se magoar [00:50] <[[Johnny]]> ainda no jogo com os ingleses la foi mais uma pranchada [00:50] mas andou a jogar lesionado [00:50] já não passam sem ele [00:50] <[[Johnny]]> deve ter agravado a lesao [00:50] <[[Johnny]]> e bateu com o joelho [00:50] <[[Johnny]]> sem niguem lhe tocar [00:50] <[[Johnny]]> enfim.. [00:50] * moon-girl21 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:50] [[Johnny]] [] [00:50] fdss [00:50] os topics [00:50] devia ter lesão na cabeça pa não marcar tantos golos [00:50] dos canais [00:50] gays [00:50] gay [00:50] e todo [00:50] oh pah [00:50] <[[Johnny]]> gRaNNdAmOkA [] [00:51] xeguei [00:51] SPORTINGGGGGGGG [00:51] looool [00:51] Oo [00:51] * aLeMa0_92 was kicked by bot (Esse tipo de linguagem não é permitida, modera-te.) [00:51] !!! [00:51] * aLeMa0_92 has joined #SLB [00:51] * TonySoprano has joined #SLB [00:51] aLeMa0_92 atençao as asneiras [00:51] <[[Johnny]]> este nem sabe o k disse [00:51] * V14 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:51] <[[Johnny]]> tas confuso [00:51] BENFICA!!!!!!!!! [00:51] * StuntmaNN has joined #SLB [00:52] Mr_xXx .. [00:52] e depois o scp tem la 1 central preto k foi pa la contrariado e só dizia eu na ker ir [00:52] este ano só peço o campionato [00:52] aLeMa0_92 diz [00:52] <[[Johnny]]> BAR_DO_XINTRA mas é bom [00:52] <[[Johnny]]> esse enakarire e bom central [00:52] temos melhor [00:52] (SLB) E Pluribus Unum (SLB) [00:52] <[[Johnny]]> tens? [00:52] k o eu nao kero ire [00:52] <[[Johnny]]> nao sei se é melhor [00:52] * Polis has joined #SLB [00:52] oh caes ... nao me falam? XEGUEI ! [00:52] o alcides xega pa ele [00:53] so o alidesw [00:53] pra mim é o melhor central [00:53] * kiko26 has joined #SLB [00:53] pra mim atençao [00:53] <[[Johnny]]> o alcides? [00:53] sao opinioes! [00:53] pra ti pode nao ser [00:53] mas eu adoro o alcides [00:53] <[[Johnny]]> o alcides é bom [00:53] o alcides tem um grande futuro [00:53] é muito bom [00:53] <[[Johnny]]> mas o enakarire neste momento é mais seguro [00:53] nepia [00:54] * Polis Boas [00:54] <[[Johnny]]> isso é o teu faxiosismo [00:54] <[[Johnny]]> ve bem os jogos k ele faz [00:54] * ]|V0N_DuTcH|[ is now known as ][_SCHOTT_][ [00:54] * Bono has joined #SLB [00:54] daki pouco tas-me a dizer k o pato do ricardo é melhor k o moreira ou k o quim! [00:54] <[[Johnny]]> o alcides teve jogos mto trapalhoes [00:54] <[[Johnny]]> o ricardo ta uma miseria [00:54] * SiNNce92 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:54] o ricardo ás vezes sofre golos [00:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [00:54] fg!!! [00:54] o ricardo É uma miseria [00:54] * Bono has left #SLB [00:54] é a vergonha de PT [00:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [00:54] ele nunca foi bom [00:55] * papao-23 has joined #SLB [00:55] <[[Johnny]]> o ricardo do boavista nao tem nada a ver com ricardo do sporting [00:55] * ]ChAnCe[ has joined #SLB [00:55] <[[Johnny]]> ainda bem k nao veio para ca [00:55] * ][_SCHOTT_][ has quit IRC (Killed: PUB,Flood or other Abuse) [00:55] poix [00:55] podes crer [00:55] o problema é k esse ricardo é lamp e ta contrariado no scp [00:55] * L-DeR` has left #SLB [00:55] entao toka a deixar entrar bolas [00:55] <[[Johnny]]> eu sei kual é o problema dele [00:55] eu deixava o ricardo ir embora de pt [00:55] tRiStAn calat toninho ... tou farto de te ouvir mulher [00:55] <[[Johnny]]> ta a ganhar bom dinheiro [00:55] e tu tb Jan_Koller [00:55] <[[Johnny]]> [00:55] calat [00:56] =O [00:56] <[[Johnny]]> se viesse para o benfica fazia o mesmo [00:56] <[[Johnny]]> p isso ainda bem k nao veio [00:56] * Hooltra92 has left #SLB [00:56] e pensa k só por tar na seleção é muito bom [00:56] * moon-girl21 has joined #SLB [00:56] * M0t0 has joined #SLB [00:56] por falar no porto e em m+rda...vou kagar ja venho! [00:57] <[[Johnny]]> lol [00:57] Xeira-me a Porco do Porto ... :| M0t0 es tu? [00:57] * TonySoprano has left #SLB [00:57] ainda bem k moro longe do porto senão não aguentava o xeiro [00:58] * MegaLsd has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [00:58] * Boy_Y is away (-DISCONNECTED-) [00:58] o pinto da costa cuando fala parece k tem merrrda na boca [00:58] * moon-girl21 has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [00:58] * _Diablo_OFF is now known as _Diablo_ [00:58] nao parece tem [00:58] Boy_Y nao fazes nada ... so keres e kasa e net ... [00:59] dass [00:59] enkuanto trabalho .. tas tu de perna traçada [00:59] * OTT0 has joined #SLB [00:59] a comer [00:59] ola [00:59] * kyno has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [00:59] oi [00:59] \o [00:59] o/ [00:59] * Limiano has joined #SLB [00:59] <[[Johnny]]> Mr_xXx mas tas a ganhar bom dinheiro [01:00] <[[Johnny]]> nao t keixes [01:00] Limiano PONTE D LIMA ALLEZ [01:00] [[Johnny]] :D [01:00] * aLeMa0_92 fui [01:00] * |_PUMPKIN_| has joined #SLB [01:00] eh verdade q o benfica ta a tentar contratar o figo? [01:00] * aLeMa0_92 is away (Out @ Psybnc On) [01:00] lol [01:00] * |_PUMPKIN_| has left #SLB [01:00] nem penses nisso [01:00] <[[Johnny]]> figo? [01:00] * IntensoNightly has left #SLB [01:00] tamos é á espera do rui costa [01:01] <[[Johnny]]> rui costa? [01:01] <[[Johnny]]> esse é um mentiroso [01:01] ta ta .. ta a tentar contratar o FIGO!!!! [01:01] das regionais ... mais conhecido por zétomé [01:01] xD [01:01] <[[Johnny]]> rui costa se kisesse vir pra ca ja tinha vindo [01:01] é o figo da ekipa [01:01] <[[Johnny]]> ja tinha rescindido com o fiorentina nao lhe pagavam e ele nao kis [01:01] o rui costa vem po benfica quando tiver velho pa ganhar bom denheiro [01:01] * BAR_DO_XINTRA has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:01] eu n sei...a bengirl q me falou da cena do figo ela eh jornalista e tem contactos [01:01] <[[Johnny]]> voces ainda acreditam no Pai Natal [01:02] eh verdade q o benfica ta a tentar contratar o figo? AHHAHAHHAHAHHA [01:02] * sorrateiro has joined #SLB [01:02] :| [01:02] o_O [01:02] * [palhas] has joined #SLB [01:02] fifias? [01:02] bengirl [[[]]] [01:02] \o [01:02] * ||Sebastian|| has joined #SLB [01:02] lol [01:02] * DvPluribus agora vou de vez... <--- A WAY OF LIVE!! [01:02] LOOOL xxxxxxxxxxxxxx abraços pra ti tb [01:02] * ||Sebastian|| has left #SLB [01:03] * _JaCkAsS_ has joined #SLB [01:03] vem ao #damerda [01:03] * SLB1904 sets mode: +b *!as@localhost [01:03] * sorrateiro was kicked by SL-BENFICA (No pub here. Read AUP at ) [01:03] bengirl * molhado [01:03] * NC-RACER has joined #SLB [01:03] * [Ultra-DV] is back after 18m 16s [01:04] LOOOL OTT0 [01:04] =O [01:04] * OTT0 vai pra beira da BENFlCA [01:04] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -o Jan_Koller [01:04] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -o tRiStAn [01:04] fdx [01:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [01:04] * OTT0 vai pra beira da bengirl [01:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [01:05] * bot sets mode: +m [01:05] * escorpiao_18 has joined #SLB [01:06] * kiko26 has left #SLB [01:06] * arvore_das_pata has joined #SLB [01:06] * M0t0 has left #SLB [01:06] * inexistente is now known as axlrose [01:07] * os_corvos has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:08] * SLB4Ever has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:08] * Karell has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:09] * NeuroN has joined #SLB [01:10] * Karell has joined #SLB [01:10] * Rosbife has joined #SLB [01:11] * arvore_das_pata has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:12] * gRaNNdAmOkA has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [01:12] * Rosbife has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:13] * bot has left #SLB [01:13] * bot has joined #SLB [01:13] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [01:13] * robmachado has joined #SLB [01:13] * S[HHH]aDow_ has joined #SLB [01:13] * S[HHH]aDow_ has left #SLB [01:13] * Ze_tuRRa has joined #SLB [01:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [01:14] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -b *!Nickname@localhost [01:14] * Grimper has joined #SLB [01:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [01:15] * PhantomNorth is now known as Noctes [01:15] * _-OutsideR-_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [01:16] * syskro has joined #SLB [01:16] * |_Puto_SLB_| has left #SLB [01:16] * |_Puto_SLB_| has joined #SLB [01:16] * Volumax has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:16] * ChanServ sets mode: +v |_Puto_SLB_| [01:17] <|_Puto_SLB_|> .up [01:17] * syskro has left #SLB [01:17] * bot sets mode: +o |_Puto_SLB_| [01:17] * |_Puto_SLB_| sets mode: -m [01:17] <|_Puto_SLB_|> yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [01:17] * |_Puto_SLB_| is back after 1h 55m 12s [01:17] ** [01:17] yo yo [01:17] fdx [01:17] bebi uma sagres [01:17] fikei mais mal disposta cos cornos [01:17] <|_Puto_SLB_|> ja tive a bater ganda vicio de snooker :) [01:17] tou k nem posso [01:17] <|_Puto_SLB_|> ta tava kom sdds [01:17] * Bomberjm has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST utilizado por Grav1tY))) [01:17] |_Puto_SLB_| nao davas pa começar [01:18] com guita em cima [01:18] <[[Johnny]]> Mr_xXx mal disposta? [01:18] <|_Puto_SLB_|> Mr_xXx era a piada.. [01:18] <[[Johnny]]> es F? [01:18] =) [01:18] sou filha [01:18] <|_Puto_SLB_|> [[Johnny]] olho mal dizente =P [ ]'s [01:18] sou f [01:18] <[[Johnny]]> hmmm [01:18] tenho pelo no cu [01:18] |oL [01:18] :P [01:18] * DuNc4n is away (DuNc4n has left IRC, i'll keep here instead him) [01:18] <[[Johnny]]> lol [01:18] enganeim LOL [01:18] mas nao had ser nada [01:18] =) [01:18] <[[Johnny]]> |_Puto_SLB_| essa cena so me mete famaaa [01:19] <[[Johnny]]> k nao tem nada a ver [01:19] * _Pit_Bull_X_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:19] |_Puto_SLB_| toninho es daonde? [01:19] <|_Puto_SLB_|> lol [[Johnny]] jk :) [01:19] <[[Johnny]]> nao sabem distinguir as coisas [01:19] \o [01:19] <[[Johnny]]> |_Puto_SLB_| [[]] [01:19] <|_Puto_SLB_|> Mr_xXx zécafonso sou da Parede, perto de carcavelos [01:19] hm [01:19] mto bem [01:20] arrdores de Lx [01:20] mto bem [01:20] tá tarde já nem dizem coisa com coisa!!lol [01:20] <|_Puto_SLB_|> [[Johnny]] eu sei k n tem nd a ver.. tava mm só no gozo n és mal dizente nenhum.. apenas tens a tua opinião acerca de determinados assuntos! o k é normal e de louvar [01:20] kuando e k keres ir ate ao vasco pagar uma jola ... e bater um joguinho de senuquer? |_Puto_SLB_| [01:21] <[[Johnny]]> ta bem, mas depois mal começo a opinar começam logo [01:21] <|_Puto_SLB_|> snooker do vasco da gama!? [01:21] <[[Johnny]]> so dizes mal!! [01:21] <[[Johnny]]> blablabal [01:21] <|_Puto_SLB_|> fdx.. prefiro fazer uns buracos na minha mesa de casa e jogar aki.. [01:21] <|_Puto_SLB_|> do k ir pa la jogar [01:21] * Grav1tY has joined #SLB [01:21] <[[Johnny]]> lol [01:21] novo metudo [01:22] <[[Johnny]]> |_Puto_SLB_| eu ja vi uns com luvinha e tudo [01:22] só mães novos parece k a fabrica de persevativos faliu [01:23] *novas [01:23] * bizzzkit has joined #SLB [01:23] <|_Puto_SLB_|> [[Johnny]] lol [01:24] fikem bem ppl [01:24] fui [01:24] [[]]] [01:24] xau [01:24] * NC-RACER has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:24] <[[Johnny]]> Mr_xXx jogas snooker com luva? [01:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [01:24] * centauro_00 is now known as centauro_00away [01:24] <[[Johnny]]> é um cenario d outra dimensao [01:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [01:24] [[Johnny]] nps pa [01:25] <|_Puto_SLB_|> LOL [01:25] <[[Johnny]]> o taco escorrega melhor [01:25] * centauro_00away is now known as centauro_00 [01:25] <[[Johnny]]> lol [01:25] e é bom pa falhar [01:25] <|_Puto_SLB_|> por acaso.. até nem é mentira nenhuma [01:26] <[[Johnny]]> pois é. [01:26] <[[Johnny]]> as mãos asperas dificultam a pericia [01:26] para kem tem [01:26] * KiNg_Of_Da_NaIt está away desde 22:26 -=- motivo: ........................ [01:26] alguns n têm [01:27] * aTs0C has joined #SLB [01:27] <[[Johnny]]> deves ter creme nas maos [01:27] <[[Johnny]]> lol [01:27] eu pa jogar é so pegar no rato do pc [01:27] * p1nha has joined #SLB [01:27] <[[Johnny]]> ah pois [01:27] * p1nha has left #SLB [01:27] <[[Johnny]]> nesses é mais facil acertar [01:27] <[[Johnny]]> é so miras [01:28] á poix [01:28] * Angel is away: auto-away after 69m idle [01:28] os takos são grandes!!!lol [01:28] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -b *!*@localhost [01:28] <[[Johnny]]> LOL [01:28] <[[Johnny]]> usa os pekenos [01:29] * aTs0C BOAS [01:29] jogo com a colher de pau [01:29] tá fixe [01:30] * |_NePtUnE_| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:30] * |_Puto_SLB_| sets mode: +v centauro_00 [01:30] * |_Puto_SLB_| sets mode: +v [[Johnny]] [01:30] * |_Puto_SLB_| sets mode: +v aTs0C [01:30] * |_Puto_SLB_| sets mode: +v Mr_xXx [01:31] * |_Puto_SLB_| is away, volto + logo, (log\off pager\off) [01:31] * |_Puto_SLB_| sets mode: -v |_Puto_SLB_| [01:31] * |_Puto_SLB_| sets mode: -o |_Puto_SLB_| [01:31] <[[Johnny]]> k bom o nuno gomes nao joga amanha [01:31] <|_Puto_SLB_|> eskeci-me de kk koisa.. [01:31] <|_Puto_SLB_|> LOL [01:31] Vamos é beber um copo, ok? [01:31] * |_Puto_SLB_| has left #SLB [01:31] * |_Puto_SLB_| has joined #SLB [01:31] * ChanServ sets mode: +v |_Puto_SLB_| [01:31] <|_Puto_SLB_|> .up [01:31] * bot sets mode: +o |_Puto_SLB_| [01:31] fdx .. nao me falem em AMANHA! tou a bulir :| [01:32] * |_Puto_SLB_| sets mode: +m [01:32] o dia todinho [01:32] lol [01:32] caes [01:32] :\ [01:32] * |_Puto_SLB_| sets mode: -v |_Puto_SLB_| [01:32] * |_Puto_SLB_| sets mode: -o |_Puto_SLB_| [01:32] <[[Johnny]]> nao consegues ver o benfica? [01:32] nps [01:32] saio a 00h [01:32] :\ [01:32] ouve o relato [01:32] se der [01:32] <[[Johnny]]> JOGADOR CONFESSA QUE ESTÁ MAIS FORTE [01:32] <[[Johnny]]> Bruno Moraes: «Benfica é tão difícil como todos os outros» [01:32] * DreageR has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:32] nem seker o relato centauro_00 [01:32] nao da [01:32] ... [01:32] <[[Johnny]]> este bruno moraes tem a mania [01:32] <[[Johnny]]> k é carapau d corrida [01:33] <[[Johnny]]> havia d levar cabazada [01:33] então é lixado [01:33] tenho k ouvir o resultado plos gritos dos outros [01:33] LOL [01:33] se vires k tão muito calados é mau [01:34] * meiguinho_lx has joined #SLB [01:34] * centauro_00 está away; fui xonar volto logo - site[ lol] email[Cristiano Ronaldo] uin[none] log[on] pager[on] -=[Cyber]=- [01:34] * meiguinho_lx has left #SLB [01:34] * |_NePtUnE_| has joined #SLB [01:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [01:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [01:34] Mr_xXx e [[johnny]] fui de vez [01:35] fikem bem [01:35] xau ppl [01:35] pttt bem [01:35] [] [01:35] e viva ao benfica [01:35] * _JaCkAsS_ is now known as _JaCkAsS_`away [01:35] [] [01:35] <[[Johnny]]> xau [01:35] <[[Johnny]]> fica bem [01:35] |skinneR| ganda maluco .. fala aí =) [01:35] LOL [01:36] * [P4F]pue has joined #SLB [01:36] * StuntmaNN has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:37] |skinneR| eu hj tou um maos largas .. keres dinheiro ? tens 5 minutos pa falar aki .. caso contrario perdes 10.000€ :) portanto .. fala .. e ganhas isso!!! [01:38] * centauro_00 está away; fui xonar volto logo - desde[01:34:27] site[ lol] email[Cristiano Ronaldo] uin[none] log[on] pager[on] -=[Cyber]=- [01:38] * BIGjony has joined #SLB [01:38] * ]ChAnCe[ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:38] * Aristoteles_ has joined #SLB [01:39] * Aristoteles_ has left #SLB [01:40] * bizzzkit has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:41] * [bLiNd]MaN has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [01:41] * escorpiao_18 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:41] * _|_The_Ghost_|_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:42] * [[Johnny]] has left #SLB [01:42] * centauro_00 está away; fui xonar volto logo - desde[01:34:27] site[ lol] email[Cristiano Ronaldo] uin[none] log[on] pager[on] -=[Cyber]=- [01:42] * BIGjony has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:42] * Polis has quit IRC (User has been banned) [01:43] * [red_devil_69] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:44] * bot has left #SLB [01:44] * bot has joined #SLB [01:44] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [01:44] * |doce_pecado| has joined #SLB [01:44] * _|_RED_FISH_|_ has joined #SLB [01:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [01:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [01:45] * |skinneR| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:45] * Noctes has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:45] * ReptileSD has joined #SLB [01:46] * [P4F]pue has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:46] * Polis has joined #SLB [01:46] * Polis has left #SLB [01:47] * [_Parreira_] has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [01:48] * KiNg_Of_Da_NaIt has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:48] * skillz_Lv has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:49] * PhantomNorth has joined #SLB [01:50] * centauro_00 está away; fui xonar volto logo - desde[01:34:27] site[ lol] email[Cristiano Ronaldo] uin[none] log[on] pager[on] -=[Cyber]=- [01:50] * [01:53] * Grimper has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [01:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [01:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [01:56] * [malukinho] has joined #SLB [01:56] * |Prodigy| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:57] * OTT0 has left #SLB [01:57] * |doce_pecado| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:58] * centauro_00 está away; fui xonar volto logo - desde[01:34:27] site[ lol] email[Cristiano Ronaldo] uin[none] log[on] pager[on] -=[Cyber]=- [01:59] * PaSsA-o-TrAvA has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [01:59] * [[Anonimo]] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [02:00] * MojoRising has joined #SLB [02:00] * NeuroN has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [02:00] * Zombiemetal has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [02:02] * centauro_00 está away; fui xonar volto logo - desde[01:34:27] site[ lol] email[Cristiano Ronaldo] uin[none] log[on] pager[on] -=[Cyber]=- [02:02] * MaXknIghT has joined #SLB [02:02] * ALX_10 has joined #SLB [02:03] * MaXknIghT has left #SLB [02:03] * bot sets mode: -b *!as@localhost [02:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [02:04] * [malukinho] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [02:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [02:06] * centauro_00 está away; fui xonar volto logo - desde[01:34:27] site[ lol] email[Cristiano Ronaldo] uin[none] log[on] pager[on] -=[Cyber]=- [02:07] * Grave_Digger has joined #SLB [02:07] * Grave_Digger has left #SLB [02:08] * SLB1904 sets mode: -v centauro_00 [02:09] * nonpoint has left #SLB [02:10] * papao-23 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [02:10] * Hercules_P has joined #SLB [02:10] * _MG_Killer_ has quit IRC (User has been banned) [02:10] * _Rodman_ has quit IRC (User has been banned) [02:11] * ohm has joined #SLB [02:11] * ohm has left #SLB [02:12] * [Ibiza01] has joined #SLB [02:12] * [Ibiza01] has left #SLB [02:14] * PhantomNorth has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [02:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [02:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [02:15] * [RuFy] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [02:17] * Tertius has joined #SLB [02:17] * Poltergueist has joined #SLB [02:17] * Loonatico has joined #SLB [02:17] * Poltergueist has left #SLB [02:18] * Prodigy_ has joined #SLB [02:18] * California_ has joined #SLB [02:19] * bot has left #SLB [02:19] * bot has joined #SLB [02:19] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [02:19] * California_ has left #SLB [02:20] * seven99 has joined #SLB [02:20] * MojoRising has left #SLB [02:21] * Prodigy_ has left #SLB [02:22] * Prodigy_ has joined #SLB [02:22] * Prodigy_ has left #SLB [02:23] * Zambrota_ has joined #SLB [02:23] * DiAbItAxInHa has left #SLB [02:23] * Prodigy_ has joined #SLB [02:24] * Worms69[Riov] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [02:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [02:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [02:26] * [palhas] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [02:26] * Tertius has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [02:26] * Zambrota_ has left #SLB [02:28] * hot_stuff has joined #SLB [02:28] * SLB1904 sets mode: -v aTs0C [02:29] * Prodigy_ has left #SLB [02:29] * _KINDER_ has joined #SLB [02:30] * Hercules_P has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [02:34] * Da`ShuRkz has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [02:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [02:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [02:37] * gRaNNdAmOkA has joined #SLB [02:38] * Peixinho has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [02:38] * gRaNNdAmOkA has quit IRC (Killed ( (PUB,Flood or other Abuse))) [02:39] * Agros has joined #SLB [02:40] * ZyLoR has joined #SLB [02:40] * Peixinho has joined #SLB [02:40] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Peixinho [02:41] * _Diablo_ is now known as _Diablo_OFF [02:42] * Peixinho sets mode: -o Peixinho [02:42] ** [02:42] * chrom20 has joined #SLB [02:43] * robmachado has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [02:43] * newyorkerr has left #SLB [02:43] * chrom20 has left #SLB [02:44] * anjo-protector has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [02:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [02:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [02:46] * Winguer has joined #SLB [02:46] * _Diablo_OFF is now known as _Diablo_ [02:46] * [[[_Spear_]]] has joined #SLB [02:47] * _Diablo_ is now known as _Diablo_OFF [02:47] * NNinaDoSLB has joined #SLB [02:47] * [MaX-PoWeR] has joined #SLB [02:47] * _Rodman_ has joined #SLB [02:47] * [MaX-PoWeR] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [02:47] * [[[_Spear_]]] has left #SLB [02:48] * _MG_Killer_ has joined #SLB [02:52] * Ze_tuRRa has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [02:52] * PatoBorracha has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [02:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [02:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [02:58] * [T]sUbaSa has left #SLB [02:58] * [T]sUbaSa has joined #SLB [02:58] * ChanServ sets mode: +o [T]sUbaSa [02:58] <[T]sUbaSa> piu [02:58] * [T]sUbaSa sets mode: -m [02:58] [T]sUbaSa * [02:58] * Nhunhu has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [02:58] meu heroi :D [02:59] * bot has left #SLB [02:59] * bot has joined #SLB [02:59] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [03:00] va bengirl solta a franga k o ppl daki ja tinha saudades :D [03:00] * RicardoSLB69 has joined #SLB [03:01] * RicardoSLB69 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [03:01] alguen pediu para soltar a franga? [03:01] Agros LOOL [03:01] [] [03:01] Olha! olha! o canal SLB cheio de gajedo! [03:04] <[T]sUbaSa> lol [03:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [03:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [03:05] [T]sUbaSa o Agros ja s xibou d uma conversa vossa .. [03:05] ui ui [03:05] mesmo canal intimo LOOOL [03:05] <[T]sUbaSa> foi? [03:05] <[T]sUbaSa> entao? [03:05] hahaha [03:05] ele k acabe d s xibar :D [03:06] <[T]sUbaSa> k fantasia te contou ele? ;) [03:06] LOL [03:06] epa era quase um pedido dele a ti [03:06] k ate aceitavas :P [03:06] <[T]sUbaSa> ir-lhe ao rabinho nao? :XXX [03:06] <[T]sUbaSa> ó Agros francamente [03:06] <[T]sUbaSa> looooool [03:06] * OTT0 has joined #SLB [03:07] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:08] * Winguer has left #SLB [03:08] <[T]sUbaSa> epa fui agora ver o the ring 2 [03:08] <[T]sUbaSa> k treta [03:08] eh treta [T]sUbaSa ? [03:08] pela apresentação parecia bom.. [03:08] <[T]sUbaSa> assustei-me mais com o carro assassino "christine" de 1983 [03:08] <[T]sUbaSa> enfim [03:09] LOL [03:09] * godsoe is away, sleep, (log\off pager\on) [03:10] * renoir has joined #SLB [03:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [03:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [03:15] * GREV3N has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [03:17] * n0sl3n has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [03:18] * ALX_10 ohhhhh sê mariquinhas ... laranja laranja ... deixe-me ir a cozinha pa lhe ir xeirar a franja!! .... ohhhhhhh sÊ mariquinhas ananas ananas ... hj vai ser pela frente e tb vai ser por tras ... ohhhhhh sÊ mariquinhas maçã maçã ... vou-te comer o cu e a c*n@ à tua irmã ..... ohhhhhhhhhh sê mariquinhas ........... abacate abacate .. vais-me xuxar a gaita e dp vou enrabart!!!! [03:18] * ALX_10 aplaude a si proprio !!! :D:D:D:D [03:20] promessas ALX_10 promessas... [03:20] Agros mas é pa uma senhora [03:20] pa senhora mariquinhas :D [03:20] * Polis has joined #SLB [03:20] boas [03:20] * Sarinha[SLB] has joined #SLB [03:20] nem para isso acredito ve la tu... [03:20] Sarinha[SLB] amor [03:21] LOL [03:21] ALX_10 fema [03:21] Agros eu tnh nina man .. a Sarinha[SLB] [03:21] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:21] loooooooooooooool [03:21] LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [03:21] eh gay [03:21] ta calado [03:21] tu gostas de homens ... :S [03:21] LOOOOOOOOOOL [03:22] Polis LOL neps man ... so amo a Sarinha[SLB] [03:22] e a BENFlCA [03:22] pois o benfica tb [03:22] LOL [03:22] bengirl [03:22] * ]Shadow0[ has joined #SLB [03:22] LOL [03:22] LOLOLOL [03:22] xiii já faz confusão e tudo LOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:23] Agros ja marcaste encontro com o ALX_10 ? [03:23] * |-[RaP^BoY]-| AHHH GANDA NOITE NO GARAGE, TENHO PENA D N TER FICADO MAIS TEMPO.. [03:24] nao, ele diz que so faz sem preservativo e eu nao quero... entao andamos desavindos :/ [03:24] * renoir has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [03:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [03:24] looooooool [03:24] é fdd [03:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [03:25] * bot has left #SLB [03:25] * bot has joined #SLB [03:25] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [03:25] <[T]sUbaSa> Sarinha[SLB] keres falar de sexo? [03:25] <[T]sUbaSa> :| [03:25] -=[03:32]=- nao, ele diz que so faz sem preservativo e eu nao quero... entao andamos desavindos :/ <<< poisé .. [03:25] * Argel|Dv is away, auto-away after 69 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [03:25] eu na kero ter sida 2ª x [03:25] LOLOLLLLLLLL [03:26] <[T]sUbaSa> LOL [03:26] Agros eu admito .. adoro o teu rabinho :D rapadinho ui ui .. sabe a pato!!! [03:27] o do Polis é mt peludo :( [03:27] LOLOL [03:27] :D [03:27] <[T]sUbaSa> =)))))))) [03:27] sabe a PATO? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL omg [03:27] quack [03:27] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:27] Agros epa cm costumo a dizer .. o teu cuzinho .. apesar de ja ter levado mta pila .. lavadinho -- é a estrear pa mim!!! [03:27] LOOL [03:28] o patinho de borracha do Agros [03:28] lol [03:28] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:28] oh ALX_10 diz me lá uma coisa... já cheiraste um cu de pato? pra saberes o sabor.... :S [03:28] omg [03:28] bengirl nao ... mas arroz de pato ... é beda bom :D [03:28] LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL [03:28] eu disse k o cu .. sabia a pato ... [03:28] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:28] nao disse k sabia a cu de pato [03:28] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:28] <[T]sUbaSa> bengirl fala de sexo cmg :((( a Sarinha[SLB] n me liga [03:28] ALX_10 so pode saber a pato se ele comer pato.. [03:28] [ SLB ] MAIOR QUE A NOSSA GRANDEZA SÓ A VOSSA INVEJA [ SLB ] [03:28] [T]sUbaSa se calhar [03:28] LOL [03:28] [T]sUbaSa a Sarinha[SLB] dsd k perdeu a virgindd cmg .. nc + foi a mesma!!! [03:29] ñ te liga porke ñ tem o teu numero LOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:29] ficou sem iman [03:29] lol [03:29] [T]sUbaSa amor eu falo... mostra-me aí essa glande poderosa para eu envolver com a minha língua [03:29] * m|ke has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [03:29] <[T]sUbaSa> bengirl 91 615 69 28 [03:29] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:29] -=[03:37]=- [T]sUbaSa amor eu falo... mostra-me aí essa glande poderosa para eu envolver com a minha língua LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:29] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:29] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Sarinha[SLB] aproveita [03:29] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:29] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:29] [T]sUbaSa eu posso mandar-t um tk!? [03:29] :X [03:29] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:29] mas que é isto afinal ? [03:30] * hot_stuff has left #SLB [03:30] dwm vaca amorosa @@@ [03:30] Oh.Si [03:30] ;| [03:30] dwm vai dormir k o teu mal é sono LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:30] bengirl [03:30] o meu mal nao é sono [03:30] é cansaço ;| [03:30] ALX_10 @@@@@@@ [03:30] dwm dsc eu sei k fui mt duro ctg [03:30] LOL [03:31] LOOOL ñ te basta uma... queres 5/6 é no k dá [03:31] ALX_10 rotfl tas é com inveja por saberes que eu tive a comer a outra desde as 9h da noite [03:31] bengirl true ;| [03:31] a outra!? [03:31] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:31] mas acabei com isso na noite passada [03:31] opa so s for outra telma-bicos [03:31] <[T]sUbaSa> bengirl da-me tokes :( tou carente [03:31] ou outra luisinha!!! [03:31] LOOOOOOOOOOL [03:32] ALX_10 ROTFLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:32] a telma bicos ... [03:32] OMFG ! [03:32] epa [03:32] atira gande parzao de mamas [03:32] a chavala ta mesma escola de conduçao que eu [03:32] ROTFL [03:32] true [03:32] ja f*deu o instrutor!? [03:32] :X [03:32] pah [03:32] hoje que eu chego la com o aoler [03:32] viro-me pra ele [03:32] "olha quem ta ali" [03:32] entao já tá passada LOOOL [03:33] bengirl na sei .. ela tem o habito de smp k entra no carro das 2 uma : ou apoia as pernas nos espelhos ... ou entao salta po banco de tras!!! [03:33] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:33] tipo ele olha pra mim e eu pra ele ... pah ... desmanchamo-nos a rir mesmo .. grande gargalhada .. diz o instrutor "é sempre a mesma merda ..voces os dois escusam de vir .. passem la fora pra assinar a aula e podem ir embora" [03:33] <[T]sUbaSa> bengirl n gostas mm de mim :( [03:33] [T]sUbaSa LOOOL tens k dar o numero é á Sarinha[SLB]... ñ a mim pá LOOOL [03:34] * ]Shadow0[ has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST utilizado por ]Shadow0[SLB]))) [03:34] bengirl a Sarinha[SLB] nada!! ué [03:34] <[T]sUbaSa> mas ela é mt timida [03:34] <[T]sUbaSa> gosto mais de ti [03:34] eu sou a kenga favorita dela!!! [03:34] LOOOL [03:34] [T]sUbaSa e de mim nao!? [03:34] o q eh kenga? [03:34] :| [03:34] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:34] OTT0 kenga = put* [03:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [03:34] <[T]sUbaSa> kem é k me deu um toke? loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool [03:34] \o/ [03:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [03:34] :| [03:34] eu [03:34] LOOL [03:34] eu [03:35] fui eu [03:35] LOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:35] [T]sUbaSa eu [03:35] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:35] [T]sUbaSa [03:35] eu [03:35] nao fui :) [03:35] tou a 0.00 [03:35] * ALX_10 é o delirio os fas do [T]sUbaSa [03:35] lool [03:35] [T]sUbaSa s eu t fizesse um broxe deixavas!? ROTFLLLLLLLLLLLLL [03:35] <[T]sUbaSa> kem é este 969696969 ???????????????? [03:35] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:35] ALX_10 aquele aoler é mesmo estupido [03:35] <[T]sUbaSa> ALX_10 se pagasses [03:35] <[T]sUbaSa> :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) [03:36] [T]sUbaSa mas sabes pk fiz esta pergunta na sabes!? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:36] :X [03:36] hoje virei-me pra ele a hora do almoço [03:36] "opa nao encontro a tesoura pra cortar as calças" ele pega e corta-me as calças com aquelas facas do talho da carne [03:36] tao lindas agora [03:36] rotfl [03:36] [T]sUbaSa LOOOL numero interessante esse :| [03:36] <[T]sUbaSa> ALX_10 nao [03:36] [T]sUbaSa nao?!? certeza!? [03:36] * ]Shadow0[ has joined #SLB [03:37] <[T]sUbaSa> nop [03:37] <[T]sUbaSa> lolada o 969696969 existe mm [03:37] ]Shadow0[ comé falast com a mamalhuda da leirosa!? [03:37] eh meu :/ [03:38] ALX_10 sabes quem é a mariana oliveira do ribadouro ? [03:38] * Polis Cya * [03:39] dwm ja da outra x perguntast LOL [03:39] acho k nao [03:39] manda-me prai 20 mensagens ao dia [03:39] tipo .. relatorio a ver que é que eu tou a fazer [03:39] mas eu nao faço a minima quem seja a pita [03:39] ALX_10 o melhor é arranjares uma agenda e apontar LOOOL assim perdeste [03:39] Tudo sobre o Glorioso é em: [03:39] * __ZeKa__ has joined #SLB [03:39] * __ZeKa__ has left #SLB [03:40] * Sarinha[SLB] has left #SLB [03:40] bengirl ta calada tu ;p [03:40] dwm na falas assim dela [03:40] :P [03:40] <[T]sUbaSa> bengirl <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:40] * jpsc has joined #SLB [03:40] * jpsc has left #SLB [03:40] lol ? ;| [03:41] * O_castro has joined #SLB [03:41] * [T]sUbaSa sets mode: +v ALX_10 [03:41] * [T]sUbaSa sets mode: +v dwm [03:41] * [03:41] * [T]sUbaSa sets mode: +v bengirl [03:41] ALX_10 [03:41] * [T]sUbaSa sets mode: +v OTT0 [03:41] olha la [03:41] •12:59:19• ••• Joins: pxt-dwm-cn-001 < ves aqui isto ? [03:41] ve la se queres que passe a ser pxt-dwm-pt-001 [03:41] ;| [03:41] eu devo ser gay nao? pa mim nao ha? [03:42] * [T]sUbaSa sets mode: +v Agros [03:42] <[T]sUbaSa> =) [03:42] * Agros da beijinho no umbigo de [T]sUbaSa [03:42] <[T]sUbaSa> ui [03:42] <[T]sUbaSa> k me venho td [03:42] LOOOOOOOOOOL [03:42] isso so na boca amor [03:42] <[T]sUbaSa> LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:42] rotfl [03:43] <]Shadow0[> ALX_10 epa ainda n...n tive em casa a tarde nem a noite [03:43] * [T]sUbaSa sets mode: +v ]Shadow0[ [03:43] LOOOOOOOL [03:43] ALX_10 ve ai o pvt [03:43] <[T]sUbaSa> Agros porra!!! n tens memo nenhum atraccao por gajas? nenhuma mesmo? :| olha k nem todas sao como a bengirl... ha gajas tao boas :S [03:43] <[T]sUbaSa> *nenhuma [03:44] <[T]sUbaSa> (__`)´) [03:44] [T]sUbaSa LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:44] oh Agros olha k tb já vi bem melhores k o [T]sUbaSa! [03:44] [T]sUbaSa ta calor ai ? [03:44] obrigada bengirl :) [03:44] lol [03:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [03:44] <[T]sUbaSa> bengirl sim és feia! prometeste-me 1 foto em 2003 e nada [03:44] LOL [03:44] nao [03:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [03:45] gosto de rapazes bonitos e com atitude [03:45] * Polis has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [03:45] LOOOL [03:45] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:46] gajas sao lindas, fantasticas, boas amigas mas... para sexo nao [03:46] -=[03:53]=- <+Agros> gosto de rapazes bonitos e com atitude << ate tinhas sorte cmg s eu fosse gay LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:46] nao precisas de o ser [03:46] -=[03:54]=- <+Agros> gajas sao lindas, fantasticas, boas amigas mas... para sexo nao passam de "FANTASTICAS!!!" [03:46] eu pelo menos nao me improto [03:46] isso sim ... [03:46] deixa então pros k querem LOOOOOL mas isso de vir roubar os gajos das gajas é k ñ tá com nada! [03:46] Agros imprto-me eu .. ! [03:46] LOL [03:47] •3:46:45• •+bengirl• deixa então pros k querem LOOOOOL mas isso de vir roubar os gajos das gajas é k ñ tá com nada! [03:47] ALX_10 concordas ? [03:47] pronto se te importas entao e la contigo... nao quero fazer nada com as pessoas contrariadas [03:47] <[T]sUbaSa> lol [03:47] Agros pois :D [03:47] LOL [03:47] no sexo é suposto ambas as partes terem prazer [03:47] por isso keres o [T]sUbaSa [03:47] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:47] <[T]sUbaSa> Agros mas nunca experimentaste com 1 rapariga? [03:48] ja quando era puto [03:48] [T]sUbaSa ai esta o drama .. [03:48] <[T]sUbaSa> e n é lindo? :)))))) [03:48] ele ja pinou c gajas [03:48] sabe a pouco [03:48] e mesmo assim prefere pila [03:48] <[T]sUbaSa> e tao boooooooooooooooooom [03:48] <[T]sUbaSa> VIVA AS GAJAS [03:48] <[T]sUbaSa> bengirl * [03:48] •3:48:34• •@[T]sUbaSa• VIVA AS GAJAS < uma vez na vida tamos de acordo :) [03:48] [T]sUbaSa novo grito : VIVA O GRELO!!! [03:49] LOL [03:49] <[T]sUbaSa> Agros ainda te vou tornar num grande hetero :)))))) [03:49] pode ser que o feitiço se vire contra o feiticeiro ;) [03:49] <[T]sUbaSa> loooooooooooool [03:49] [T]sUbaSa inda tens d comer mt cu d homem pa fazer do Agros hetero [03:49] [T]sUbaSa lool posso ser um gajo disfarçado :| [03:49] lolloloo [03:49] <[T]sUbaSa> tava-se mm a ver [03:49] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:49] <[T]sUbaSa> cabrao l0olo0lo0l [03:50] bengirl mesmo assim eu amo-te [03:50] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:50] <[T]sUbaSa> bengirl entao imitas mt bem uma nina kida e fofa (ui ui) ********* [03:50] [T]sUbaSa rotfl CORISTA aki sou eu!!! [03:50] LOOL [03:50] ne bengirl !? [03:50] hj uma gaja disse-me que so quando soube o meu nome soube que eu era rapaz [03:50] ok agora ja entendi porque é que ta calor aqui [03:50] a garrafa ta no fundo [03:50] ;x [03:50] pq ficou sp na duvida [03:51] <]Shadow0[> lol [03:52] <[T]sUbaSa> bengirl n me ligas nenhum :| bah [03:52] <[T]sUbaSa> sp a mm coisa tds os dias [03:52] xiii todos os dias! [03:52] * |doce_pecado| has joined #SLB [03:53] bengirl [03:53] na ligues a esse corista [03:53] nem a ele nem ao dwm [03:53] nem a ti LOOOOOOOOOOL [03:53] beija-me e ama-me a mim!!! [03:53] tu és o pior [03:53] [T]sUbaSa ]Shadow0[ Agros ALX_10 Mr_xXx OTT0 algum de voces percebe alguma coisa de mssql ? [03:54] <]Shadow0[> NAO [03:54] •3:53:40• •+ALX_10• nem a ele nem ao dwm < tenho namorada ;| [03:54] <[T]sUbaSa> tb eu [03:54] dwm b [03:54] dwm n [03:54] <[T]sUbaSa> mas n deixo de cobiçar a bengirl [03:54] dwm: mysql? [03:54] <[T]sUbaSa> bengirl fazia-te a mulher mais feliz do mundo :| [03:54] dwm tens namorada mas na deixas d dar coros!!! [03:54] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [03:54] Peixinho mssql [03:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [03:54] nope [03:54] ALX_10 alguma vez deixei ? [03:54] :') [03:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [03:54] Peixinho tambem deve servir mysql ... [03:55] mysql sei umas cenas ;) [03:55] preciso de fazer um restore ao xp_cmdshell pelo select * from openrowset('SQLOLEDB','Trusted_Connection=Yes;Data Source=myserver','SET FMTONLY') [03:55] sabes ? [03:55] ;p [03:55] * ]Shadow0[ vou comer ja volto [03:55] lol [03:55] a sintaxe até é parecida à mysql .. mas nope :P [03:56] ]Shadow0[ na comas masé a silvana k eu kero-a a estrear :D [03:56] eu n [03:56] LOOL [03:56] mas sabes fazer o restore em mysql ? [03:56] restore? [03:56] yap [03:56] nope [03:57] porque o otario do admin alterou o xpcmdshell.dll pra desactivar o xp_cmdshell [03:57] e sem o xp_cmdshell nao ha ftps pra ninguem [03:57] :| [03:57] * bengirl avisa k o pvt tá em obras :| [03:57] bengirl [03:57] e eu!? [03:57] posso!? [03:57] * [T]sUbaSa bengirl deixa-me fazer-te a mulher mais feliz do mundo :((((((( [03:58] LOOOOOOOL omg [03:58] [T]sUbaSa ela ja tem td cmg .. [03:58] <[T]sUbaSa> um dia vais ceder :) [03:58] descola .. [03:58] ROTFL [03:58] <[T]sUbaSa> vejo nos teus olhos [03:58] <[T]sUbaSa> O_o [03:59] -=[04:07]=- <@[T]sUbaSa> vejo nos teus olhos <<< bengirl!!! outro deadmarsh19 ?? :XXXX [03:59] * MaJoR_HaRdOn has joined #SLB [03:59] axo melhor comprares uns oculos :S [03:59] LOOOOOOOOOOL [03:59] * MaJoR_HaRdOn has left #SLB [03:59] <[T]sUbaSa> Peixinho up [03:59] * danimites has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [04:00] tou tao bem aqui :P [04:00] * bot has left #SLB [04:00] * bot has joined #SLB [04:00] <[T]sUbaSa> bengirl vamos acabar juntos vais ver [04:00] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [04:00] <[T]sUbaSa> Peixinho up fdum preta [04:00] <[T]sUbaSa> Peixinho up fduma preta [04:00] <[T]sUbaSa> vou pa caminha [04:00] <[T]sUbaSa> sonhar com uma linda menina :) [04:00] * |-ricky-| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [04:00] <]Shadow0[> voltei [04:01] LOLLL [04:01] ok [04:01] [T]sUbaSa com o Agros !? [04:01] LOL [04:01] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Peixinho [04:01] <]Shadow0[> ALX_10 ke kers diser com "estriar" LOL [04:02] <[T]sUbaSa> xauxau [04:02] ]Shadow0[ lavado é a estrear pa mim :D [04:02] 28 de Fevereiro de 1904 - Uma data Memoravel para a Nação Benfiquista [04:02] <]Shadow0[> ahahah [04:03] ALX_10 [04:03] vai ver que é que ta a dar na tv e diz-me [04:03] dwm na m apetece ir a casa da vizinha [04:03] lol [04:03] ai a festa [04:04] Peixinho passa-me o ip deste em pvt sff [04:04] * [T]sUbaSa has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [04:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [04:04] loll [04:04] de quem? [04:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [04:05] Peixinho do ALX_10 [04:05] dwm [04:05] okey :P [04:05] ip a caminho [04:05] nada disso kenga [04:05] * Limiano has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [04:05] ph34r ;| [04:05] LOL [04:06] <]Shadow0[> buzzybee em açao?? [04:06] * OTT0 has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [04:07] Community string: public < suckas ALX_10 ;| [04:07] ]Shadow0[ onde ta o gajo ? [04:07] ké isso!? [04:07] dwm ké isso!? [04:08] ALX_10 em portugues quer dizer que tas todo aberto [04:08] rotfl [04:09] * O_castro has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [04:09] LOl [04:09] é a minha firewall ké do best .. [04:09] :S [04:10] SOU RAPAZ MASCULINO, 22A, ZONA LX, JOGO FUTEBOL. ALGUM GAJO MASCULINO PARA MARCAR GOLOS NA "BALIZA"???? [04:10] weee [04:10] * ALX_10 bem ... vou arroxar * * * * te manha povo @ @ @ @ [04:10] 28 de Fevereiro de 1904 - Uma data Memoravel para a Nação Benfiquista [04:11] * bengirl mi tb vai lol xau xau [04:11] bengirl amo.te @@@@@ [04:11] vai dormir pá [04:11] *************** [04:11] * bengirl has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [04:12] ]Shadow0[ Agros dwm * * * * [04:12] <]Shadow0[> [[]] [04:13] * ALX_10 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [04:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [04:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [04:16] * KapS has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [04:17] * Peixinho has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [04:18] * bot sets mode: +m [04:18] * CrazyRafa21 has joined #SLB [04:18] * ]Shadow0[ vou mas e dormir caraiiiii!!!! [04:18] * CrazyRafa21 has left #SLB [04:21] * ]Shadow0[ está away; Sleep [04:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [04:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [04:26] * aAnGeLlOvE has joined #SLB [04:26] * aAnGeLlOvE has left #SLB [04:29] * bot has left #SLB [04:29] * bot has joined #SLB [04:29] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [04:29] * Agrepor has joined #SLB [04:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [04:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [04:35] * KrItiCrOsS is now known as pLeHtPsBoOn [04:36] * pLeHtPsBoOn has left #SLB [04:38] * Agros has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [04:40] * Peixinho has joined #SLB [04:40] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Peixinho [04:41] * Peixinho sets mode: -m [04:41] * Agrepor has left #SLB [04:43] * ordep is away, Sleep, (log\off pager\off) [04:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [04:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [04:45] * SLB1904 sets mode: -v ]Shadow0[ [04:45] * DaVinciCode has left #SLB [04:45] [ SLB ] MAIOR QUE A NOSSA GRANDEZA SÓ A VOSSA INVEJA [ SLB ] [04:48] * esticadinho_21 has joined #SLB [04:50] * SuPerSoNicK has joined #SLB [04:50] * SLB1904 sets mode: -v dwm [04:51] * SuPerSoNicK has left #SLB [04:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [04:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [04:54] * Intuitivo has joined #SLB [04:55] * Intuitivo has left #SLB [04:58] * Dany has joined #SLB [05:00] [ SLB ] MAIOR QUE A NOSSA GRANDEZA SÓ A VOSSA INVEJA [ SLB ] [05:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [05:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [05:05] * seven99 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [05:06] * justkill has joined #SLB [05:07] * justkill has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [05:08] 28 de Fevereiro de 1904 - Uma data Memoravel para a Nação Benfiquista [05:10] * Intuitivo has joined #SLB [05:11] * bot has left #SLB [05:11] * |_P_N_| has joined #SLB [05:11] * bot has joined #SLB [05:11] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [05:11] <|_P_N_|> Parabens Mantorras pelos teus 57 anos! [05:11] <|_P_N_|> meus filhos da puta [05:11] * |_P_N_| was kicked by bot (Esse tipo de linguagem não é permitida, modera-te.) [05:11] * |_P_N_| has joined #SLB [05:11] cabrao do crl [05:11] <|_P_N_|> FCP [05:12] <|_P_N_|> FCP. [05:12] <|_P_N_|> FCP... [05:12] <|_P_N_|> FCP.... [05:12] <|_P_N_|> FCP..... [05:12] <|_P_N_|> FCP...... [05:12] <|_P_N_|> FCP....... [05:12] <|_P_N_|> FCP........ [05:12] <|_P_N_|> FCP......... [05:12] * Peixinho sets mode: +b |_P_N_|!*@? [05:12] mais alguma coisa? [05:12] * |_P_N_| was kicked by Peixinho (cya oh FILHO DA PUTA ·26·) [05:12] * eYeballs is back from auto away after 60 minutes.. I was gone for 8hrs 58mins [05:13] heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [05:13] hhehehee [05:13] dormir at«e amanha [05:13] ou dps [05:14] * rApA is away, q fdp d cao, (log\off pager\on) [05:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [05:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [05:15] * Karell AlVoRaDaAaAaAaAaAaAaaA [05:17] * pleasee has joined #SLB [05:17] * pleasee has left #SLB [05:19] Tudo sobre o Glorioso é em: [05:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [05:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [05:25] * MaWuKo has joined #SLB [05:29] * |The_PreTenDer| has joined #SLB [05:32] * ^CrOw^ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [05:33] * Offspring is back after 7h 52m 8s [05:33] * Offspring boa noite e ate amanha [05:34] * Offspring has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [05:34] * eYeballs is AFK, Sleeping [05:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [05:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [05:37] aperta aperta com elaaaaaaaaaa [05:37] :) [05:43] * |The_PreTenDer| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [05:43] Vamos é beber um copo, ok? [05:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [05:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [05:46] * [SOD]zERo has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [05:47] Vamos é beber um copo, ok? [05:51] * MaWuKo has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [05:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [05:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [05:55] * bot has left #SLB [05:55] * bot has joined #SLB [05:55] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [06:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [06:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [06:09] * Loonatico has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [06:09] Tudo sobre o Glorioso é em: [06:10] * esticadinho_21 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [06:11] * eYeballs is away (Bye bye. eYe OFF | BNC on) [06:12] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -b |_P_N_|!*@? [06:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [06:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [06:15] Glorioso só há um, é o Benfica e mais nenhum! [06:17] Olha! olha! o canal SLB cheio de gajedo! [06:22] * bot has left #SLB [06:22] * bot has joined #SLB [06:22] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [06:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [06:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [06:26] * ReptileSD has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [06:31] * Intuitivo has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [06:33] Pois é meus amigos já falavam de bola [06:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [06:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [06:38] 28 de Fevereiro de 1904 - Uma data Memoravel para a Nação Benfiquista [06:39] * Peixinho sets mode: -o Peixinho [06:40] * bot sets mode: +m [06:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [06:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [06:50] * _JaCkAsS_`away has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [06:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [06:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [07:02] * lincazul has joined #SLB [07:04] * bot has left #SLB [07:04] * bot has joined #SLB [07:04] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [07:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [07:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [07:06] * lincazul is now known as joanita_bird_ [07:08] * [[invisible]] has joined #SLB [07:11] * g0dg0ry has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [07:11] * [[invisible]] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [07:12] * Dj_Nata has joined #SLB [07:13] * Dj_Nata has left #SLB [07:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [07:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [07:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [07:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [07:28] * centauro_00 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [07:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [07:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [07:40] * Poseidon has joined #SLB [07:40] * Poseidon has left #SLB [07:43] * bot has left #SLB [07:43] * bot has joined #SLB [07:43] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [07:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [07:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [07:46] * Cristosland has joined #SLB [07:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [07:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [07:55] * Cristosland has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [08:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [08:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [08:05] * n0sl3n has joined #SLB [08:07] * ReptileSD has joined #SLB [08:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [08:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [08:21] * Artur45 has joined #SLB [08:21] * Artur45 has left #SLB [08:21] * joanita_bird_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [08:22] * bot has left #SLB [08:22] * bot has joined #SLB [08:22] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [08:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [08:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [08:27] * _inezitah_ has joined #SLB [08:30] * _inezitah_ has left #SLB [08:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [08:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [08:38] * _Red_Devil_ has joined #SLB [08:39] * SLB4Ever has joined #SLB [08:40] * CJPA has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [08:41] * CJPA has joined #SLB [08:42] * HM-01 has joined #SLB [08:42] * HM-01 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [08:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [08:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [08:47] * bot has left #SLB [08:47] * bot has joined #SLB [08:47] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [08:52] * noslen has joined #SLB [08:53] * noslen has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [08:53] * deviL][ has joined #SLB [08:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [08:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [08:55] * n0sl3n has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [08:57] * MarkinHu has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [09:03] * warstone has joined #SLB [09:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [09:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [09:06] * Zorro25 has joined #SLB [09:08] * warstone has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [09:09] * [3m4Nu3L] has joined #SLB [09:10] * strong23 has joined #SLB [09:11] * strong23 has left #SLB [09:13] * _Batistuta_ has joined #SLB [09:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [09:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [09:20] * _Batistuta_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [09:21] * MtoSimpatico has joined #SLB [09:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [09:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [09:27] * bot has left #SLB [09:27] * bot has joined #SLB [09:27] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [09:34] * L0uKo has joined #SLB [09:34] * Neptune has joined #SLB [09:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [09:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [09:37] * [M]eGa[M]aTrIx has joined #SLB [09:37] * [M]eGa[M]aTrIx has left #SLB [09:40] * Grav1tY has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [09:41] * Viroc has joined #SLB [09:41] * KuSkInHo has joined #SLB [09:41] * Viroc has left #SLB [09:42] * KuSkInHo has left #SLB [09:42] * Ronaldo_9 has joined #SLB [09:43] * light_my_fire has joined #SLB [09:43] * light_my_fire has left #SLB [09:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [09:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [09:45] * oluap has joined #SLB [09:46] * |_NePtUnE_| has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [09:48] * adidas_boy has joined #SLB [09:51] * mega_eu has joined #SLB [09:54] * mega_eu has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [09:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [09:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [09:55] * [SaMuKa] has joined #SLB [09:58] * _Batistuta_ has joined #SLB [10:00] * Dragus has joined #SLB [10:00] * SoulWatcheR has joined #SLB [10:04] * bastordd has joined #SLB [10:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [10:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [10:05] * Pharlax has joined #SLB [10:05] * Pharlax has left #SLB [10:06] * caiNN has joined #SLB [10:07] * Karell has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [10:09] * Karell has joined #SLB [10:11] * [KinG_TreVaS] has joined #SLB [10:12] * bot has left #SLB [10:12] * bot has joined #SLB [10:12] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [10:14] * Enfadado has joined #SLB [10:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [10:14] * kommissar has joined #SLB [10:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [10:17] * _inezitah_ has joined #SLB [10:17] * adidas_boy has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [10:18] * S20 has joined #SLB [10:18] * ChanServ sets mode: +v S20 [10:18] * _Batistuta_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [10:19] * kommissar has left #SLB [10:23] * [sprach] has joined #SLB [10:24] * [sprach] has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [10:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [10:24] * StuntmaNN has joined #SLB [10:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [10:25] * S20 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [10:26] * Guga-NN has joined #SLB [10:27] * _inezitah_ has left #SLB [10:29] * NNtoxic has joined #SLB [10:30] * NNtoxic has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [10:30] * DEFTONED has joined #SLB [10:31] * advisory- has joined #SLB [10:33] * _inezitah_ has joined #SLB [10:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [10:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [10:36] * advisory- has left #SLB [10:36] * _|Puto_Marad|_ has joined #SLB [10:37] * _|Puto_Marad|_ has left #SLB [10:37] * _inezitah_ has left #SLB [10:37] * [SaMuKa] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [10:38] * centauro_00 has joined #SLB [10:39] * [_Parreira_] has joined #SLB [10:43] * Ragazzo has joined #SLB [10:43] * And_1 has joined #SLB [10:44] * kry has joined #SLB [10:44] * CaSpEr has joined #SLB [10:44] * [KinG_TreVaS] is now known as [KinG_T[SLB]] [10:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [10:44] * Enfadado has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [10:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [10:44] * LaDy_DyNNaMiTe has joined #SLB [10:45] * bot has left #SLB [10:45] * bot has joined #SLB [10:45] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [10:46] * [SaMuKa] has joined #SLB [10:46] * darkmaniac has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [10:46] * V0yAg3|2 has joined #SLB [10:47] * PhantomNorth has joined #SLB [10:47] * DeikonDhevin has joined #SLB [10:48] * _|Puto_Marad|_ has joined #SLB [10:48] * _|Puto_Marad|_ has left #SLB [10:49] * BaKaNu has joined #SLB [10:50] * BaKaNu is now known as Caeser [10:50] * Faked has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [10:50] * And_1 has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [10:50] * Cheyenne has joined #SLB [10:50] * _|Puto_Marad|_ has joined #SLB [10:50] * _|Puto_Marad|_ has left #SLB [10:50] * Cheyenne has left #SLB [10:51] * Noctes has joined #SLB [10:53] * PhantomNorth has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [10:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [10:54] * StuntmaNN has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [10:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [10:55] * si_ro has joined #SLB [11:00] * _fonseka_ has joined #SLB [11:00] * [KinG_T[SLB]] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [11:01] * |3Anel| has joined #SLB [11:03] * Bartolo_ has joined #SLB [11:04] * hipoxiano has joined #SLB [11:04] * hipoxiano has left #SLB [11:04] * CaSpEr has left #SLB [11:04] * [KinG_TreVaS] has joined #SLB [11:04] * CaSpEr has joined #SLB [11:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [11:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [11:05] * kamarate85 has joined #SLB [11:07] * Flute has joined #SLB [11:07] * Bartolo_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [11:09] * SaLaMaLeCo has joined #SLB [11:10] * Guga-NN has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [11:11] * _-OutsideR-_ has joined #SLB [11:11] * _KID_MASTER_ has joined #SLB [11:12] * diabinhob has joined #SLB [11:12] * diabinhob has left #SLB [11:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [11:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [11:19] * meira has joined #SLB [11:19] * Velix has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [11:20] * meira has left #SLB [11:23] * bot has left #SLB [11:23] * bot has joined #SLB [11:23] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [11:23] * Seky has joined #SLB [11:23] * Seky has left #SLB [11:23] * R_e_l_a_x has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [11:24] * Enfadado has joined #SLB [11:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [11:24] * warstone has joined #SLB [11:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [11:25] * warstone has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [11:26] * tweeta-away has joined #SLB [11:26] * tweeta-away is now known as tweeta [11:27] * ChanServ sets mode: +o tweeta [11:27] * tweeta sets mode: -m [11:27] bons dias [11:27] * [11:27] <_-OutsideR-_> bom dia * [11:27] <_KID_MASTER_> * [11:27] <_KID_MASTER_> buesnas [11:27] <_KID_MASTER_> :D [11:28] é hj.... [11:28] slb em peso em setúbal [11:28] <_KID_MASTER_> eu vou [11:28] <_KID_MASTER_> :> [11:28] tb eu! [11:28] eheheh [11:28] EU TBM [11:28] hahahahahahah [11:28] <_KID_MASTER_> :)))) [11:29] <_KID_MASTER_> ja tou mesmo a ver no estadio a meiu do jogo [11:29] lol [11:29] <_KID_MASTER_> PTUMMMMMMMMMMM [11:29] <_KID_MASTER_> :D [11:29] vai tudo... é pena é k ninguem se conhece [11:29] lol [11:29] senao ganda festa [11:29] <_KID_MASTER_> lol [11:29] * V14 has joined #SLB [11:30] * Bartolo_ has joined #SLB [11:30] <_KID_MASTER_> epa, hoje é dia do kota, e ainda não o vi [11:30] <_KID_MASTER_> :\ [11:30] o pintinho disse q o fcp nao ta a fazer uma ma epoca [11:30] lol [11:30] e preciso ser mto otario [11:30] tweeta pds crer [11:31] poix [11:31] eu as 16h30m ja tou a bazar de sines [11:31] * net_devil has joined #SLB [11:31] * Loonatico has joined #SLB [11:32] * CjohNNson has joined #SLB [11:32] viva ao BENFICA!!! [11:32] lol [11:32] * si_ro has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [11:33] * centauro_00 (Votação): Axam k o benfica vai ganhar??  [11:33] * centauro_00 (Votação): Digite /msg centauro_00 !sim ou /msg centauro_00 !não ou /msg centauro_00 !nulo [11:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [11:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [11:35] as portas do estádio abrem a k horas? [11:35] alguem sabe? [11:35] * wildjunkie has joined #SLB [11:35] <_KID_MASTER_> lá pas 19.00 [11:35] * wildjunkie has left #SLB [11:35] <_KID_MASTER_> :| [11:35] <_fonseka_> 20h00 [11:35] * centauro_00 (Votação): Votações encerradas! - Tema: Axam k o benfica vai ganhar??  [11:35] * centauro_00 (Votação): Resultado: !Sim=0% - !Não=0%- !Nulo=0%  [11:35] 20h ja é tarde _fonseka_ [11:35] votação 0 [11:35] lol [11:36] <_fonseka_> ta previsto pa as 19h30 [11:36] <_fonseka_> mas aki no bonfim é assim smp [11:36] okis [11:36] tks [11:36] * _KID_MASTER_  Ólhó petardo -> PPPPPPPPPTTTTTTTTTUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM :'> [11:36] o.O [11:37] _KID_MASTER_ ó amori estás muito violento! [11:37] _KID_MASTER_ ontem na nossa cama estavas mais meiguinho [11:37] lol [11:37] <_KID_MASTER_> :$$$ [11:37] (SLB) E Pluribus Unum (SLB) [11:37] * Metzelder_ has joined #SLB [11:37] <_KID_MASTER_> hj vou entrar a meiu do jogo em campo td nu! :$$$$$ [11:38] kero ver isso _KID_MASTER_ [11:38] _KID_MASTER_ e vão ver essas tuas belas pernas :] [11:38] <_KID_MASTER_> LOL [11:38] <_KID_MASTER_> entro kom uma toxa pa n me kunheçerem [11:38] <_KID_MASTER_> :D [11:38] * Metzelder_ boas ppl [[]] *** [11:39] * _|RoBbEn|_ has joined #SLB [11:39] Ois *** [11:39] <_|RoBbEn|_> BoAs [11:39] <_KID_MASTER_> WildsmaN * [11:39] <_|RoBbEn|_> Mantorras ou karadas? [11:39] mantorras [11:39] <_KID_MASTER_> mantora [11:39] <_KID_MASTER_> :) [11:39] <_|RoBbEn|_> vai ser titular? [11:39] ñão se sabe [11:40] <_KID_MASTER_> n sei [11:40] <_KID_MASTER_> :| [11:40] <_KID_MASTER_> |: [11:40] * Unak has joined #SLB [11:40] GRANDA JOGO HOJE [11:40] :) [11:40] * _KID_MASTER_ abraça-se a tweeta [11:40] <_KID_MASTER_> :D [11:40] <_KID_MASTER_> lol [11:40] * KapS has joined #SLB [11:40] lol [11:40] * Loonatico dá porrada a _KID_MASTER_ por não ser fiel a mim! [11:40] <_KID_MASTER_> axo k ja tou a dlirar [11:40] <_KID_MASTER_> :( [11:40] Loonatico ciumento!!! [11:40] acontece... [11:41] <_KID_MASTER_> lol [11:41] <_KID_MASTER_> tou a fazer uma opraçao as toxas [11:41] <_KID_MASTER_> :D [11:41] * _Dead_Star_ has joined #SLB [11:42] * tweeta sets mode: +v _KID_MASTER_ [11:42] * tweeta sets mode: +v Loonatico [11:42] <_KID_MASTER_> tnks [11:42] <_KID_MASTER_> :D [11:42] : ] [11:42] _KID_MASTER_ estamos juntinhos agora [11:43] tu por cima de mim [11:43] uikabom! [11:43] aki a je tem k ir po banho [11:43] portem-se [11:43] <_KID_MASTER_> :$$$$$$$$ [11:43] <_KID_MASTER_> lol [11:43] <_KID_MASTER_> tweeta * [11:43] <_KID_MASTER_> :) [11:43] * tweeta sets mode: +m [11:43] **** [11:43] <_KID_MASTER_> tweeta keres kompanhia? [11:43] <_KID_MASTER_> :D [11:43] <_KID_MASTER_> :$ [11:43] * tweeta is now known as tweeta-away [11:43] :@ [11:43] * tweeta-away sets mode: -o+v tweeta-away tweeta-away [11:43] * Ann0n|m|zZeR has joined #SLB [11:43] * SaLaMaLeCo has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [11:43] * Bartolo_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [11:44] * Ann0n|m|zZeR has left #SLB [11:44] * tweeta-away is now known as tweeta [11:44] * ChanServ sets mode: +o tweeta [11:44] o.O [11:44] * ChanServ sets mode: -o tweeta [11:44] * ChanServ sets mode: +o tweeta [11:44] * ]Coyote[ has joined #SLB [11:44] * tweeta sets mode: -o tweeta [11:44] * ChanServ sets mode: +o tweeta [11:44] ai a porcaria [11:44] * tweeta sets mode: -v tweeta [11:44] lole [11:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [11:44] * ChanServ sets mode: -o tweeta [11:44] * tweeta is now known as tweeta-away [11:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [11:45] * Bomberjm has joined #SLB [11:45] * |3Anel| has left #SLB [11:45] * theugliest has joined #SLB [11:45] * theugliest has left #SLB [11:46] * |AnnAh| has joined #SLB [11:46] * [V0LC0m] has joined #SLB [11:47] * _KID_MASTER_ has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [11:47] * slb_faNN has joined #SLB [11:48] * _|RoBbEn|_ is now known as _|ArJeN_RoBbEn| [11:49] * _|ArJeN_RoBbEn| is now known as _|RoBbEn|_ [11:49] * _KID_MASTER_ has joined #SLB [11:49] * Nightmare- has joined #SLB [11:50] * _inezitah_ has joined #SLB [11:50] _KID_MASTER_ piu! :] [11:51] * bulkatus has joined #SLB [11:51] * _Ricard0 has joined #SLB [11:52] * [_-TiAGO-_] has joined #SLB [11:53] * [_-TiAGO-_] has left #SLB [11:53] * _Ricard0 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [11:53] * _|RoBbEn|_ has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [11:54] * sLiM_XaDy has joined #SLB [11:54] oh :( [11:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [11:54] * SaTyRiCon has joined #SLB [11:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [11:55] * gRaNNdAmOkA has joined #SLB [11:55] * Paulo- has joined #SLB [11:55] * oluap has left #SLB [11:56] * slb_faNN has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [11:56] * SaTyRiCon has left #SLB [11:57] * Microemission has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [11:58] * Microemission has joined #SLB [11:59] * SaTyRiCon has joined #SLB [11:59] * ChanServ sets mode: +o _fv_ [11:59] * net_devil has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [11:59] * _fv_ sets mode: -m [11:59] * _fv_ sets mode: +v WildsmaN [12:00] <_fv_> boas pessoal [[]] [12:00] _fv_ ** [12:00] <[Ultra-DV]> _fv_ boas [] [12:00] * tweeta-away is away, auto-away after 15 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [12:00] * Paulo- has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [12:01] * Argel|Dv is back after 16m 37s [12:01] _fv_ WildsmaN Mr_xXx [[]] [12:01] * _Skillz_ has joined #SLB [12:02] Boas Tardes aos restantes ;) [[ [12:02] []* [12:02] DrDeViL [] [12:02] <[Ultra-DV]> DrDeViL boas [][] [12:03] * bot has left #SLB [12:03] * bot has joined #SLB [12:03] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [12:03] [Ultra-DV] :) [] [12:03] <[Ultra-DV]> :p [12:03] * ]Coyote[ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [12:03] * _KID_MASTER_ is away (Be Right Back) [12:03] * {[MaryChains|| has joined #SLB [12:04] já tens piu :p [12:04] * |_Puto_SLB_| has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [12:04] * {[MaryChains|| has left #SLB [12:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [12:04] * spirit2 has joined #SLB [12:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [12:04] * spirit2 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [12:05] * collocini has joined #SLB [12:06] * SoNg^ has joined #SLB [12:07] * V14 is away (Be Right Back) [12:07] * collocini has left #SLB [12:08] * SLB_BOY_19 has joined #SLB [12:09] * _Dead_Star_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [12:09] * SaTyRiCon has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [12:09] * Unak has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [12:12] * BAR_DO_XINTRA has joined #SLB [12:12] ora [12:12] mtos bons dias a todos os benfikistas presentes [12:12] * cifo_escoliose has joined #SLB [12:12] aos outros .!. [12:12] lol [12:12] <[Ultra-DV]> BAR_DO_XINTRA .|. [12:13] <[Ultra-DV]> ;) [[]] [12:13] ;:P [12:13] atao camarada [12:13] BAR_DO_XINTRA oi [12:13] ta td a andar? [12:13] <[Ultra-DV]> ta.. mas lg á noite vai fikar mais [12:13] CjohNNson [[[]]] [12:13] <[Ultra-DV]> :D [12:13] pois vai [12:13] <[Ultra-DV]> 6 pontos de vantagem :D [12:13] vai vai [12:13] [[]] [12:13] * |-wolverine-| has joined #SLB [12:13] e força benfica allezz tu es a nossa fé lalalalala [12:14] * [bLiNd]MaN has joined #SLB [12:14] so de pensar k este fim de semana nao vou á bola.... [12:14] fiko lixado [12:14] alias ate vou mas é ver ou melhor comentar o jogo dos tristes [12:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [12:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [12:14] * [bLiNd]MaN is away, n tou...ja me venhe.... (log:yes\pag:yes) [12:15] (SLB) E Pluribus Unum (SLB) [12:16] * [SOD]zERo has joined #SLB [12:16] * D-O-U-G-L-A-S has joined #SLB [12:17] * [_Parreira_] is away, treinar (auto-away após 99 minuto(s) idle) (log:yes\pag:yes) [12:17] * Enfadado has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [12:17] * DrDeViL Alguém que perceba de ingles que me possa traduzir uma frase ? [12:17] * CaBr1T0 has joined #SLB [12:17] * CaBr1T0 has left #SLB [12:17] * Amalukada has joined #SLB [12:17] DrDeViL diz [12:17] * Amalukada has left #SLB [12:17] * Prodigy_ has joined #SLB [12:17] I've dreamt of a place for u and I no one knows who we are there All I want is to give my life only to u diz: [12:18] * tajik has joined #SLB [12:18] dreamt ou dream? [12:18] * tajik has left #SLB [12:18] * Jan_Koller has left #SLB [12:18] * Jan_Koller has joined #SLB [12:18] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jan_Koller [12:18] dream [12:18] * _konde_fantasma has joined #SLB [12:18] * _konde_fantasma has left #SLB [12:19] bom dia *** [] [12:19] Dream [12:19] * sekelator has joined #SLB [12:20] olha na sei [12:20] l0ol [12:20] who we are there All [12:20] axo k tá mt baralhado [12:20] l0l [12:20] * KiNg_Of_Da_NaIt has joined #SLB [12:20] n seria [12:20] who are there all? [12:20] * [KinG_TreVaS] is now known as [KinG_T[SLB]] [12:21] Dreamt -> passado !!! [12:21] ah bom [12:21] entao é dreamt [12:21] ou dream? [12:21] l0lo [12:21] tão e meus amigos vermelhuscos [12:21] quem é que ganha hj? [12:21] kem axas? [12:21] slb sempe [12:22] será? [12:22] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Mighell [12:22] * Mighell sets mode: +b *!*@localhost [12:22] * Prodigy_ was kicked by Mighell (Tu deves é ter nascido de cesariana... nem a cona da tua mãe kiz saber de ti.) [12:22] oui [12:22] * [MaxMen] has joined #SLB [12:22] * [MaxMen] has left #SLB [12:22] * T3cHnO has joined #SLB [12:22] * gRaNNdAmOkA ninguem tem o som da mariza com o sting ? [12:22] olá [12:23] * DEFTONED has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [12:23] * _Red_Devil_ has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST utilizado por CyberScript30_))) [12:23] hey Mighell [12:24] o jogo de hoje vai ser bastante bom espero eu [12:24] Mighell * [12:24] _fv_ vais lá ver a bola? [12:24] Jan_Koller [] [12:24] * DesportistaGirl has joined #SLB [12:24] <_fv_> Boas [[]] [12:24] <_fv_> nop [12:24] <_fv_> vais? [12:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [12:24] vou [12:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [12:25] <_fv_> já tens bilhete? [12:25] com a minha irma mais malta ca d sines [12:25] já [12:25] * KuKaRaChA has joined #SLB [12:25] <_fv_> há [12:25] ou melhor ainda tem q me dar la em setubal [12:25] lol [12:25] heys [12:25] * Mr_xXx bons dias [12:25] * D-O-U-G-L-A-S has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [12:25] bons dias [12:26] <_fv_> já n deve haver bilhetes!! [12:26] centauro_00 tasss [12:26] tb axo q n [12:26] hj e k vai ser ... endurance ... bulir ate a meia noite... [12:26] * [-Te[KK]eN-] has joined #SLB [12:26] WildsmaN [ ]´s toze [12:26] Jan_Koller _fv_ WildsmaN [[]] [12:26] RoLiZ [] [12:27] * KapS is away, FM2005, (log\off pager\on) [12:27] * rApA is back after 7h 12m 46s [12:27] Jan_Koller ola foufa [ ]´s [12:27] rApA hattrick man @@ [12:27] * [Jocker] has joined #SLB [12:27] RoLiZ [] [12:27] Loonatico malucoooooooooooooooooooooo [12:28] nunca mais te tinha visto [12:28] trabalha-se e aula-se [12:28] é complicado :p [12:28] * stake_17 has joined #SLB [12:28] tudo bem? [12:28] Mr_xXx sua tarada [] [12:28] * stake_17 has left #SLB [12:28] Mr_xXx Loonatico Heys [] [12:28] Mr_xXx , Jan_Koller , _fv_ , Mighell , WildsmaN *** [12:28] * [Jocker] has left #SLB [12:28] * sekelator has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [12:28] RoLiZ [ ] [12:28] ****** gordas ******* [12:29] rApA [] [12:29] rApA * [12:29] WildsmaN ** [12:29] * CaSpEr has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [12:29] * DesportistaGirl has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [12:30] \o/ yoyuoyuoyyaaayayay [12:30] * Desporto_Girl has joined #SLB [12:31] * MG_Killer has joined #SLB [12:31] * MG_Killer has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [12:31] * KerplunK has joined #SLB [12:31] * L-DeR` has joined #SLB [12:32] o mantorras faz anos? [12:32] n sabia xD [12:32] Uma notícia veiculada esta sexta-feira pela TVI atribuiu à provedora da Casa Pia, Catalina Pestana, declarações no sentido de que esta teria dito, em mais uma sessão do julgamento mais mediático do País, que ouviu de crianças acusações de alegado abuso sexual por parte de Mariano Barreto. [12:32] o gajo da marítimo? O.O [12:32] yah [12:32] tá doido [12:32] "Trainador proíbe jogadores fazerem contas" diz a record [12:32] lol [12:32] fds [12:32] lole [12:32] matemática á má [12:33] *e [12:33] o mariano era o grande amigo de BIBI [12:33] * Rufia007 has joined #SLB [12:33] * hApOiSe has joined #SLB [12:33] dasss estas peças ké k pensam da vida? [12:33] ganda som ke eu sakei ... "PANTERA"- Cowboys From Hell [12:33] * hApOiSe has left #SLB [12:33] lindo este album [12:33] :D [12:33] o porto tambem é k ate levou 4 [12:34] a kagar po porto [12:34] * [RamRod] has joined #SLB [12:34] so penso no SLB [12:34] em m+rda nao penso [12:34] ainda por cima a esta hora da manha [12:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [12:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [12:34] calma ai daqui a pouco dame vontade de ir cagar [12:35] lool [12:35] * YinYang has joined #SLB [12:35] * SLB1904 sets mode: -v WildsmaN [12:35] * YinYang has left #SLB [12:36] * xuntouchablex has joined #SLB [12:36] * Fabio_ is away, out, (log\off pager\off) [12:36] * Rufia007 has left #SLB [12:36] des neri bazou do ROMa [12:36] já começa a ter má fama [12:36] *DEL NEI* [12:37] bakano tas uma beka atrasado! isso nao sao noticias [12:37] sao historias [12:37] passadas [12:37] <_MG_Killer_> lol [12:37] lol [12:37] podes crer. [12:38] mas ya [12:38] tenho de actualizar-me! [12:38] * NuNoGoMeS21 has joined #SLB [12:39] Boas [12:39] [] * [12:39] * MeninaFeia has joined #SLB [12:39] eu e o windwos [12:39] so gayzoes la em cima :p [12:39] * oluap has joined #SLB [12:39] Jan_Koller _fv_ [12:39] o pior 'e o SLB4Ever [12:39] erm [12:39] SLB1904 [12:39] [ SLB ] MAIOR QUE A NOSSA GRANDEZA SÓ A VOSSA INVEJA [ SLB ] [12:39] * bulkatus has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [12:40] sim.. [12:40] lol [12:40] liedson já caiu 321546 vezes[noticia de ultima hora] [12:40] :P [12:40] [] [12:40] * WoNdErBoY has joined #SLB [12:40] * WoNdErBoY has left #SLB [12:41] * [BiKeRb0y] has joined #SLB [12:41] * [BiKeRb0y] has left #SLB [12:41] * Boy_Y is away: not here! [12:41] * MC_Poeta has joined #SLB [12:41] * [RamRod] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [12:41] Jan_Koller, ban ai o [bikerb0y] [12:41] e' pubber [12:42] nuke, tás ? [12:42] * |AnnAh| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [12:42] * Jan_Koller sets mode: +b *!*JNfQA@localhost [12:42] acho q o outro tb e' [12:42] ms pronto [12:42] n tnho a certeza [12:42] NuNoGoMeS21 tu também és ! [12:42] feio ! [12:42] pois sou :\ [12:43] e eu também (: [12:43] sim .. tu es o pior [12:43] pois :) [12:43] Jan_Koller, a tua irmã ja n vem a net ? [12:43] ja a bues q n falamos :\ [12:43] lolol [12:43] NuNoGoMeS21 vem [12:44] * bot has left #SLB [12:44] * bot has joined #SLB [12:44] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [12:44] ela ta aki a mandar t beijos [12:44] bj pa ela tb [12:44] perg. se os putos ainda n lhe fizeram a cabeça [12:44] : [12:44] :p [12:44] * moon-girl21 has joined #SLB [12:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [12:44] * cool_k has joined #SLB [12:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [12:45] * cool_k has left #SLB [12:45] * |skinneR| has joined #SLB [12:45] * |-wolverine-| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [12:46] * Jan_Koller is away, not here, (log\off pager\on) [12:46] * ChanServ sets mode: -o Jan_Koller [12:46] * Rivolt has joined #SLB [12:46] * Worms69[Riov] has joined #SLB [12:46] * Cipriano has joined #SLB [12:47] * Faisca has joined #SLB [12:47] * sLiM_XaDy is back [1h 40m 57s] [12:47] * DrNash has joined #SLB [12:48] * bot sets mode: +b drnash!*@? [12:48] * DrNash was kicked by bot (Banned: shh..) [12:48] * Nennuco has joined #SLB [12:48] * Jagc has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [12:48] * _Diablo_OFF has quit IRC (Client exited) [12:48] * Faisca has left #SLB [12:48] * Cipriano has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [12:48] * SLB_BOY_19 has left #SLB [12:48] * Desporto_Girl has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [12:49] * MC_Poeta has left #SLB [12:49] * NuNoGoMeS21 <- :P [12:49] * Mr_Twix has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [12:49] Tudo sobre o Glorioso é em: [12:49] * Nennuco has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [12:50] * DreageR has joined #SLB [12:50] * Zidane_2047 has joined #SLB [12:50] * |SpAcE| has joined #SLB [12:50] [ SLB ] MAIOR QUE A NOSSA GRANDEZA SÓ A VOSSA INVEJA [ SLB ] [12:50] Este Pinto da Bosta [12:51] E mm palhaço [12:51] PQP [12:51] est ano e o ano da aguia apanhar no ku do dragao e do leao e dos arbitros ajudarem mais k outras epokas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [12:51] e kem nao bate palmas é tripeiroooooooo CLAP CLAP e tripeiroooooooo CLAP CLAP é tripeiroooooooooooooooooo CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP ++++ [12:51] CLAP CLAP [12:51] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Peixinho [12:51] heya [12:51] * |-AnOkAs-| has joined #SLB [12:51] Peixinho [ ]'s [12:51] NEM SABES A PUUTA DE ODIO K TE TENHO PINTO DA BOSTA....AINDA TE MATO CABRAO!!! [12:51] * BAR_DO_XINTRA was kicked by bot (Esse tipo de linguagem não é permitida, modera-te.) [12:51] RoLiZ [] [12:51] * BAR_DO_XINTRA has joined #SLB [12:51] heyas foufa ** [12:51] BAR_DO_XINTRA [12:51] meus filhos da granda puta vao tds apanhar ness ganda ku o pinto da kosta e o melhor president k alg1 vez existiu no futebol portugues [12:51] Não és o UNICO [12:51] * Zidane_2047 was kicked by bot (Esse tipo de linguagem não é permitida, modera-te.) [12:51] * Zidane_2047 has joined #SLB [12:51] QUE PUTA DE ODIO! [12:52] Zidane_2047 lol [12:52] * DreageR was kicked by bot (Esse tipo de linguagem não é permitida, modera-te.) [12:52] * DreageR has joined #SLB [12:52] ODIO ODIO ODIO!! [12:52] sim nos sabes Zidane_2047 [12:52] fds [12:52] a esse animal [12:52] PQP [12:52] komeram 4 - 0 do Anderlech k fikou em ultimo lugar da faes d grupos da liga dos kampeoes [12:52] * deviL][ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [12:52] ele nao fala de belem quando o lourenço foi impedido de rematar na pekena area pelo ricardo costa! [12:52] O bot deixa o ppl Falar :S [12:52] * TuNiNGBoY has joined #SLB [12:52] lolololloololloololloloolloolloololololololololololololloloololololololloolololloloolololollololoolololololl [12:52] * Zidane_2047 has left #SLB [12:52] * TuNiNGBoY has left #SLB [12:53] eu tinha vergonha de ser do fcp [12:53] a serio [12:53] k tinha [12:53] lol [12:53] pois [12:53] o meu maior orgulho é ser benfikista e nao ter em casa nenhum tripeiro nem lagarto! [12:53] Com aquele fdgp do Pinto da bosta [12:53] FDP [12:53] calma [12:53] :x [12:53] NuNoGoMeS21 [12:53] ? [12:53] epah...ele habilita-se a ser Morto a tiro [12:53] a serio [12:53] com a linguagem [12:54] eu axo k s o visse na rua nao aguentava e agia... [12:54] * MerlliN has joined #SLB [12:54] * KerplunK has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [12:54] mas deixem la k o semanas da cunha tambem nao é melhor! [12:54] * gameness has joined #SLB [12:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [12:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [12:55] e la esta o SLB a incomodar por tar á frente!! [12:55] * Marujinho has joined #SLB [12:55] pinto da bosta allezz pinto da bosta allezz pinto da bosta allezz filhu da puttaa alllezz allleezzz morre cabrauuu [12:56] #quinhas [12:56] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: +b *!Puto_745@localhost [12:56] * Marujinho was kicked by SL-BENFICA (No pub here. Read AUP at ) [12:56] BAR_DO_XINTRA mata a puta da tua velha ohh cornudo [12:56] * gameness was kicked by bot (Esse tipo de linguagem não é permitida, modera-te.) [12:56] * |-AnOkAs-| has left #SLB [12:56] lool [12:56] * slb_faNN has joined #SLB [12:56] lol [12:56] sofrem mesmo [12:56] de dor de cotevelo [12:56] looooool [12:56] entao hoje vao a fikar a xorar [12:56] * Dr^KILLer has joined #SLB [12:56] de ver a vitoria [12:56] do slb [12:57] vao fikar de rastos crl [12:57] vao ver o slb em grande ahahahaha [12:57] * PsYkAdElIkO has joined #SLB [12:57] Mighell [] [12:57] segunda e k valia o empate dos adrianos vs hugos [12:57] lol [12:57] [] [12:57] Peixinho [] [12:57] * Alfa_tuning has joined #SLB [12:57] _fv_ [12:57] [] [12:57] PsYkAdElIkO [12:57] [] [12:57] PsYkAdElIkO [] [12:58] NuNoGoMeS21 [] [12:58] epah...mas tambem temos k ver k nem tudo pode ser perfeito...tem obrigatoriamente k haver GENTE(benfikistas) e espécie de gente...merda(tripeiros) [12:58] * _Diablo_ has joined #SLB [12:58] looool [12:58] [][] [12:58] * NuNoGoMeS21 is away, BBL , qq coisa telemove, (log\off pager\on) [12:58] * ]_PI_[ has joined #SLB [12:58] * PsYkAdElIkO  alguem me pode dizer um bom script para usar .... [12:58] * Alfa_tuning is now known as ]_ALFA_[ [12:58] * NuNoGoMeS21 is back after 6s [12:58] PsYkAdElIkO [12:58] Cs? [12:58] * Godinhovsky has joined #SLB [12:58] * Godinhovsky has left #SLB [12:58] <]_PI_[> fui banido do canal dos tripeiros [12:58] <|-[RaP^BoY]-|> PsYkAdElIkO pitas script [12:58] DreageR hum qual usas [12:58] <]_PI_[> será que posso ter apanhado sida [12:59] <]_PI_[> por la ter estado? [12:59] * Faked has joined #SLB [12:59] o.O [12:59] :x [12:59] eu ia fazer os testes [12:59] * Fireblaster has joined #SLB [12:59] * [Storm_Lady] has joined #SLB [12:59] Steam 1.6.... [12:59] pq eles a unica coisa k têm de positivo é mm o teste HIV [12:59] os tripas [12:59] nojentos [12:59] <]_PI_[> lol [12:59] porcos [12:59] <]_PI_[> fdps [12:59] a vergonha de PT [12:59] <]_PI_[> este ano é para nos [12:59] <]_PI_[> !!!! [12:59] * gkmc has joined #SLB [12:59] * RuiGamito has joined #SLB [12:59] so akela tentativa de claque dos SupersiDosos [13:00] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -o Mighell [13:00] * [Storm_Lady] has left #SLB [13:00] * NuNoGoMeS21 is away, BBL , qq coisa telemovel, (log\off pager\on) [13:00] * ordep is back after 8h 17m 13s [13:00] * V0yAg3|2 has left #SLB [13:00] * WildsmaN has left #SLB [13:00] * WildsmaN has joined #SLB [13:00] Olha! olha! o canal SLB cheio de gajedo! [13:01] Hey´s! [13:01] .........BOT [13:01] é so bombeiros! [13:01] BOT [13:01] * moon-girl21 has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [13:01] :) [13:01] BOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111dois [13:01] WildsmaN heyas [13:01] Mr_xXx * [13:01] * ]_PI_[ has left #SLB [13:02] * Ronaldo_9 is away, not here, (log\off pager\on) [13:02] if you are good people will never remember you...but if you are bad they will never forget you!! hooliganns forever [13:03] * Fireblaster has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [13:03] * centauro_00 (Votação): Axam k o benfica vai ganhar HOJE????  [13:03] * centauro_00 (Votação): Digite /msg centauro_00 !sim ou /msg centauro_00 !não ou /msg centauro_00 !nulo [13:03] * _Xtreme_G1rl_ has joined #SLB [13:04] * kamarate85 has left #SLB [13:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [13:04] * RicardoSLB69 has joined #SLB [13:04] * kamarate85 has joined #SLB [13:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [13:06] * |R|eiGn has joined #SLB [13:06] alguem me pode dizer quanto tempo demoram a mandar o mail pa confirmar o registo do nick no site sl-benfica???????????'' [13:06] * centauro_00 (Votação): Votações encerradas! - Tema: Axam k o benfica vai ganhar HOJE????  [13:06] * centauro_00 (Votação): Resultado: !Sim=100% - !Não=0%- !Nulo=0%  [13:07] sff [13:07] * _Diablo_ boas []* [13:07] boas [13:07] * deviL][ has joined #SLB [13:07] Pois é meus amigos já falavam de bola [13:07] * _Xtreme_G1rl_ has left #SLB [13:08] * MaGiK has joined #SLB [13:08] * ChanServ sets mode: +o MaGiK [13:08] alguem me pode dizer quanto tempo demoram a mandar o mail pa confirmar o registo do nick no site sl-benfica???????????'' [13:08] broas [13:08] boas magik!!! [13:08] MaGiK * [13:08] OLHEM A AZIA DO PINTO CA BOSTA [13:08] SIC [13:09] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [13:09] centauro_00 broas [13:09] MaGiK [13:09] anda a falar muito esse pinto da costa [13:09] Ya LOOL [13:09] DreageR [] [13:09] ja tinha visto [13:09] * PsYkAdElIkO está a ouvir [] [] [kbps] [kHz] [13:09] MaGiK * [13:09] * blink_sk8 has joined #SLB [13:09] Ele a dizer dos foras de jogo... [13:09] Etc... [13:09] poix [13:09] o de sempre [13:09] * MaGiK changes topic to '8,4 SuperLiga:0 Setúbal x SLB (HOJE/21:15/TVI) INVASÃO A SETÚBAL! | 2 É a AZIA!!! 0|4,0' [13:09] * Dragus has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [13:09] já vi á pouco [13:09] LOL [13:10] lolol [13:10] * DeikonDhevin has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [13:10] * Integrale has joined #SLB [13:10] * nanito31 has joined #SLB [13:10] VENDO MINI1000 AZUL METALIZADO POR 2100ER [13:10] o pinto da costa fala do apito avermelhado, nós não andamos metidos em tribunais por causa do apito dourado [13:10] É A AZIA!!! [13:10] É O TERROR [13:11] é dor de corno [13:11] É A MAGOA [13:11] E SER UM TRISTE [13:11] isso [13:11] E SER UM DESGRACADO [13:11] LOL [13:11] rotfl [13:11] * MaGiK changes topic to '8,4 SuperLiga:0 Setúbal x SLB (HOJE/21:15/TVI) INVASÃO A SETÚBAL! | 0,2 É a AZIA!!! 0|4,0' [13:11] viva o benfica [13:11] <|-[RaP^BoY]-|> LOLOL [13:11] viva [13:11] * PsYkAdElIkO ouve: [deep dish vs danny tenaglia-blue skies(very nice).mp3] [0mb, 0secs] [ MindTwisteR MP3 ] [13:11] todos os nome adaptamçe au pinto da costa [13:11] o pinto da costa é gordo [13:11] e ser da mafia llo [13:12] e tem merda na boca [13:12] rotfl [13:12] * Argel|Dv is away, auto-away after 69 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [13:12] * MaGiK changes topic to '8,4 SuperLiga:0 Setúbal x SLB (HOJE/21:15/TVI) INVASÃO A SETÚBAL! |0,2 É a AZIA!!! 0,4|4,0' [13:12] * moon-girl21 has joined #SLB [13:12] * MaGiK changes topic to '8,4 SuperLiga:0 Setúbal x SLB (HOJE/21:15/TVI) INVASÃO A SETÚBAL! |0,2 É a AZIA!!! 4,0|4,0' [13:12] * _Diablo_ is now known as Underground__ [13:13] hoje damos 3!! [13:13] * Peixinho sets mode: -o Peixinho [13:13] ea bom se fosse goleada [13:13] era bom [13:13] desde que ganhem [13:13] <|-[RaP^BoY]-|> era bom é se ganhaxemos [13:13] * SiNNce92 has joined #SLB [13:13] só pesso k ganhem [13:13] <|-[RaP^BoY]-|> nem k seja por 1 0 [13:13] Olha! olha! o canal SLB cheio de gajedo! [13:14] * skid has joined #SLB [13:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [13:14] azia tem cura [13:14] há comprimidos para isso :p [13:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [13:15] eheheh [13:15] <|-[RaP^BoY]-|> é levar 2 do sporting [13:15] * Integrale Está Away Agora: [Motivo: almocar] - Storm Script XP [13:15] * Peixinho has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [13:15] * [PT]Picador has joined #SLB [13:15] OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [13:15] SLBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB [13:15] SLBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB [13:15] * Underground__ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [13:15] FORÇA SLBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB [13:16] WildsmaN [13:16] Tenho de guardar isso mais para logo [13:16] * [[Anonimo]] has joined #SLB [13:16] PsYkAdElIkO [13:16] Afinal vou ao jogo [13:16] ;) [13:16] lol [13:16] eu nao [13:16] :d [13:16] So vou pa albufeira 5ª [13:16] PsYkAdElIkO [] :) [13:16] lol [13:16] WildsmaN [] [13:16] Eu tou la batido [13:16] MUAHHAHA [13:16] tenham calma [13:16] * Ig0r has joined #SLB [13:16] * blink_sk8 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [13:16] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -o _fv_ [13:17] maior a euforia maior a tristeza no fim [13:17] * PsYkAdElIkO  algum que use o mindtwister que me possa dar uma ajudinha... [13:17] * _Red_Devil_ has joined #SLB [13:17] * Rosbife has joined #SLB [13:18] * bot has left #SLB [13:18] * bot has joined #SLB [13:18] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [13:18] * _Red_Devil_ is now known as [SLB]RedDevil [13:18] * nanito31 has left #SLB [13:18] alguem me pode dizer quanto tempo demoram a mandar o mail pa confirmar o registo do nick no site sl-benfica???????????'' [13:18] * moon-girl21 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [13:18] * rApA is away, auto-away after 30 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [13:18] * brabus has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [13:19] * starwaytoheaven has joined #SLB [13:19] * starwaytoheaven has left #SLB [13:19] centauro_00, alguns minutos :P [13:19] * RuiGamito is away, auto-away after 15 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [13:19] * ]_MaRtA_[ has joined #SLB [13:20] * Achada_boy has joined #SLB [13:20] * MaGiK has left #SLB [13:20] * MaGiK has joined #SLB [13:20] * ChanServ sets mode: +o MaGiK [13:20] * Da`ShuRkz has joined #SLB [13:21] MaGiK malukeeee [13:21] * |nOiSy| has joined #SLB [13:21] * |nOiSy| has left #SLB [13:21] :) [13:21] * [13:21] * [13:21] então tudo bem ? [13:21] yap e ctg? [13:22] vai-se andando.. [13:22] : ) [13:22] :) [13:22] fui agora comprar um cativo :P [13:22] lol [13:22] para isso compravas para a proxima epoca, como eu. [13:22] : ) [13:22] isso ai azul no topico é o ke esses porcos ainda existem acham que ah lugar aqui pa eles [13:22] vamos la ver se faço bom proveito [13:22] RoLiZ neps.. muito arriscado [13:22] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -b *!*@localhost [13:22] :P [13:22] * Peixinho has joined #SLB [13:22] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Peixinho [13:23] Peixinho ************************************ [13:23] * CaSpEr has joined #SLB [13:23] ;) [13:23] MaGiK estes tipos sao uns ladroes nem para a UEFA tens cativo tipo tens que pagar bilhetes e para a TP também.. [13:23] * Peixinho sets mode: -o Peixinho [13:23] pois [13:23] MaGiKúÚ ************************* :D [13:23] tenho um primo que tem cativo no Dragao e ele pode ir ver tudo . [13:23] * _Diablo_ has joined #SLB [13:23] * SoNg^ \o/SLB AleZ\o/ [13:23] Eu se fosse de lx ou assim na zona, tb comprava =P [13:23] RoLiZ e sao mais baratos ne? [13:23] * Tommy_Franks has joined #SLB [13:23] tb... estadio do dragay, pra ver desgraças... [13:23] sao o mesmo preço [13:23] lol [13:24] * CaSpEr has left #SLB [13:24] man.. [13:24] * [_Parreira_] boas ppl [[]]**** [13:24] mas enfim pelo nosso clube fazemos tudo ! [13:24] * _Batistuta_ has joined #SLB [13:24] =) [13:24] e para a proxima epoca lá estarei. [13:24] _Batistuta_ * [13:24] * Enfadado has joined #SLB [13:24] * Nhunhu has joined #SLB [13:24] <_Batistuta_> WildsmaN * [13:24] tópico do canal dos tripeiros: arredados do titulo x Campeões.. arredados por kem? bah.. [13:24] MaGiK para que bancada é que tens ? [13:24] * Cristosland has joined #SLB [13:24] pt [13:24] piso 0 [13:24] sup [13:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [13:24] * _Batistuta_ RUMO AO BONFIM mas antes concentracao nos cafes mais proximos [13:24] <_inezitah_> _Batistuta_ hj apanhas no bomfim crlh! [13:24] quanto custou ? [13:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [13:25] Tommy_Franks como no scp tá "fora da europa" os tripas puseram isso [13:25] eles n se lembram k somos nós, SLB, k tamos com 6 de vantagem sobre o scp.. [13:25] lol [13:25] enfim [13:25] <_Batistuta_> _inezitah_ ?? [13:25] * Ig0r has quit IRC (User has been banned) [13:25] Tommy_Franks pois... [13:25] <_inezitah_> _Batistuta_ yajka te espero :) [13:25] inda vao ficar ah frente deles [13:25] RoLiZ 85€ [13:26] * m|ke has joined #SLB [13:26] <_inezitah_> _Batistuta_ prepara-te ! [13:26] * Dr3aM_An6eL_Boy has joined #SLB [13:26] * Acid_Burn| has joined #SLB [13:26] <_Batistuta_> ok [13:26] 4/85 [13:26] ups [13:26] * TuKyS has joined #SLB [13:26] <_inezitah_> _Batistuta_ tu e os gajos do pn todos [13:26] <_inezitah_> k venham hj a setubal [13:26] <_Batistuta_> ta bem [13:26] hm MaGiK mto bom preço :P [13:26] yah [13:26] fica 20 euros [13:26] cada jogo [13:26] QUE CENA MARADA no virus [13:26] * Ig0r has joined #SLB [13:26] inde la ver [13:26] QUE CENA MARADA no virus [13:26] Para a proxima epoca ainda vou para o teu lado [13:26] inde la ver [13:26] :P [13:26] kuase metade [13:26] QUE CENA MARADA no virus [13:26] inde la ver [13:27] <_inezitah_> hj é so cortar cabeças [13:27] * |_buLLsEyE_| has joined #SLB [13:27] caiNN ke isso ? lo [13:27] sLiM_XaDy vai la ver [13:27] QUE CENA MARADA no virus [13:27] caiNN ja xega [13:27] e dos gajos do iraque [13:27] ? [13:28] n [13:28] Lo0l [13:28] SuperLiga: SCP - Fora da Europa (2ªf/20h30/STv) [13:28] l0ol0 [13:28] * KuKaRaChA has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [13:28] * MaGiK sets mode: +m [13:29] * MaGiK sets mode: +v RoLiZ [13:29] * MaGiK sets mode: +v _Batistuta_ [13:29] * MaGiK has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [13:29] é um amor este rapaz [13:29] <_Batistuta_> ** [13:29] * aLeMa0_92 has left #SLB [13:30] * aLeMa0_92 has joined #SLB [13:30] * EL` has joined #SLB [13:31] * Dr3aM_An6eL_Boy has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [13:31] * bertollazi has joined #SLB [13:32] * Nick has joined #SLB [13:32] * _JusTPoisoN_ has joined #SLB [13:32] * _JusTPoisoN_ has left #SLB [13:33] * Faked has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [13:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [13:34] * DeikonDhevin has joined #SLB [13:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [13:37] * And_1 has joined #SLB [13:37] * SoNg^ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [13:37] * _Batistuta_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [13:37] * aonia has joined #SLB [13:37] * aonia has left #SLB [13:38] * Nick is now known as Taralh0k0 [13:38] * rApA has left #SLB [13:38] * rApA has joined #SLB [13:38] * ChanServ sets mode: +v rApA [13:39] já bazou tudo ? :s [13:39] * ReGuY_NiGhT has joined #SLB [13:39] * M0t0 has joined #SLB [13:39] * HurricaNNe has joined #SLB [13:40] .up [13:40] * bot sets mode: +o rApA [13:40] * rApA sets mode: -v rApA [13:40] * rApA sets mode: -m [13:40] rApAriga ***** [13:40] * Cristosland está Away, Auto Away após 15 min. Idle (Log:on|Pager:on) [13:40] rApA [[]]] [13:40] * M0t0 has left #SLB [13:40] HurricaNNe [] [13:40] * RuiGamito is back after 20m 59s [13:40] WildsmaN * [13:40] hihihi tou todo partido LOL [13:40] tb eu [13:40] lol [13:40] rapa [[]] [13:41] <|skinneR|> rApA [] [13:41] * ||ACAB||82 has joined #SLB [13:41] * ||ACAB||82 has left #SLB [13:41] Tb eu [13:41] tanta gente só falam uns 8 [13:42] lol [13:42] lolol [13:42] ya [13:42] bem bom [13:42] * PsYkAdElIkO  alguem tem o extreme com cenas alteradas e mais fixes como thmes e kicks ja encorporados... que me possa mandar [13:42] * SLB1904 sets mode: -b *!*JNfQA@localhost [13:43] * PsYkAdElIkO has left #SLB [13:43] * Ragazzo is now known as RagaS [13:43] * SimplYiNsANe has joined #SLB [13:43] * SimplYiNsANe has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [13:43] centauro_00 |skinneR| :) hi [13:43] <|skinneR|> :> [13:44] faltam 7 horas e 31 minutos [13:44] :)) [13:44] * RagaS is now known as Ragazzo [13:44] :o [13:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [13:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [13:44] PRÒS TRIPAIROS FICAREM COM DOR DE CORNO [13:45] * Hkorgan has joined #SLB [13:45] tu nem escrever sabes e és benfiquista [13:45] á muita gente k vai ver o jogo??? [13:45] * Hkorgan has left #SLB [13:45] agente não ganha po porto [13:46] * Tommy_Franks has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [13:46] * ReGuY_NiGhT has left #SLB [13:46] * MarkinHu has joined #SLB [13:46] do estadio [13:46] * SLB1904 sets mode: -v Loonatico [13:46] ya crl [13:46] vai encher [13:46] fdx [13:46] invasao crl [13:46] vou bulir ainda :( K KRLH [13:46] lol [13:46] loo [13:46] tu tás lixado [13:47] eu vou bulir pes4 [13:47] :P [13:47] O PINTO DA COSTA CADA VEZ METE MAIS RANSO!!!!!! [13:47] ate a meia noite [13:47] fdx [13:47] * Integrale Voltou do Away [Idle: 32m 5s] [Motivo: almocar] - Storm Script XP [13:47] giate pelos berros [13:47] * Integrale Está Away Agora: [Motivo: gran turismo 4!] - Storm Script XP [13:47] * Nuno|Pereira has joined #SLB [13:48] <|skinneR|> Mr_xXx calouuuuuuuuuuu caralh [13:48] <|skinneR|> :d [13:48] :o [13:48] * tweeta-away has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [13:48] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -b drnash!*@? [13:48] * _xikinho_ has joined #SLB [13:48] |skinneR| ** [13:48] * warket has joined #SLB [13:49] pinto da costa fdp [13:49] ! [13:49] é mesmo assim [13:49] RoLiZ tira-me a mao da perna crlh :S fdx... sai de ao pe de mim ... descarada [13:49] =) [13:49] * rApA is back after 31m 8s [13:50] lol [13:50] : ) [13:50] <|skinneR|> lol.. [13:50] <|skinneR|> Mr_xXx :X [13:50] <|skinneR|> querias era o RoLiZ [13:50] <|skinneR|> fdx... [13:50] <|skinneR|> Bixa :P [13:50] fdx [13:50] ENFIM ! [13:50] ela xeira a tremoços e a cerveja [13:51] * slb_faNN has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [13:51] resumindo ... xeira akilo k o rApA xeira .. a TASCA [13:51] :) [13:51] * DvPluribus has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [13:51] * slb_faNN has joined #SLB [13:51] * kALmEx has joined #SLB [13:52] * And_1 is away, auto-away after 15 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [13:52] Mariano Barreto, o treinador do Marítimo acaba de apresentar o pedido de demissão. A saída poderá estar na sequência das declarações de Catalina Pestana no julgamento do caso Casa Pia. [13:52] loooool [13:52] verdade?? [13:52] s [13:52] * Elio has joined #SLB [13:52] * bertollazi has left #SLB [13:53] ainda o pintinho da costa... [13:53] * [Maximus] has joined #SLB [13:53] lol [13:53] * _txe_txenko_ has joined #SLB [13:53] * bot has left #SLB [13:53] * bot has joined #SLB [13:53] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [13:53] * Elio has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [13:53] pinto da costa k va pro crl [13:53] ! [13:53] * DvPluribus has joined #SLB [13:53] * [Ultra-DV] Back [13:53] lool [13:53] * gawaboy has joined #SLB [13:53] esse fala muito binbo da costa [13:53] <[SOD]zERo> mandar o pc por caralho é uma ofensa a todos os crlhos [13:53] * [SOD]zERo was kicked by bot (Esse tipo de linguagem não é permitida, modera-te.) [13:53] * gawaboy has left #SLB [13:53] * [SOD]zERo has joined #SLB [13:53] ele + a mulher (peixeira) e o filho (paneleiro) [13:53] * warket was kicked by bot (Esse tipo de linguagem não é permitida, modera-te.) [13:54] * tyago_luis has joined #SLB [13:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [13:54] O Pinto Ta a Arranjar Maneira De Ser Morto Brevemente ... Como Se Diz .. Esta a Assinar a Sua Propria Sentença ... [13:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [13:55] * SenhorTobias has joined #SLB [13:55] tá a keimar os ultimos cartuxos antes k o benfica seija campiao [13:56] tenta desmoralizar [13:56] * bot sets mode: -b *!Puto_745@localhost [13:56] mas não vai lá [13:56] * eYeballs is back from Sleeping. I was gone for 8hrs 21mins [13:56] Boas...será qui há aqui alguem que queira contribuir c textos/comentarios, para xingar a tripalhada...?deem uma vista de olhos em , na seccao de futebol...e contribuam....:P Obrigado [13:56] * cybershark is away, auto-away after 20 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [13:56] * PazZz has joined #SLB [13:57] * PazZz has left #SLB [13:57] * springy_ has joined #SLB [13:58] * springy_ has left #SLB [13:58] "os Arbitros estao a ajudar o Benfica" fdx ... o fdp e k ta no processo apito Dourado e tal [13:58] * SaxoPT has joined #SLB [13:58] * HurricaNNe has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [13:58] * SaxoPT has left #SLB [13:58] * ChAosDemOn has joined #SLB [13:59] * [_Karadas_] has joined #SLB [13:59] * ChAosDemOn has left #SLB [13:59] * TuKyS has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [13:59] * pRibiEt has joined #SLB [13:59] * pRibiEt has left #SLB [13:59] * rApA sets mode: +b *!*@localhost [13:59] * SenhorTobias was kicked by rApA (4,5De pé pelo SLB GLORIOSO SLB vamos cantar e o BENFICA vai ganhar GLORIOSO SLB allez allez HEY HEY HEY! ) [14:00] * T3cHnO has left #SLB [14:00] * Dany has left #SLB [14:01] * _txe_txenko_ has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [14:01] (SLB) E Pluribus Unum (SLB) [14:01] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [14:02] * TuKyS has joined #SLB [14:04] * dOcToR-SyCHo has joined #SLB [14:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [14:04] * Velix has joined #SLB [14:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [14:05] * dOcToR-SyCHo on kataklysm @ Album - Serenity in Fire [14:05] * [_bubble_] has joined #SLB [14:05] alguem daqui que perceba de ingles me pode ajudar ? [14:05] +/- [14:05] * [_bubble_] has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [14:05] dix [14:05] mas para aquilo que precisas se calhar não percebo :p [14:07] * [_NaS_] has joined #SLB [14:07] * [_NaS_] has left #SLB [14:07] * [_NaS_] has joined #SLB [14:07] rApA se eu persebesse muito ajudava-te [14:07] * Da`ShuRkz is away, auto-away after 20 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [14:07] * Caeser has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [14:08] Xuta rApA, alguem ha-de saber [14:09] centauro_00 nem a escrever português percebes... :x [14:09] [Loonatico]: na pica yá??? [14:09] * |3Anel| has joined #SLB [14:10] * DeikonDhevin has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [14:10] * |R|eiGn has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [14:10] só apresentei um facto :] [14:10] escrevo assim pa ser mais rápido [14:10] * Enfadado has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [14:11] * louco` has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [14:11] * Cristosland has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [14:11] é desculpa que todos dão :) [14:11] * Marciu has joined #SLB [14:11] Taralh0k0 *** [14:11] * Worms69[Riov] has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [14:12] \o [14:12] k ganhas com essas senas [14:12] * VaniaH__17 has joined #SLB [14:12] o\/ [14:12] ups [14:12] Taralh0k0 * [14:12] \o/ [14:12] ? [14:12] * Marciu has left #SLB [14:12] * [Ultra-DV] (@NeVoEiRo) eu curto cuspir na cabeça da pila, e depois bater bué rápido, faz um creme parece um capuxino -> LLLLOOOOOOLLLLLLLLL [14:12] * Devilking has joined #SLB [14:13] * m|ke is away "" • Log: on • Pager: off [14:13] fdç que putos [14:13] centauro_00 até acredito que por vezes facilita [14:13] * KOMBATENTEEEEEE has joined #SLB [14:13] mas escrever senas em vez de cenas não me parece que seja para facilitar :) [14:13] * Sharkarp has joined #SLB [14:13] * Sharkarp has left #SLB [14:13] * _KID_MASTER_ (@NeVoEiRo) eu curto cuspir na cabeça da pila, e depois bater bué rápido, faz um creme parece um capuxino -> fdx k putos... [14:14] lole [14:14] _KID_MASTER_ já almoçaste amor? [14:14] * RuiGamito is away, auto-away after 15 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [14:14] [loonatico]: continua..... [14:14] o Taralh0k0 trabalha para o inimigo [14:14] * DuNc4n is away (DuNc4n has left IRC, i'll keep here instead him) [14:14] Rotfl [14:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [14:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [14:14] * Olho_Verde_S has joined #SLB [14:14] * skid is away, auto-away after 60 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [14:15] * Olho_Verde_S has left #SLB [14:15] * ]MiSsY[ has joined #SLB [14:15] * louco` has joined #SLB [14:15] * ]MiSsY[ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [14:15] * caiNN has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [14:16] * centauro_00 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [14:16] * aPa|x0n4da_ has joined #SLB [14:16] o [14:16] \o/ [14:16] * Shikid has joined #SLB [14:17] * super-rhs has joined #SLB [14:17] * super-rhs has left #SLB [14:17] \m/ [14:17] =P [14:17] * VaniaH__17 has left #SLB [14:18] bem eu tou a fazer o almoço.. por isso se vier alguem fazer porcaria digam o meu nick [14:18] oki rApA =P [14:18] * [palhas] has joined #SLB [14:18] * KOMBATENTEEEEEE has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [14:19] * ReptileSD has quit IRC (Killed ( (PUB,Flood or other Abuse))) [14:19] * SoulWatcheR has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [14:19] * DeSpEnTiAdO has joined #SLB [14:20] * bot has left #SLB [14:20] * bot has joined #SLB [14:20] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [14:20] * ||ReDeViL|| has joined #SLB [14:20] * furibundo has joined #SLB [14:20] * vIpeR has joined #SLB [14:21] [14:21] * vIpeR was kicked by bot (Spam) [14:21] * vIpeR has joined #SLB [14:21] LOL [14:21] * bot sets mode: +b *!*@localhost [14:21] * Lourenco has joined #SLB [14:22] pah e meme fdp exe porco :x [14:22] * aur0| has joined #SLB [14:22] rapa [] [14:22] ele k va ver o jogo porcos - slb pa ver kem foi ajudado :x [14:22] * trissomico has joined #SLB [14:22] * rApA sets mode: -b *!*@localhost [14:22] Lourenco [] [14:23] * [PT]Picador has quit IRC (Client exited) [14:23] aPa|x0n4da_ pull the tapeworm out of your ass:P [14:23] este ano eh tudo nosso:D [14:23] * |-xtazy-| has joined #SLB [14:23] * aPa|x0n4da_ tem atake d riso :x [14:23] GLORIOSOO SLB:P [14:24] * Rivolt has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [14:24] * aPa|x0n4da_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [14:24] * ||ReDeViL|| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [14:24] Levo o dia a fumar, a beber coisas, Drogas americanas que entontecem..E eu já tão bêbado sem nada! [14:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [14:24] * gamebreak has joined #SLB [14:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [14:25] * kALmEx has left #SLB [14:25] FORÇA SLB !!!!!!!!!! [14:25] FORÇA SLB !!!!!!!!! [14:25] * Devilking has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [14:25] * Flute has left #SLB [14:25] 28 de Fevereiro de 1904 - Uma data Memoravel para a Nação Benfiquista [14:26] * gamebreak has left #SLB [14:26] * Taralh0k0 is away, Nao incomodar, (log\off pager\on) [14:26] * |AnnAh| has joined #SLB [14:26] * DeSpEnTiAdO has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [14:26] * |3Anel| has left #SLB [14:27] * aur0| has left #SLB [14:27] * nervosinha has joined #SLB [14:28] * FoRGeT has joined #SLB [14:28] * Devilking has joined #SLB [14:28] * _KID_MASTER_ is now known as _ExTROvErTiDo_ [14:29] * G0lfinh0 has joined #SLB [14:29] * FoRGeT has left #SLB [14:29] * |Thiago| has joined #SLB [14:29] Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 Taralh0k0 [14:29] * aLeMa0_92 lool [14:29] * Integrale has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [14:29] Tudo sobre o Glorioso é em: [14:29] Mighell: e n me disseste se aquilo workou .. [14:29] epa [14:30] fikei sem net =| [14:30] lol [14:30] * |Thiago| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [14:30] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Mighell [14:30] * _ExTROvErTiDo_ ama a _ExTROvErTiDa_ [14:30] lol [14:30] <|_buLLsEyE_|> LOL [14:30] blerg [14:30] * Faked has joined #SLB [14:31] inda tens issu activo? [14:31] * AngelMix has joined #SLB [14:31] * DreageR has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [14:31] alguem sabe se hoje ha volei? [14:31] * SLB1904 sets mode: -v RoLiZ [14:32] * gkmc has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [14:34] * [palhas] has left #SLB [14:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [14:34] * nervosinha has left #SLB [14:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [14:36] * _|_The_Ghost_|_ has joined #SLB [14:37] * trissomico has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [14:38] (SLB) E Pluribus Unum (SLB) [14:39] * Lindo has joined #SLB [14:39] * [_Imortal_] has joined #SLB [14:39] * Netweb_Junior has joined #SLB [14:39] * Netweb_Junior has left #SLB [14:39] * blue_marlin has joined #SLB [14:39] * slb_faNN has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [14:40] * [ShArK-CrAzY] has joined #SLB [14:40] <[ShArK-CrAzY]> alguma das modalidades joga hj? [14:40] * [_NaS_] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [14:40] * KGB_1 has joined #SLB [14:41] * G0lfinh0 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [14:41] <[_Imortal_]> olhem ai uma pekena parte do site k eu estou a ler.... [14:41] * [ShArK-CrAzY] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [14:41] <[_Imortal_]> xpero k se divirtam [14:41] <[_Imortal_]> avião hotel auto férias escapadelas pousadas cruzeiros Última hora [14:41] <[_Imortal_]> AS MINHAS VIAGENS | CLUBE NETVIAGENS | GRANDE VIAGEM | ONDE IR | AJUDA Pesquisar [14:41] <[_Imortal_]> / microsites [14:41] <[_Imortal_]> Ofertas únicas... [14:41] <[_Imortal_]> ...aos melhores preços só na Netviagens. [14:41] <[_Imortal_]> Lugares limitados, reserve já! [14:41] <[_Imortal_]> POUSADAS DE PORTUGAL [14:41] <[_Imortal_]> Fins de Semana ao Melhor Preço! [14:41] SLB campeao 2004-2005.... tenho a certeza... so o benfica nao for campeao eu corto os colhoes [14:41] <[_Imortal_]> A reconhecida qualidade dos serviços e a harmoniosa arquitectura das Pousada de Portugal garante-lhe total satisfação para os seus fins de semana de Sexta a Domingo, ao melhor preço. Das Pousadas que fazem parte desta oferta, encontrará unidades inseridas em edifícios históricos tais como Castelos, Conventos e Palácios assim como de reconhecido interesse regional. [14:41] <[_Imortal_]> Pernoitar numa Pousada de Portugal significa um despertar para a descoberta da riqueza e variedade das regiões onde se situa cada unidade. De Norte a Sul do país, delicie-se com o melhor da gastronomia, da natureza, da arquitectura monumental, da história, da cultura do povo e do sossego das paisagens. [14:41] * Achada_boy was kicked by bot (Esse tipo de linguagem não é permitida, modera-te.) [14:42] * Achada_boy has joined #SLB [14:42] <[_Imortal_]> Beja [14:42] <[_Imortal_]> Promoção 2 noites na Pousada Histórica de S. Francisco [14:42] <[_Imortal_]> Passar um fim de semana numa Pousada Histórica é algo que não o(a) deixará indiferente. Super Oferta de 248€ para 2 pessoas, 2 noites, na Pousada Histórica de São Francisco, em Beja. Pequeno almoço incluído. Válido no fim de semana de 25 a 27 de Março. 248€ [14:42] <[_Imortal_]> reservar [14:42] <[_Imortal_]> informação [14:42] <[_Imortal_]> Vila Viçosa [14:42] <[_Imortal_]> Promoção 2 noites na Pousada Dom João IV [14:42] * Mighell sets mode: +b *!*@localhost [14:42] * [_Imortal_] was kicked by Mighell (xiu) [14:42] * VaSeLiNe has joined #SLB [14:42] * [_Karadas_] has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [14:43] que lamme [14:43] * _ExTROvErTiDo_ is now known as _KID_MASTER_ [14:43] * aLeMa0_92 Out / Pro Evolution Soccer 4 com o desgracado do Ch1m3c4 [14:44] * aLeMa0_92 msn [14:44] * aLeMa0_92 is away (Out @ Psybnc On) [14:44] * Dr^KILLer is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [14:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [14:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [14:45] * d0nE hi ** [14:45] * Devilking has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [14:45] * |m|_{o_o}_|m| has joined #SLB [14:46] * Smirnoff-_-Ice] is away (Cya! *) [14:46] * MtoSimpatico has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [14:46] * |m|_{o_o}_|m| has left #SLB [14:46] * KiNg_Of_Da_NaIt está away -=- motivo: ........................ [14:46] * louco` is away: auto-away after 15m idle [14:47] * rApA is away, O user com quem deseja falar neste momento encontra-se away! /quit rApA msg :), (log\off pager\on) [14:48] * rApA sets mode: -o rApA [14:48] <[Ultra-DV]> LOOOL [14:48] * PatoBorracha has joined #SLB [14:49] * bot has left #SLB [14:49] * bot has joined #SLB [14:49] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [14:49] * PatoBorracha AirÔ [14:49] * rApA FutSal: SLB x Sassoeiros(Juniores15H) e dps SLB x Famalicense(Seniores18H) vá * te' logo [14:50] * NNtoxic has joined #SLB [14:50] * [[_JoNy_]] has joined #SLB [14:50] * _DoRFMeiSTeR_ has joined #SLB [14:50] <[[_JoNy_]]> !voice [14:50] * vaNNdaL has joined #SLB [14:50] * BreeZee has joined #SLB [14:50] * BreeZee has left #SLB [14:50] * Cristosland has joined #SLB [14:51] * vaNNdaL has left #SLB [14:51] boa [14:52] <[[_JoNy_]]> !voice [[_JoNy_]] [14:52] * Drub has joined #SLB [14:52] * [[_JoNy_]] has left #SLB [14:52] <[Ultra-DV]> :\ [14:52] * Drub has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [14:52] LOLE! [14:53] !voice pa logo ah noite [14:53] * jvp8 has joined #SLB [14:53] * PedroMSantos has joined #SLB [14:53] * Kutlas has joined #SLB [14:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [14:54] * blue_marlin has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [14:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [14:55] * Spetsnaz has joined #SLB [14:57] * |doce_pecado| has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [14:57] * PedroMSantos has left #SLB [14:57] * [Davidoff] has joined #SLB [14:57] * eYeballs is AFK, auto away after 60 minutes. [14:58] Mais vale morrer no parto do que nascer e ser lagarto fdx [14:58] * DuArtE_m has joined #SLB [14:59] * kahum has joined #SLB [14:59] * Cristosland has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [14:59] * erotic has joined #SLB [14:59] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -b *!*@localhost [15:00] * azraeelpt has joined #SLB [15:00] * |Una_StreGa| has joined #SLB [15:00] * [Davidoff] has left #SLB [15:01] * DannyCarey has joined #SLB [15:01] * Lourenco has left #SLB [15:02] * [Korn[ has joined #SLB [15:02] * [Korn[ has left #SLB [15:02] * |-JoAnInHa-| has joined #SLB [15:02] * SL-BENFICA sets mode: -o Mighell [15:03] * [-sUbLiMe-] has joined #SLB [15:03] * bot sets mode: +m [15:03] * DannyCarey has left #SLB [15:03] * ogaiT has joined #SLB [15:03] * ogaiT has left #SLB [15:03] * m|ke has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [15:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [15:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [15:04] * KGB_1 has left #SLB [15:05] * Shikid has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [15:05] * Nhunhu has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [15:06] * DuArtE_m has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [15:06] * KGB_1 has joined #SLB [15:06] * kALmEx has joined #SLB [15:06] * NNtoxic has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [15:07] * FeHeRzInHa has joined #SLB [15:07] * Da`ShuRkz has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [15:07] * _inezitah_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [15:07] * MeninaFeia has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [15:08] * StuntmaNN has joined #SLB [15:08] * [S]aInT_VoDeViL has joined #SLB [15:08] * |Una_StreGa| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [15:09] * EL` has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [15:10] * Blue-Boy has joined #SLB [15:10] * |doce_pecado| has joined #SLB [15:10] * [Xscape] has joined #SLB [15:10] * [Xscape] has left #SLB [15:10] * Blue-Boy has left #SLB [15:11] * cifo_escoliose has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [15:11] * |X|-Centric has left #SLB [15:12] * Muitobig has joined #SLB [15:12] * Muitobig has left #SLB [15:12] * TrouperXI has joined #SLB [15:12] * TrouperXI has left #SLB [15:12] * |3Anel| has joined #SLB [15:12] * erotic is now known as CyDrAx [15:12] * CyDrAx has left #SLB [15:13] * zOuK has joined #SLB [15:13] * Muitobig has joined #SLB [15:13] * Maldini_ has joined #SLB [15:13] * Muitobig has left #SLB [15:13] * Maldini_ has left #SLB [15:14] * ]_eu_[ has joined #SLB [15:14] * ]_eu_[ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [15:14] * Pitbull_23 has joined #SLB [15:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [15:14] * _Diablo_ is now known as _Diablo_OFF [15:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [15:15] * Gohen has joined #SLB [15:15] * Gohen has left #SLB [15:16] * |-JoAnInHa-| has left #SLB [15:16] * Irmandade has joined #SLB [15:17] * namesti has joined #SLB [15:17] * _Diablo_OFF is now known as _Diablo_ [15:17] * MarkinHu has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [15:18] * |R|eiGn has joined #SLB [15:18] * leoa1 has joined #SLB [15:18] * JBL has joined #SLB [15:18] * Pitbull_23 has left #SLB [15:18] * NNinaDoSLB has left #SLB [15:18] * JBL has left #SLB [15:20] * Phant0m has joined #SLB [15:20] * Mohamad has joined #SLB [15:20] * Mohamad has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [15:20] * ][Ali_G][ has joined #SLB [15:21] * Dolphins_Cry has joined #SLB [15:21] * ]_ALFA_[ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [15:21] * EmoTearz has joined #SLB [15:21] * EmoTearz has left #SLB [15:21] * DJ_FM has joined #SLB [15:22] * DJ_FM has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [15:22] * DuArtE_m has joined #SLB [15:22] * leoa1 has left #SLB [15:23] * VVolverine has joined #SLB [15:23] * DJ_FM has joined #SLB [15:23] * leoa1 has joined #SLB [15:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [15:24] * leoa1 has left #SLB [15:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [15:25] * bot has left #SLB [15:25] * bot has joined #SLB [15:25] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [15:25] * zOuK has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [15:25] * DJ_FM has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [15:25] * zOuK has joined #SLB [15:25] * norther has joined #SLB [15:25] * norther has left #SLB [15:26] * Karell is now known as Psycho_Angel [15:26] * maxmix has joined #SLB [15:28] * zOuK has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [15:29] * Snype has joined #SLB [15:29] * Snype has left #SLB [15:29] * CyDrAx has joined #SLB [15:29] * KGB_1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [15:30] * CyDrAx has left #SLB [15:30] * Kittin has joined #SLB [15:31] * collision_boy has joined #SLB [15:31] * leoa1 has joined #SLB [15:32] * DANI_31 has joined #SLB [15:32] * [[SeA_MaStEr]] has joined #SLB [15:32] * ChanServ sets mode: +o KiD [15:32] * [taylor] has joined #SLB [15:32] * KiD sets mode: -m [15:32] * [[SeA_MaStEr]] has left #SLB [15:32] * [taylor] has left #SLB [15:33] * Nuno|Pereira has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [15:33] * [taylor] has joined #SLB [15:33] <[taylor]> oi ppl [15:33] * Strafer has joined #SLB [15:33] * [taylor] has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [15:33] oi piços ** [15:34] * SoNg^ has joined #SLB [15:34] * _kana_ has joined #SLB [15:34] * _kana_ has left #SLB [15:34] * idl3r has left #SLB [15:34] * idl3r has joined #SLB [15:34] * |skinneR| has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [15:35] * pRibiEt has joined #SLB [15:35] * DANI_31 has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [15:35] * midnight_man has joined #SLB [15:35] * DANI_31 has joined #SLB [15:35] * Psycho_Angel rtp memoria LOL akilo parece o campo das batatas kakakakaa [15:36] * VVolverine has left #SLB [15:36] * leoa1 has left #SLB [15:37] * caveman has joined #SLB [15:37] * caveman has left #SLB [15:37] * nervosinha has joined #SLB [15:38] <][Ali_G][> hoj ate os papamos [15:38] <][Ali_G][> :D [15:38] * [taylor] has joined #SLB [15:38] <[taylor]> oi ppl [15:38] * LaDy_DyNNaMiTe has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [15:38] * [3m4Nu3L] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [15:39] * |skinneR| has joined #SLB [15:39] * |_devil_boy_| has joined #SLB [15:39] <|_devil_boy_|> boas [15:39] * Enfadado has joined #SLB [15:40] * _Diablo_ is now known as _Diablo_OFF [15:40] * MarkinHu has joined #SLB [15:40] * Devil[DV]Dream has joined #SLB [15:40] * RuSs3L has joined #SLB [15:41] * Blue-Boy has joined #SLB [15:41] & [15:41] * caiNN has joined #SLB [15:41] * mInD_sLiCeR has joined #SLB [15:41] * Blue-Boy has left #SLB [15:41] * nervosinha has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [15:41] * RpV has joined #SLB [15:41] * bot sets mode: +b rpv!*@? [15:41] * Integrale has joined #SLB [15:41] * RpV was kicked by bot (Banned: ..) [15:41] * DANI_31 has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [15:42] ! [15:42] Vejam la' [15:42] * SLB1904 sets mode: -b *!*@localhost [15:42] [15:42] Jasus [15:42] :D [15:43] Ate' cega [15:43] * pRibiEt has left #SLB [15:43] * Robert_Pires_7 has joined #SLB [15:43] <[Ultra-DV]> ja faÇu essa finta desde os 10 anos :´) [15:43] * Nuno|Pereira has joined #SLB [15:44] So' que falta dizeres que metes super cola 3 na bola [15:44] * Psycho_Angel .. ouvindo .. benni bennassi - dount touch too much [15:44] lol [15:44] <[Ultra-DV]> LOOL [15:44] <[Ultra-DV]> ya.:D [15:44] KiD @ [15:44] * idl3r has left #SLB [15:44] * idl3r has joined #SLB [15:45] mete cuspo na bola [15:45] DrDeViL* [15:45] :) [15:45] <[Ultra-DV]> tb serve :D [15:45] <[Ultra-DV]> mas so n disse uma cena.. [15:45] <[Ultra-DV]> eu faÇu essa fonta nos sonhos [15:45] * DuArtE_m is away, keyboard missing... (auto-away após 20 minuto(s) idle) (log:yes\pag:yes) [15:45] <[Ultra-DV]> td é possivel [15:45] <[Ultra-DV]> LOOOL [15:46] .up [15:46] * bot sets mode: +o Taralh0k0 [15:46] * KiNg_Of_Da_NaIt está away desde 14:46 -=- motivo: ........................ [15:46] * Psycho_Angel .. ouvindo .. benni bennassi - hit my heart [15:46] * [S]aInT_VoDeViL is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [15:47] * SLBeNNfica_girl has joined #SLB [15:47] boa tarde* [15:48] <[Ultra-DV]> SLBeNNfica_girl boa tarde *** [15:48] manda mazeh foto pa motivos estatisticos [15:48] 28 de Fevereiro de 1904 - Uma data Memoravel para a Nação Benfiquista [15:48] No outro dia, uma rapariga telefonou-me e disse... "Queres vir cá a casa? Não está cá ninguém." Eu fui lá a casa. Não estava ninguém... [15:49] * midnight_man has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [15:49] ahahah [15:49] * DrDeViL Alguém me diz sons BRUTAIS tipo Benny Benassi pra eu sacar ?????? ;) [15:50] * |R|eiGn has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [15:50] * _Diablo_OFF is now known as _Diablo_ [15:50] Sons brutal beni benassi ? [15:50] :\ [15:50] *Som [15:50] * slb_faNN has joined #SLB [15:50] * Bazla has joined #SLB [15:50] Saca a Maria Albertina [15:50] =X [15:50] <|_devil_boy_|> lol! [15:50] * namesti has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [15:51] <|-xtazy-|> tony carreira [15:51] * Bazla has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [15:51] Taralh0k0 grande música :) [15:51] * Psycho_Angel .. ouvindo .. benni bennassi - piste 6 [15:51] <|_devil_boy_|> Ze kabra! [15:51] Nem e' muito grande [15:51] 2 minutos e tal [15:51] * Robert_Pires_7 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [15:51] * Achada_boy has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [15:51] pois.. de facto [15:51] mas sempre dá para entreter durante alguns momentos [15:51] * StuntmaNN has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [15:52] a maria albertinha é mtoboa [15:52] * MoNiCa_1990 has joined #SLB [15:52] é [15:52] tem airbags fantásticos [15:52] Maria Albertina como foste nessa [15:52] De chamar Vanessa a' tua menina [15:52] de chamar vanessa [15:52] \o/ [15:52] á tua menina [15:52] o cd é kuase todo fixe [15:52] : ] [15:52] Quase [15:53] Como o outro que de 70 anos que fodia a mulher quase todos os dias [15:53] Quase que a fodia 'a Segunda [15:53] Quase que a fodia 'a Terça [15:53] Quase que a fodia 'a Quarta [15:53] o que estraga ali [15:53] ... [15:53] é a voz do david fonseca [15:53] LOLE [15:54] * idl3r has left #SLB [15:54] * idl3r has joined #SLB [15:54] * Worms69[Riov] has joined #SLB [15:55] * GuaDalope has joined #SLB [15:57] * Cyber_Power has joined #SLB [15:57] * [Martins] has joined #SLB [15:57] * [Martins] has left #SLB [15:58] * SLBeNNfica_girl has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [15:58] * |_buLLsEyE_| is away, auto-away after 30 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [15:58] * Devil[DV]Dream has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [15:58] * ViDrAdO has joined #SLB [15:59] * Cyber_Power has left #SLB [16:01] * Guitar_Boy has joined #SLB [16:01] * Guitar_Boy has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [16:01] * Integrale Está Away Agora: [Motivo: N-G [_SAGRES_]] - Storm Script XP [16:01] * MIRA has joined #SLB [16:01] * Integrale has quit IRC (User has been banned) [16:01] * [taylor] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [16:01] * MIRA is now known as MIRA[SLB] [16:02] * StuntmaNN has joined #SLB [16:04] * [-sUbLiMe-] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [16:04] * MegaLsd has joined #SLB [16:04] * idl3r has left #SLB [16:04] * idl3r has joined #SLB [16:05] * SPiTTFiRE has joined #SLB [16:05] * |3Anel| has left #SLB [16:05] * SPiTTFiRE has left #SLB [16:05] * MoNiCa_1990 has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [16:06] * KiNg_Of_Da_NaIt está away desde 14:46 -=- motivo: ........................ [16:06] * THC has joined #SLB [16:06] * [_Patinha_] has joined #SLB [16:06] <[_Patinha_]> oias ppl [16:06] <[_Patinha_]> do glorioso [16:06] * [S]aInT_VoDeViL is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [16:07] * RuSs3L has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [16:07] 30 campeonatos, 24 taças, 3 supertaças, 2 taças dos campeões assim se escreve e se lê o nome BENFICA| [16:07] benficaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [16:07] * Strafer is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [16:07] * Psycho_Angel has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [16:09] * bot has left #SLB [16:09] * bot has joined #SLB [16:09] * ChanServ sets mode: +o bot [16:09] * ViDrAdO has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [16:09] * GuaDalope has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [16:09] * Ka0s_Br1nGeR has joined #SLB [16:09] Tudo sobre o Glorioso é em: [16:10] * Ka0s_Br1nGeR has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [16:10] * Nightfall has joined #SLB [16:11] * FireWiz has joined #SLB [16:11] Invasão a Setúbal e o país parar para ver o jogo ! [16:11] :))))))))))))))))) [16:11] KiD suckamos :P [16:11] <[Ultra-DV]> é garantido.. [16:11] Ehhhh cabrao *** [16:11] Futsal: BENFICA - famalicense (18h)) em que canal ? [16:11] julgava ke ja tinhas emigrado pa palestina [16:12] Futsal: BENFICA - famalicense (18h)) em que canal ?! [16:12] :) [16:12] * {[MaryChains|| has joined #SLB [16:13] caiNN nos do pavilhão da luz :] [16:13] * {[MaryChains|| has left #SLB [16:13] * z0rke` has joined #SLB [16:13] * THC has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [16:14] * Znarzo is back after 18h 10m 56s [16:14] * Znarzo Boas [16:14] (SLB) E Pluribus Unum (SLB) [16:14] * idl3r has left #SLB [16:14] * collision_boy has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [16:14] * idl3r has joined #SLB [16:14] * phliso has joined #SLB [16:15] * Karell has joined #SLB [16:15] * cifo_escoliose has joined #SLB [16:16] * _NO-NAME_ has joined #SLB [16:16] * _TeReXa has joined #SLB [16:16] <_NO-NAME_> oi ppl [16:16] <_NO-NAME_> [[[[[]]]]]]]] [16:17] * RuiGamito is back after 2h 2m 55s [16:17] * AngelMix has left #SLB [16:17] * RuiGamito is away, not here, (log\off pager\on) [16:17] boas [16:17] * [_Patinha_] has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [16:17] * |_devil_boy_| has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [16:17] * KnightFal has joined #SLB [16:18] <_NO-NAME_> where man ? [16:19] * _|_RED_FISH_|_ has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [16:19] * FireWiz parte o coco a rir ! [16:20] * phliso has quit IRC (Quit: +q) [16:20] * Bomberjm has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [16:20] _NO-NAME_ aqui -> kid [16:20] * caiNN has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [16:20] * g0dg0ry has joined #SLB [16:20] | [16:20] so falo com gajos ricos [16:20] <_NO-NAME_> lol [16:20] * cortes has joined #SLB [16:20] KiD saiu-me o segundo prémio do euromilhões ontem [16:21] chega-te o dinheiro que me saiu? [16:21] * _SnIfAs_ has joined #SLB [16:21] nop [16:21] e pouco [16:21] * hot_stuff has joined #SLB [16:21] 1 milhão de euros [16:21] portanto... [16:21] é pouco [16:21] ok [16:21] :$ [16:22] * siarraweb has joined #SLB [16:22] * _inezitah_ has joined #SLB [16:22] * _SnIfAs_ has left #SLB [16:22] com 200 mil contos tas no mirc a fazer o ke [16:23] a tentar perceber o que fazer [16:23] * phliso has joined #SLB [16:23] da vida [16:23] <_NO-NAME_> da-os ao nosso clube sê benfikista [16:23] * h_raqi has joined #SLB [16:23] lol [16:23] * h_raqi has left #SLB [16:23] * Agros has joined #SLB [16:23] fds [16:23] compra o roger [16:23] ** [16:24] dsa [16:24] mudo-me é para o porto [16:24] * idl3r has left #SLB [16:24] * idl3r has joined #SLB [16:25] porto, cidade [16:25] obviamente [16:25] <_NO-NAME_> o_Ô [16:25] não clube [16:25] o.O [16:25] po porto [16:25] lOL [16:25] ia mase pa fora de portugal [16:25] * caiNN has joined #SLB [16:26] * hi-tek has joined #SLB [16:26] * hi-tek has left #SLB [16:26] <_NO-NAME_> podes crer ke ia [16:26] namorada no porto... [16:26] * KiNg_Of_Da_NaIt está away desde 14:46 -=- motivo: ........................ [16:26] * [S]aInT_VoDeViL is away (Auto IdleAway after 30 min) [16:27] * Sackana has joined #SLB [16:28] * _NO-NAME_ has quit IRC (Broken pipe) [16:29] Sackana uh ? [16:29] o canal nao ta moderado [16:29] * meira has joined #SLB [16:29] SLBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB [16:29] isto é tudo benfiquistas? [16:29] * _inezitah_ has left #SLB [16:29] nao [16:29] somos lagartos [16:29] tamos aki na desportiva [16:29] :) [16:29] eu sou lampeao [16:29] ;) [16:29] lol [16:30] tao Session Close: Sat Mar 19 16:30:04 2005