#!/usr/bin/env perl

use warnings;
use strict;
use v5.26;

use Getopt::Long;
use utf8::all;

my $dups;
GetOptions ("dups|d"  => \$dups);   # flag

my %warnings;
my %duplicates;

while (<>) {
    say and next if /^##/;

    # more than two slashes?
    if (length($_ =~ s/[^\/]//gr) > 2) {
        $warnings{'Too many slashes'}++;
        say "## FIXME: $_" and next

    my ($word, $morph, $flags) = split /\//;

    # Do we have strange things in the word?
    if ($word =~ /\W/ && $word !~ /^\w+(-\w+)+$/) {
        $warnings{'Entries with non-word chars'}++;
        say "## WEIRD ENTRY: $_";

    if ($duplicates{$word} >= 2) {
        $warnings{'Duplicated entries'}++;
        if ($dups) {
            say "## DUP: $_";

    $morph =~ s{pt=([^=]+)$}{$a = $1; $a =~ tr/ ,/_-/; "pt=$a"}ge;

    if ($word =~ /^oku/) {
        $warnings{'Analyzed verbs'}++;
        $morph = "#v,$morph" unless $morph =~ /#v/;
        $flags .= "v" unless $flags =~ /v/;

    say join("/", $word, $morph, $flags);

for my $k (keys %warnings) {
    printf STDERR "%30s - %d entries\n", $k, $warnings{$k};