{1148}{1265}Once upon a time|there was a lovely princess. {1267}{1356}But she had an enchantment|upon her of a fearful sort... {1359}{1476}which could only be broken|by love's first kiss. {1478}{1533}She was locked away|in a castle... {1536}{1637}guarded by a terrible|fire-breathing dragon. {1639}{1744}Many brave knights had attempted|to free her from this dreadful prison, {1746}{1812}but none prevailed. {1814}{1865}She waited in|the dragon's keep... {1868}{1938}in the highest room|of the tallest tower... {1940}{2049}for her true love|and true love's first kiss. {2051}{2121}Like that's ever gonna happen. {2124}{2213}- What a loony -------------------- {2216}{2325}Somebody once told me|the world is gonna roll me -------------------- {2328}{2422}I ain't the sharpest tool|in the shed -------------------- {2425}{2542}She was lookin' kind of dumb|with her finger and her thumb -------------------- {2545}{2633}In the shape of an "L"|on her forehead -------------------- {2636}{2706}The years start comin'|and they don't stop comin' -------------------- {2708}{2776}Fed to the rules|and I hit the ground runnin' -------------------- {2778}{2831}Didn 't make sense|not to live for fun -------------------- {2834}{2887}Your brain gets smart|but your head gets dumb -------------------- {2889}{2934}So much to do|So much to see -------------------- {2937}{2998}So what's wrong with|takin' the backstreets -------------------- {3001}{3050}You'll never know|if you don't go -------------------- {3052}{3110}You'll never shine|if you don't glow -------------------- {3113}{3158}Hey, now|You're an all-star -------------------- {3161}{3217}Get your game on, go play -------------------- {3220}{3313}Hey, now, you're a rockstar|Get the show on, get paid -------------------- {3316}{3410}And all that|glitters is gold -------------------- {3413}{3543}Only shootin' stars|break the mould -------------------- {3545}{3592}It's a cool place|and they say it gets colder -------------------- {3595}{3646}You're bundled up now|but wait till you get older -------------------- {3649}{3700}But the meteormen|beg to differ -------------------- {3702}{3747}Judging by the hole|in the satellite picture -------------------- {3750}{3814}The ice we skate|is gettin' pretty thin -------------------- {3817}{3864}The water's getting warm|so you might as well swim -------------------- {3866}{3911}My world's on fire|How 'bout yours {3914}{3978}That's the way I like it|and I'll never get bored {3980}{4042}- Hey, now, you're an all-star {4045}{4131}Get your game on, go play -------------------- {4133}{4207}Hey, now, you're a rockstar|Get the show on, get paid -------------------- {4210}{4298}And all that|glitters is gold -------------------- {4301}{4418}Only shootin' stars|break the mould -------------------- {4513}{4558}- Go!|- Go! -------------------- {4561}{4635}- Go. Go. Go. -------------------- {4638}{4698}Hey, now|You're an all-star {4701}{4775}Get your game on, go play {4777}{4878}Hey, now, you're a rockstar|Get the show on, get paid -------------------- {4881}{4973}And all that|glitters is gold -------------------- {4976}{5102}Only shootin' stars|break the mould -------------------- {5216}{5294}- Think it's in there?|- All right. Let's get it! {5296}{5362}Whoa. Hold on. Do you know|what that thing can do to you? {5364}{5434}Yeah, it'll grind|your bones for its bread. {5437}{5531}Yes, well, actually,|that would be a giant. {5534}{5631}Now, ogres--|They're much worse. {5633}{5703}They'll make a suit|from your freshly peeled skin. {5705}{5754}- No!|- They'll shave your liver. {5757}{5835}Squeeze the jelly|from your eyes! {5837}{5897}- Actually, it's quite good on toast.|- Back! Back, beast! {5900}{5951}Back! I warn ya! -------------------- {6021}{6101}- Right. -------------------- {6458}{6567}This is the part|where you run away. -------------------- {6730}{6802}And stay out! {6848}{6922}"Wanted. Fairy tale creatures." -------------------- {7052}{7110}All right. This one's full. {7126}{7175}- Take it away! {7178}{7270}- Move it along. Come on! Get up!|- Next! {7273}{7343}Give me that!|Your flying days are over. {7345}{7407}That's 20 pieces of silver|for the witch. Next! {7410}{7474}- Get up! Come on!|- Twenty pieces. {7477}{7533}- Sit down there! {7536}{7595}- Keep quiet! {7598}{7666}This cage is too small. {7669}{7718}Please don't turn me in.|I'll never be stubborn again. {7721}{7768}I can change.|Please! Give me another chance! {7771}{7827}- Oh, shut up.|- Oh!|- Next! {7830}{7898}- What have you got?|- This little wooden puppet. {7901}{8018}I'm not a puppet.|I'm a real boy. {8021}{8077}Five shillings|for the possessed toy. {8080}{8129}- Take it away.|- Father, please!|Don't let them do this! {8132}{8177}- Help me!|- Next. What have you got? {8180}{8242}- Well, I've got a talking donkey. {8245}{8354}Right. Well, that's good for|ten shillings, if you can prove it. {8356}{8449}Oh, go ahead, little fella. {8452}{8497}Well? {8500}{8564}Oh, oh, he's just--|He's just a little nervous. {8567}{8661}He's really quite a chatterbox.|Talk, you boneheaded dolt-- {8664}{8725}-That's it. I've heard enough. Guards!|- No, no, he talks! {8728}{8827}He does. I can talk.|I love to talk. {8829}{8899}I'm the talkingest|damn thing you ever saw. {8901}{8961}- Get her out of my sight.|- No, no! {8964}{9069}I swear! Oh!|He can talk! -------------------- {9126}{9182}Hey! I can fly! {9185}{9224}- He can fly!|- He can fly! {9226}{9298}- He can talk!|- Ha, ha! That's right, fool! {9301}{9354}Now I'm a flying,|talking donkey. {9357}{9419}You might have seen a house fly,|maybe even a super fly, {9422}{9494}but I bet you ain't|never seen a donkey fly. {9497}{9542}Ha, ha! -------------------- {9545}{9590}Uh-oh. -------------------- {9648}{9695}Seize him! {9742}{9810}After him!|He's getting away! -------------------- {9998}{10074}Get him! This way! Turn! -------------------- {10200}{10254}You there. Ogre! {10257}{10311}Aye? {10314}{10411}By the order of Lord Farquaad,|I am authorized to place|you both under arrest... {10414}{10548}and transport you to|a designated... resettlement facility. {10550}{10647}Oh, really?|You and what army? -------------------- {10905}{10952}Can I say something to you? {10955}{11035}Listen, you was really, really somethin'|back there. Incredible! {11037}{11175}Are you talkin' to--|me? Whoa! {11177}{11271}Yes, I was talkin' to you. Can I|tell you that you was great back there?|Those guards! {11274}{11338}They thought they was all of that.|Then you showed up, and bam! {11341}{11388}They was trippin' over themselves|like babes in the woods. {11390}{11435}That really made me|feel good to see that. {11438}{11510}- Oh, that's great. Really.|- Man, it's good to be free. {11513}{11645}Now, why don't you go celebrate your|freedom with your own friends? Hmm? {11648}{11726}But, uh, I don't|have any friends. {11729}{11793}And I'm not goin'|out there by myself. {11795}{11855}Hey, wait a minute! I got|a great idea! I'll stick with you. {11858}{11903}You're a mean,|green, fightin' machine. {11906}{11959}Together we'll scare|the spit out of anybody that crosses us. -------------------- {12064}{12128}Oh, wow!|That was really scary. {12130}{12218}If you don't mind me sayin',|if that don't work, your breath|certainly will get the job done, {12221}{12295}'cause you definitely|need some Tic Tacs or something,|'cause your breath stinks! {12298}{12374}You almost burned the hair|outta my nose, {12377}{12445}just like the time-- {12447}{12535}Then I ate some rotten berries.|I had strong gases eking out|of my butt that day. {12538}{12602}Why are you following me? {12630}{12690}I'll tell you why. {12693}{12763}'Cause I'm all alone {12765}{12854}There's no one here|beside me {12857}{12944}My problems|have all gone {12947}{13027}There's no one|to deride me {13029}{13076}But you gotta have friends-- {13078}{13150}Stop singing! {13153}{13202}It's no wonder|you don't have any friends. {13204}{13290}Wow. Only a true friend|would be that truly honest. {13293}{13390}Listen, little donkey.|Take a look at me. What am I? {13416}{13463}Uh-- -------------------- {13508}{13586}- Really tall?|- No! I'm an ogre. {13588}{13664}You know.|"Grab your torch and pitchforks." {13667}{13714}Doesn't that bother you? {13717}{13768}Nope. {13770}{13838}- Really?|- Really, really. {13841}{13915}- Oh.|- Man, I like you. What's your name? {13918}{14005}Uh, Shrek. {14008}{14086}Shrek? Well, you know|what I like about you, Shrek? {14088}{14185}You got that kind of|I-don't-care-what-nobody-|thinks-of-me thing. {14187}{14277}I like that.|I respect that, Shrek. You all right. {14280}{14375}Whoo! Look at that. Who'd want|to live in a place like that? {14378}{14454}That would be my home. {14457}{14525}Oh! And it is lovely!|Just beautiful. {14528}{14618}You are quite a decorator.|It's amazing what you've done|with such a modest budget. {14621}{14734}I like that boulder.|That is a nice boulder. {14825}{14889}I guess you don't|entertain much, do you? {14892}{14935}I like my privacy. {14937}{14998}You know, I do too.|That's another thing we have in common. {15001}{15054}Like, I hate it when|you got somebody in your face. {15057}{15150}You're trying to give them|a hint, and they won't leave.|There's that awkward silence. -------------------- {15226}{15290}- Can I stay with you?|- Uh, what? {15293}{15354}Can I stay with you, please? {15357}{15411}- Of course!|- Really? {15414}{15470}- No.|- Please! I don't wanna go back there! {15473}{15566}You don't know what it's like to be|considered a freak. Well, maybe you do. {15569}{15630}But that's why we gotta stick together.|You gotta let me stay! {15633}{15707}- Please! Please!|- Okay! Okay! {15710}{15771}- But one night only.|- Ah! Thank you! {15774}{15829}- What are you-- No! No!|- This is gonna be fun! {15832}{15877}We can stay up late,|swappin' manly stories, {15880}{15946}and in the mornin'|I'm makin' waffles. {15949}{16027}- Oh!|- Where do, uh, I sleep? {16029}{16070}Outside! {16073}{16147}Oh, well,|I guess that's cool. {16149}{16198}I mean, I don't know you,|and you don't know me, {16201}{16257}so I guess outside|is best, you know. {16260}{16332}Here I go. {16384}{16481}Good night. {16484}{16579}I mean, I do like the outdoors.|I'm a donkey. I was born outside. {16582}{16646}I'll just be sitting by myself|outside, I guess, you know. {16648}{16702}By myself, outside. {16705}{16820}I'm all alone|There's no one here beside me -------------------- {18361}{18423}I thought I told you to stay outside. {18426}{18513}- I am outside. -------------------- {18646}{18736}Well, gents, it's a far cry from|the farm, but what choice do we have? {18739}{18798}It's not home,|but it'll do just fine. {18801}{18846}What a lovely bed. {18849}{18904}- Got ya.|- I found some cheese. {18907}{18966}- Ow!|- Blah! Awful stuff. {19009}{19070}- Is that you, Gorder?|- How did you know? {19073}{19143}Enough!|What are you doing in my house? {19145}{19190}Hey! {19193}{19255}- Oh, no, no, no. {19258}{19344}- Dead broad off the table.|- Where are we supposed to|put her? The bed's taken. {19346}{19422}Huh? {19424}{19486}What? {19489}{19602}I live in a swamp. I put up signs.|I'm a terrifying ogre! {19605}{19667}What do I have to do|to get a little privacy? {19670}{19727}- Aah!|- Oh, no. {19730}{19794}Oh, no. {19797}{19883}- No! No! -------------------- {19885}{19955}- What? {19957}{20002}- Quit it.|- Don't push. -------------------- {20109}{20179}What are you doing|in my swamp? {20181}{20238}Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! -------------------- {20241}{20317}- Oh, dear! -------------------- {20320}{20359}Whoa! {20361}{20441}All right, get out of here.|All of you, move it! {20444}{20501}Come on! Let's go!|Hapaya! Hapaya! Hey! {20504}{20551}- Quickly. Come on!|- No, no! {20553}{20606}No, no.|Not there. Not there. {20608}{20692}- Oh! {20694}{20762}Hey, don't look at me.|I didn't invite them. {20765}{20814}Oh, gosh, no one invited us. {20817}{20878}- What?|- We were forced to come here. {20881}{20932}- By who?|- Lord Farquaad. {20934}{21047}He huffed und he puffed und he...|signed an eviction notice. {21050}{21114}All right. {21117}{21218}Who knows where|this Farquaad guy is? {21221}{21287}- Oh, I do. I know where he is. {21290}{21378}Does anyone else|know where to find him? {21414}{21467}- Anyone at all?|- Me! Me! {21470}{21515}- Anyone?|- Oh! Oh, pick me! {21518}{21575}Oh, I know!|I know! Me, me! {21578}{21652}Okay, fine. {21655}{21764}Attention,|all fairy tale things. {21766}{21879}Do not get comfortable.|Your welcome is officially worn out. {21881}{21969}In fact, I'm gonna see|this guy Farquaad right now... {21972}{22046}and get you all off my land|and back where you came from! -------------------- {22228}{22298}Oh! You! {22301}{22346}You're comin' with me. {22349}{22404}All right, that's|what I like to hear, man. {22407}{22497}Shrek and Donkey, two stalwart friends,|off on a whirlwind big-city adventure. {22500}{22547}I love it! {22550}{22626}- On the road again|Sing it with me, Shrek.|- Hey. Oh, oh! {22628}{22675}I can't wait to get|on the road again {22677}{22722}What did I say|about singing? {22725}{22770}- Can I whistle?|- No. {22773}{22839}- Can I hum it?|- All right, hum it. -------------------- {23554}{23626}That's enough.|He's ready to talk. -------------------- {23937}{23995}Run, run, run,|as fast as you can. {23998}{24082}You can't catch me.|I'm the gingerbread man! {24085}{24171}- You're a monster.|- I'm not the monster here. You are. {24173}{24274}You and the rest of that fairy tale|trash, poisoning my perfect world. {24277}{24322}Now, tell me!|Where are the others? {24325}{24385}- Eat me! {24388}{24458}I've tried to be fair|to you creatures. {24460}{24544}Now my patience has reached its end!|Tell me or I'll-- {24546}{24612}No, no, not the buttons.|Not my gumdrop buttons. {24615}{24662}All right then.|Who's hiding them? {24665}{24793}Okay, I'll tell you.|Do you know the muffin man? {24795}{24850}- The muffin man?|- The muffin man. {24853}{24935}Yes, I know the muffin man,|who lives on Drury Lane? {24937}{25019}Well, she's married|to the muffin man. {25021}{25072}- The muffin man?|- The muffin man! {25074}{25146}- She's married to the muffin man. {25148}{25187}My lord! We found it. {25190}{25266}Then what are you waiting for?|Bring it in. -------------------- {25540}{25599}- Oh! {25602}{25705}- Magic mirror--|- Don't tell him anything! {25708}{25763}No! {25766}{25855}- Evening. {25858}{25903}Mirror, mirror, on the wall. {25905}{25985}Is this not the most|perfect kingdom of them all? {25988}{26049}Well, technically|you're not a king. {26052}{26134}Uh, Thelonius. {26136}{26222}- You were saying?|- What I mean is, you're not a king yet. {26225}{26311}But you can become one. All|you have to do is marry a princess. {26313}{26385}- Go on. {26387}{26473}So, just sit back|and relax, my lord, {26476}{26579}because it's time for you to|meet today's eligible bachelorettes. {26581}{26667}And here they are! {26669}{26787}Bachelorette number one|is a mentally abused shut-in|from a kingdom far, far away. {26790}{26843}She likes sushi|and hot tubbing anytime. {26846}{26928}Her hobbies include cooking|and cleaning for her two evil sisters. {26931}{26987}Please welcome Cinderella. {26990}{27087}Bachelorette number two|is a cape-wearing girl|from the land of fancy. {27089}{27153}Although she lives with|seven other men, she's not easy. {27156}{27238}Just kiss her dead, frozen lips|and find out what a live wire she is. {27241}{27330}Come on.|Give it up for Snow White! {27333}{27395}And last,|but certainly not least, {27398}{27447}bachelorette number three|is a fiery redhead... {27450}{27510}from a dragon-guarded castle|surrounded by hot boiling lava! {27513}{27562}But don't let that cool you off. {27564}{27640}She's a loaded pistol|who likes piņa coladas|and getting caught in the rain. {27642}{27739}Yours for the rescuing,|Princess Fiona! {27741}{27799}So will it be|bachelorette number one, {27802}{27886}bachelorette number two|or bachelorette number three? {27888}{27939}- Two! Two!|- Three! Three! {27942}{27973}- Two! Two!|- Three! {27976}{28027}Three? One?|Three? {28029}{28078}Three!|Pick number three, my lord! {28080}{28169}Okay, okay, uh, number three! {28172}{28285}Lord Farquaad,|you've chosen Princess Fiona. {28288}{28378}If you love piņa coladas {28381}{28461}- And getting caught in the rain|- Princess Fiona. {28463}{28514}- If you're not into yoga|- She's perfect. {28517}{28583}All I have to do is|just find someone who can go-- {28585}{28638}But I probably should mention|the little thing that happens at night. {28641}{28686}- I'll do it.|- Yes, but after sunset-- {28689}{28786}Silence! I will make|this Princess Fiona my queen, {28789}{28888}and DuLoc will finally|have the perfect king! {28891}{28944}Captain, assemble|your finest men. {28946}{29038}We're going to have|a tournament. {29079}{29151}But that's it. That's it|right there. That's DuLoc. {29153}{29202}I told ya I'd find it. {29204}{29303}So, that must be|Lord Farquaad's castle. {29305}{29354}Uh-huh. That's the place. {29357}{29439}Do you think maybe|he's compensating for something? -------------------- {29541}{29588}Hey, wait.|Wait up, Shrek. {29590}{29658}Hurry, darling.|We're late. Hurry. {29697}{29781}- Hey, you! {29784}{29852}Wait a second.|Look, I'm not gonna eat ya. {29854}{29947}- I just-- I just-- -------------------- {30680}{30717}It's quiet. {30776}{30830}Too quiet. {30893}{30992}- Where is everybody?|- Hey, look at this! -------------------- {31313}{31395}Welcome to DuLoc|such a perfect town {31397}{31479}Here we have some rules|Let us lay them down {31481}{31573}Don't make waves, stay in line|and we'll get along fine {31576}{31662}DuLoc is a perfect place {31665}{31774}Please keep off of the grass|Shine your shoes, wipe your... face {31776}{31862}DuLoc is, DuLoc is {31864}{31946}DuLoc is a perfect {31949}{32031}- Place {32121}{32222}Wow! Let's do that again! {32224}{32288}No. No.|No, no, no! No. {32346}{32402}- Brave knights. {32405}{32504}- You are the best and brightest|in all the land. {32506}{32563}Today one of you|shall prove himself-- {32566}{32621}All right. You're going the right way|for a smacked bottom. {32624}{32669}- Sorry about that. {32672}{32804}That champion shall have the honour--|no, no-- the privilege... {32806}{32903}to go forth and rescue|the lovely Princess Fiona... {32905}{32985}from the fiery keep|of the dragon. {32987}{33088}If for any reason|the winner is unsuccessful, {33090}{33166}the first runner-up|will take his place... {33168}{33234}and so on and so forth. {33237}{33367}Some of you may die, but it's|a sacrifice I am willing to make. -------------------- {33490}{33547}Let the tournament begin! -------------------- {33637}{33682}- Oh! {33685}{33763}- What is that? {33765}{33874}- It's hideous!|- Ah, that's not very nice. {33877}{33934}- It's just a donkey.|- Huh? {33937}{34007}Indeed. Knights, new plan! {34010}{34123}The one who kills the ogre will be|named champion! Have at him! {34125}{34218}- Get him!|- Oh, hey! Now come on! Hang on now. {34221}{34275}Go ahead! Get him! {34278}{34365}Can't we just settle this|over a pint? {34368}{34397}Kill the beast! {34400}{34507}No? All right then. {34509}{34558}Come on! -------------------- {34746}{34851}I don't give a damn|about my reputation -------------------- {34854}{34949}- You're living in the past|It's a new generation|- Damn! -------------------- {34952}{35018}- A girl can do|what she wants to do -------------------- {35021}{35074}And that's what|I'm gonna do -------------------- {35077}{35170}And I don't give a damn|about my bad reputation -------------------- {35173}{35262}Oh, no, no, no, no, no|Not me -------------------- {35265}{35345}- Me, me, me|- Hey, Shrek, tag me! Tag me! {35348}{35414}And I don't give a damn|about my reputation -------------------- {35416}{35469}Never said I wanted|to improve my station -------------------- {35472}{35531}Ah! -------------------- {35534}{35583}- And I'm always feelin' good|when I'm having fun|- Yeah! -------------------- {35585}{35634}And I don't have|to please no one {35637}{35682}The chair!|Give him the chair! {35685}{35747}And I don't give a damn|about my bad reputation {35750}{35826}Oh, no, no, no, no, no|Not me {35828}{35861}Me, me, me -------------------- {35864}{35928}Oh, no, no, no, no -------------------- {35930}{36017}Not me, not me -------------------- {36020}{36078}- Not me -------------------- {36154}{36278}Oh, yeah! Ah! Ah! {36281}{36347}Thank you!|Thank you very much! {36350}{36406}I'm here till Thursday.|Try the veal! Ha, ha! -------------------- {36562}{36609}Shall I give|the order, sir? {36611}{36697}No, I have a better idea. {36699}{36822}People of DuLoc,|I give you our champion! {36825}{36917}- What?|- Congratulations, ogre. {36920}{37023}You've won the honour of|embarking on a great and noble quest. {37026}{37131}Quest? I'm already on a quest,|a quest to get my swamp back. {37133}{37209}- Your swamp?|- Yeah, my swamp! {37212}{37270}Where you dumped|those fairy tale creatures! {37273}{37334}- Indeed. {37337}{37386}All right, ogre,|I'll make you a deal. {37389}{37479}Go on this quest for me, and|I'll give you your swamp back. {37482}{37546}Exactly the way it was? {37549}{37615}Down to the last|slime-covered toadstool. {37617}{37695}- And the squatters?|- As good as gone. -------------------- {37768}{37862}What kind of quest? {37871}{37926}Let me get this straight.|You're gonna go fight a dragon... {37929}{37991}and rescue a princess just so Farquaad|will give you back a swamp... {37994}{38068}which you only don't have|because he filled it full of|freaks in the first place. {38071}{38174}- Is that about right?|- Maybe there's a good reason|donkeys shouldn't talk. {38177}{38261}I don't get it. Why don't you just|pull some of that ogre stuff on him? {38264}{38309}Throttle him,|lay siege to his fortress, {38312}{38380}grind his bones to make your bread,|the whole ogre trip. {38382}{38427}Oh, I know what. {38430}{38483}Maybe I could have|decapitated an entire village... {38485}{38536}and put their heads|on a pike, {38538}{38624}gotten a knife, cut open their|spleen and drink their fluids. {38627}{38678}Does that sound|good to you? {38680}{38742}Uh, no, not really, no. {38745}{38835}For your information, there's a lot|more to ogres than people think. {38838}{38904}- Example?|- Example? {38906}{39052}- Okay, um, ogres are like onions.|- They stink? {39055}{39109}- Yes-- No!|- They make you cry?|- No! {39112}{39194}You leave them out in the sun,|they get all brown, start|sproutin' little white hairs. {39196}{39243}No! Layers! {39246}{39301}Onions have layers. {39304}{39382}Ogres have layers!|Onions have layers. {39385}{39442}You get it? We both have layers. {39489}{39575}Oh, you both|have layers. Oh. {39577}{39657}You know, not everybody likes onions. {39660}{39722}Cake! Everybody loves cakes!|Cakes have layers. {39725}{39818}I don't care...|what everyone likes. {39821}{39909}Ogres are not like cakes. {39954}{40034}You know what else|everybody likes? Parfaits. {40037}{40082}Have you ever met a person, you|say, "Let's get some parfait," {40085}{40130}they say, "No,|I don't like no parfait"? {40133}{40199}- Parfaits are delicious.|- No! {40201}{40267}You dense, irritating,|miniature beast of burden! {40269}{40339}Ogres are like onions!|End of story. {40341}{40388}Bye-bye. See ya later. -------------------- {40480}{40585}Parfaits may be the most delicious thing|on the whole damn planet. {40588}{40641}You know, I think|I preferred your humming. {40643}{40707}Do you have a tissue or something?|I'm making a mess. {40709}{40779}Just the word parfait|make me start slobbering. -------------------- {40885}{41025}I'm on my way from misery|to happiness today -------------------- {41028}{41087}Uh-huh, uh-huh|Uh-huh, uh-huh -------------------- {41090}{41220}I'm on my way from misery|to happiness today -------------------- {41223}{41281}Uh-huh, uh-huh|Uh-huh, uh-huh -------------------- {41284}{41377}And everything|that you receive up yonder -------------------- {41380}{41473}Is what you give to me|the day I wander -------------------- {41476}{41546}I'm on my way -------------------- {41573}{41643}I'm on my way -------------------- {41669}{41718}I'm on my way {41721}{41779}Ooh! Shrek!|Did you do that? {41782}{41872}You gotta warn somebody before you|just crack one off. My mouth was open. {41875}{41963}Believe me, Donkey, if|it was me, you'd be dead. {41966}{42032}It's brimstone. {42034}{42110}- We must be getting close.|- Yeah, right, brimstone. {42112}{42209}Don't be talking about it's|the brimstone. I know what I|smell. It wasn't no brimstone. {42212}{42259}It didn't come off|no stone neither. -------------------- {42691}{42771}Sure, it's big enough,|but look at the location. {42846}{42959}Uh, Shrek? Uh, remember when|you said ogres have layers? {42961}{43006}Oh, aye. {43009}{43095}Well, I have a bit|of a confession to make. {43097}{43177}Donkeys don't have layers. We wear|our fear right out there on our sleeves. {43180}{43277}- Wait a second.|Donkeys don't have sleeves.|- You know what I mean. {43280}{43344}You can't tell me|you're afraid of heights. {43346}{43455}I'm just a little uncomfortable|about being on a rickety bridge|over a boiling lake of lava! {43458}{43555}Come on, Donkey.|I'm right here beside ya, okay? {43557}{43621}For emotional support, {43623}{43732}we'll just tackle this thing|together one little baby step at a time. {43734}{43779}- Really?|- Really, really. {43782}{43858}- Okay, that makes me|feel so much better.|- Just keep moving. {43861}{43970}- And don't look down.|- Okay, don't look down.|Don't look down. {43973}{44053}Don't look down.|Keep on moving. Don't look down. {44056}{44146}Shrek! I'm lookin' down! {44149}{44219}Oh, God, I can't do this!|Just let me off, please! {44221}{44305}- But you're already halfway.|- But I know that half is safe! {44308}{44374}Okay, fine. I don't|have time for this. You go back. {44377}{44434}- Shrek, no! Wait!|-Just, Donkey-- {44437}{44511}- Let's have a dance then, shall we?|- Don't do that! {44513}{44605}Oh, I'm sorry. Do what? {44608}{44682}- Oh, this?|- Yes, that! {44684}{44766}Yes? Yes, do it. Okay. {44768}{44822}No, Shrek! {44825}{44899}- No! Stop it!|- You said do it! I'm doin' it. {44902}{45003}I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die.|Shrek, I'm gonna die. {45006}{45065}Oh! {45068}{45163}That'll do, Donkey.|That'll do. -------------------- {45245}{45298}Cool. {45301}{45367}So where is this|fire-breathing pain-in-the-neck anyway? {45369}{45458}Inside, waiting for us|to rescue her. {45461}{45531}I was talkin' about the dragon, Shrek. -------------------- {45902}{45947}You afraid? {45950}{46028}No, but-- Shh. {46031}{46115}Oh, good. Me neither. {46118}{46198}'Cause there's nothin'|wrong with bein' afraid. {46201}{46279}Fear's a sensible response|to an unfamiliar situation. {46281}{46330}Unfamiliar dangerous|situation, I might add. {46332}{46394}With a dragon that breathes fire|and eats knights and breathes fire, {46397}{46479}it sure doesn't mean you're a coward|if you're a little scared. {46482}{46577}I sure as heck ain't no coward.|I know that. {46580}{46660}Donkey, two things, okay? {46662}{46722}Shut... up. {46725}{46791}Now go over there and see|if you can find any stairs. {46793}{46855}Stairs? I thought|we was lookin' for the princess. {46858}{46975}The princess will be up the stairs in|the highest room in the tallest tower. {46977}{47063}- What makes you think she'll be there?|- I read it in a book once. {47065}{47158}Cool. You handle the dragon.|I'll handle the stairs. {47161}{47233}I'll find those stairs.|I'll whip their butt too. {47236}{47283}Those stairs won't know|which way they're goin'. -------------------- {47391}{47438}I'm gonna take drastic steps. {47440}{47506}Kick it to the kerb. Don't mess|with me. I'm the stair master. {47509}{47618}I've mastered the stairs.|I wish I had a step right here.|I'd step all over it. -------------------- {47690}{47774}Well, at least we know|where the princess is, but where's the-- {47780}{47810}- Dragon! -------------------- -------------------- {48538}{48585}- Got ya! -------------------- {48664}{48789}Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! -------------------- {49125}{49236}Oh! Aah! Aah! -------------------- {49528}{49614}- Oh, what large teeth you have. {49617}{49708}I mean, white, sparkling teeth.|I know you probably hear this|all the time from your food, {49711}{49810}but you must bleach, 'cause that|is one dazzling smile you got there. {49812}{49871}Do I detect a hint|of minty freshness? {49874}{49987}And you know what else?|You're-- You're a girl dragon! {49990}{50097}Oh, sure! I mean,|of course you're a girl dragon. {50100}{50190}You're just reeking|of feminine beauty. {50193}{50248}What's the matter with you?|You got something in your eye? {50251}{50319}Ooh. Oh. Oh. {50321}{50378}Man, I'd really love to stay,|but, you know, I'm, uh-- {50381}{50475}I'm an asthmatic, and|I don't know if it'd work out if|you're gonna blow smoke rings. {50478}{50523}Shrek! -------------------- {50526}{50614}No! Shrek! Shrek! -------------------- {50617}{50662}Shrek! -------------------- {51413}{51446}Oh! Oh! {51449}{51494}- Wake up!|- What? {51497}{51536}Are you Princess Fiona? {51538}{51666}I am, awaiting a knight|so bold as to rescue me. {51668}{51715}Oh, that's nice.|Now let's go! {51718}{51765}But wait, Sir Knight. {51768}{51822}This be-ith our first meeting. {51825}{51913}Should it not be|a wonderful, romantic moment? {51916}{52019}- Yeah, sorry, lady. There's no time.|- Hey, wait. What are you doing? {52022}{52071}You should sweep me|off my feet... {52074}{52154}out yonder window and down a rope|onto your valiant steed. {52157}{52223}You've had a lot of time|to plan this, haven't you? {52226}{52327}Mm-hmm. {52330}{52398}But we have to|savour this moment! {52401}{52467}You could recite|an epic poem for me. {52469}{52527}A ballad? A sonnet! {52530}{52608}- A limerick? Or something!|- I don't think so. {52610}{52715}Can I at least know|the name of my champion? {52718}{52763}Um, Shrek. {52766}{52854}Sir Shrek. {52857}{52970}I pray that you take this favour|as a token of my gratitude. {52998}{53045}Thanks! -------------------- {53142}{53185}You didn't slay the dragon? -------------------- {53188}{53246}- It's on my to-do list. Now come on! {53249}{53310}But this isn't right! {53313}{53366}You were meant to charge in,|sword drawn, banner flying. {53369}{53418}That's what all|the other knights did. {53421}{53475}Yeah, right before|they burst into flame. {53478}{53562}That's not the point. Oh! {53565}{53623}Wait. Where are you going?|The exit's over there. {53626}{53675}Well, I have to save my ass. {53677}{53753}What kind of knight are you? {53756}{53813}One of a kind. {53816}{53872}Slowdown. Slowdown, baby, please. {53875}{53976}I believe it's healthy to get to|know someone over a long period of time. {53978}{54039}Just call me old-fashioned. {54042}{54126}I don't want to rush into|a physical relationship. {54128}{54210}I'm not emotionally ready|for a commitment of, uh, this-- {54213}{54267}Magnitude really is|the word I'm looking for. {54270}{54354}Magnitude-- Hey, that is|unwanted physical contact. {54356}{54414}Hey, what are you doing? {54417}{54495}Okay, okay. Let's just back up a little|and take this one step at a time. {54497}{54596}We really should get to know each other|first as friends or penpals. {54598}{54699}I'm on the road a lot,|but I just love receiving cards-- {54701}{54758}I'd really love|to stay, but-- {54761}{54822}Don't do that! That's my tail!|That's my personal tail. {54825}{54907}You're gonna tear it off.|I don't give permission-- What|are you gonna do with that? {54909}{54999}Hey, now. No way.|No! No! {55002}{55068}No, no! No.|No, no, no! No! Oh! -------------------- {55712}{55759}- Hi, Princess!|- It talks! {55761}{55850}Yeah, it's getting him|to shut up that's the trick. -------------------- {55977}{56016}Oh! -------------------- {56704}{56749}Okay, you two,|head for the exit! {56777}{56837}I'll take care of the dragon. -------------------- {56996}{57126}Run! -------------------- {58123}{58234}- You did it! {58237}{58305}You rescued me!|You're amazing. You're-- {58308}{58397}You're wonderful. You're... {58400}{58454}a little unorthodox I'll admit. {58457}{58574}But thy deed is great,|and thine heart is pure. {58577}{58667}- I am eternally in your debt. {58670}{58773}And where would a brave knight be|without his noble steed? {58776}{58887}I hope you heard that. She called me|a noble steed. She think I'm a steed. {58890}{58966}The battle is won. {58968}{59027}You may remove your helmet,|good Sir Knight. {59030}{59091}- Uh, no.|- Why not? {59094}{59147}I have helmet hair. {59149}{59225}Please. I would'st look|upon the face of my rescuer. {59228}{59289}No, no, you wouldn't-- 'st. {59292}{59350}But how will you kiss me? {59353}{59442}What? That wasn't|in the job description. {59445}{59501}Maybe it's a perk. {59504}{59609}No, it's destiny.|Oh, you must know how it goes. {59612}{59702}A princess locked in a tower|and beset by a dragon... {59705}{59775}is rescued by a brave knight, {59777}{59855}and then they share|true love's first kiss. {59858}{59907}Hmm? With Shrek?|You think-- Wait. {59910}{59986}Wait. You think that|Shrek is your true love? {59988}{60035}Well, yes. -------------------- {60133}{60191}You think Shrek|is your true love! {60194}{60239}What is so funny? {60242}{60316}Let's just say I'm|not your type, okay? {60318}{60402}Of course, you are.|You're my rescuer. {60404}{60462}Now-- Now remove your helmet. {60465}{60518}Look. I really don't think|this is a good idea. {60520}{60567}- Just take off the helmet.|- I'm not going to. {60570}{60597}- Take it off.|- No! {60600}{60649}- Now!|- Okay! {60652}{60759}Easy. As you command,|Your Highness. -------------------- {61001}{61083}You-- You're a-- an ogre. {61085}{61178}Oh, you were expecting|Prince Charming. {61181}{61240}Well, yes, actually. {61287}{61365}Oh, no. This is all wrong. {61367}{61421}You're not supposed|to be an ogre. {61424}{61549}Princess, I was sent|to rescue you by Lord Farquaad, okay? {61552}{61597}He's the one|who wants to marry you. {61600}{61645}Then why didn't|he come rescue me? {61648}{61751}Good question. You should|ask him that when we get there. {61754}{61826}But I have to be rescued|by my true love, {61829}{61895}not by some ogre|and his-- his pet. {61897}{61946}So much for noble steed. {61948}{62010}You're not making|my job any easier. {62013}{62093}I'm sorry, but your job|is not my problem. {62096}{62221}You can tell Lord Farquaad|that if he wants to rescue me properly, {62224}{62279}I'll be waiting for him|right here. {62282}{62402}Hey! I'm no one's messenger boy,|all right? I'm a delivery boy. {62405}{62458}You wouldn't dare. {62461}{62508}- Put me down!|- Ya comin', Donkey? {62511}{62558}I'm right behind ya. {62560}{62646}Put me down, or you will|suffer the consequences! {62648}{62755}This is not dignified!|Put me down! {62758}{62826}Okay, so here's|another question. {62829}{62901}Say there's a woman|that digs you, right, but you|don't really like her that way. {62904}{62960}How do you let her down real easy|so her feelings aren't hurt, {62963}{63022}but you don't get burned|to a crisp and eaten? {63025}{63091}You just tell her|she's not your true love. {63093}{63157}Everyone knowest what happens|when you find your-- {63160}{63221}Hey! {63224}{63278}The sooner we get|to DuLoc the better. {63281}{63351}You're gonna love it there,|Princess. It's beautiful! {63353}{63442}And what of my groom-to-be?|Lord Farquaad? What's he like? {63445}{63496}Let me put it this way,|Princess. {63498}{63593}Men of Farquaad's stature|are in short supply. {63644}{63741}I don't know. There are those who|think little of him. -------------------- {63793}{63861}Stop it. Stop it,|both of you. {63864}{63982}You're just jealous you can|never measure up to a great|ruler like Lord Farquaad. {63985}{64055}Yeah, well, maybe|you're right, Princess. {64057}{64135}But I'll let you do the "measuring"|when you see him tomorrow. {64138}{64239}Tomorrow?|It'll take that long? {64241}{64354}- Shouldn't we stop to make camp?|- No, that'll take longer. {64356}{64461}- We can keep going.|- But there's robbers in the woods. {64464}{64544}Whoa! Time out, Shrek!|Camping's starting to sound good. {64546}{64643}Hey, come on.|I'm scarier than anything we're|going to see in this forest. {64646}{64702}I need to find|somewhere to camp now! -------------------- {64868}{64965}- Hey! Over here.|- Shrek, we can do better than that. {64968}{65029}I don't think|this is fit for a princess. {65032}{65098}No, no, it's perfect.|It just needs a few homey touches. {65101}{65218}- Homey touches? Like what? {65221}{65322}A door? Well, gentlemen,|I bid thee good night. {65325}{65381}You want me to read you|a bedtime story? I will. {65384}{65439}I said goodnight! -------------------- {65499}{65546}Shrek, what are you doing? {65548}{65620}I just-- You know-- Oh, come on. {65623}{65685}I was just kidding. -------------------- {65813}{65899}And, uh, that one,|that's Throwback, {65901}{65983}the only ogre to ever spit|over three wheat fields. {65985}{66059}Right. Yeah. {66061}{66131}Hey, can you tell my future|from these stars? {66133}{66219}The stars don't tell the future, Donkey.|They tell stories. {66221}{66307}Look, there's Bloodnut,|the Flatulent. {66309}{66395}- You can guess what he's famous for.|- I know you're making this up. {66398}{66462}No, look.|There he is, {66465}{66539}and there's the group of hunters|running away from his stench. {66541}{66602}That ain't nothin' but|a bunch of little dots. {66605}{66698}Sometimes things are|more than they appear. {66701}{66752}Hmm? {66755}{66804}Forget it. -------------------- {66872}{66961}Hey, Shrek, what we gonna do|when we get our swamp anyway? {66964}{67007}Our swamp? {67009}{67058}You know, when we're through|rescuing the princess. {67061}{67174}We? Donkey, there's no "we."|There's no "our." {67177}{67230}There's just me and my swamp. {67233}{67334}The first thing I'm gonna do is build|a ten-foot wall around my land. {67337}{67396}You cut me deep, Shrek. {67399}{67479}You cut me real deep just now. {67481}{67526}You know what I think? {67529}{67603}I think this whole wall thing|is just a way to keep somebody out. {67606}{67705}- No, do ya think?|- Are you hidin' something? {67708}{67755}Never mind, Donkey. {67757}{67839}Oh, this is another one of|those onion things, isn't it? {67841}{67927}No, this is one of those drop-it|and leave-it-alone things. {67929}{68018}- Why don't you want to talk about it?|- Why do you want to? {68021}{68064}- Why are you blocking?|- I'm not blocking. {68066}{68119}- Oh, yes, you are.|- Donkey, I'm warning you. {68122}{68206}- Who you trying to keep out?|- Everyone! Okay? {68236}{68294}Oh, now we're gettin' somewhere. {68297}{68375}Oh! For the love of Pete! {68378}{68435}What's your problem?|What you got against the whole world? {68438}{68491}I'm not the one|with the problem, okay? {68493}{68563}It's the world that seems|to have a problem with me. {68566}{68658}People take one look at me|and go, "Aah! Help! Run! {68661}{68750}A big, stupid, ugly ogre!" {68753}{68854}They judge me before|they even know me. {68856}{68901}That's why|I'm better off alone. -------------------- {69092}{69145}You know what? {69147}{69283}When we met, I didn't think you was|just a big, stupid, ugly ogre. {69285}{69355}Yeah, I know. {69357}{69439}So, uh, are there|any donkeys up there? {69441}{69521}Well, there's, um, Gabby, {69524}{69578}the Small and Annoying. {69581}{69698}Okay, I see it now. The big shiny|one, right there. That one there? {69701}{69777}- That's the moon.|- Oh, okay. -------------------- {70289}{70346}Again. Show me again. -------------------- {70454}{70551}Mirror, mirror, show her to me.|Show me the princess. {70554}{70651}- Hmph. -------------------- {70653}{70768}Ah. Perfect. -------------------- {72286}{72354}Mmm, yeah, you know|I like it like that. {72357}{72458}- Come on, baby. I said I like it.|- Donkey, wake up. {72461}{72521}- Huh? What?|- Wake up. {72524}{72571}- What?|- Good morning. {72573}{72651}How do you like your eggs? {72653}{72747}- Good morning, Princess!|- What's all this about? {72750}{72844}We kind of got off|to a bad start yesterday. {72847}{72894}I wanted to make it up to you. {72897}{73006}After all, you did rescue me. {73008}{73080}- Uh, thanks. {73082}{73172}Well, eat up.|We've got a big day ahead of us. -------------------- {73280}{73327}- Shrek! {73329}{73374}What? It's a compliment. {73376}{73446}Better out than in,|I always say. {73449}{73538}- Well, it's no way to behave|in front of a princess. {73541}{73603}- Thanks.|- She's as nasty as you are. {73606}{73721}You know,|you're not exactly what I expected. {73724}{73845}Maybe you shouldn't judge people|before you get to know them. -------------------- {73913}{73967}La liberte! Hey! {73970}{74015}Princess! {74018}{74082}- What are you doing? {74084}{74154}Be still, mon cherie,|for I am your saviour! {74156}{74263}And I am rescuing you from this green-- {74265}{74325}- beast.|- Hey! {74328}{74383}That's my princess!|Go find your own! {74386}{74506}Please, monster!|Can't you see I'm a little busy here? {74509}{74595}Look, pal, I don't know|who you think you are! {74597}{74658}Oh! Of course!|Oh, how rude. {74661}{74710}Please let me|introduce myself. {74713}{74781}Oh, Merry Men! -------------------- {74881}{74928}Ta, dah, dah, dah, whoo {74930}{74979}I steal from the rich|and give to the needy {74982}{75033}- He takes a wee percentage|- But I'm not greedy {75035}{75082}I rescue pretty damsels|Man, I'm good {75085}{75155}- What a guy, Monsieur Hood|- Break it down. -------------------- {75245}{75298}I like an honest fight|and a saucy little maid {75301}{75354}- What he's basically saying|is he likes to get--|- Paid {75357}{75418}- So|- When an ogre in the bush|grabs a lady by the tush {75421}{75475}- That's bad|- That's bad {75478}{75531}When a beauty's with a beast|it makes me awfully mad {75534}{75579}He's mad|He's really, really mad {75582}{75627}I'll take my blade and|ram it through your heart {75629}{75738}Keep your eyes on me, boys|'cause I'm about to start -------------------- {75873}{75935}Man, that was annoying! {75938}{75979}Oh, you little-- -------------------- {76633}{76707}Um, shall we? {76739}{76807}- Hold the phone. {76822}{76892}Oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa.|Hold on now. {76895}{76942}- Where did that come from?|- What? {76945}{77013}That! Back there.|That was amazing! {77016}{77061}Where did you learn that? {77064}{77138}Well--|When one lives alone, {77141}{77207}uh, one has to learn these things|in case there's a-- {77209}{77271}- There's an arrow in your butt!|- What? {77274}{77364}- Oh, would you look at that?|- Oh, no. This is all my fault. {77367}{77412}- I'm so sorry.|- Why? What's wrong? {77415}{77495}- Shrek's hurt.|- Shrek's hurt. Shrek's hurt?|Oh, no, Shrek's gonna die. {77497}{77587}- Donkey, I'm okay.|- You can't do this to me.|I'm too young for you to die. {77590}{77641}Keep your legs elevated.|Turn your head and cough. {77643}{77715}- Does anyone know the Heimlich?|- Donkey! Calm down. {77717}{77828}If you want to help Shrek,|run into the woods and find me|a blue flower with red thorns. {77830}{77916}Blue flower, red thorns. Okay,|I'm on it. Blue flower, red thorns. {77918}{78000}Don't die, Shrek. If you see|a long tunnel, stay away from the light! {78003}{78079}- Donkey!|- Oh, yeah. Right.|Blue flower, red thorns. {78081}{78135}- Blue flower, red thorns.|- What are the flowers for? {78138}{78191}- For getting rid of Donkey.|- Ah. {78193}{78249}Now you hold still,|and I'll yank this thing out. {78252}{78305}Ow! Hey!|Easy with the yankin'. {78307}{78369}- I'm sorry, but it has to come out.|- No, it's tender. {78372}{78413}Now, hold on. {78416}{78465}- What you're doing|is the opposite of help.|- Don't move. {78468}{78532}- Look, time out.|- Would you-- {78534}{78641}Okay. What do you propose we do? {78643}{78707}Blue flower, red thorns.|Blue flower, red thorns.|Blue flower, red thorns. {78710}{78766}This would be so much easier|if I wasn't colour-blind! {78769}{78818}- Blue flower, red thorns.|- Ow! {78821}{78878}Hold on, Shrek!|I'm comin'! {78915}{78966}Ow! Not good. {78968}{79028}-Okay. Okay, I can nearly see the head. {79031}{79093}- It's just about--|- Ow! Ohh! -------------------- {79138}{79200}Ahem. {79203}{79283}Nothing happened.|We were just, uh-- {79286}{79350}Look, if you wanted to be alone,|all you had to do was ask. {79353}{79431}Oh, come on!|That's the last thing on my mind. {79433}{79520}The princess here|was just-- Ugh! -------------------- {79597}{79661}- Ow!|- Hey, what's that? {79664}{79732}That's-- Is that blood? -------------------- {80123}{80210}My beloved monster and me -------------------- {80241}{80348}We go everywhere together -------------------- {80351}{80464}Wearin' a raincoat|that has four sleeves -------------------- {80466}{80577}- Gets us through all kinds|of weather|- Aah! -------------------- {80579}{80704}She will always be|the only thing -------------------- {80707}{80814}That comes between me|and the awful sting -------------------- {80817}{80938}That comes from living in a world|that's so damn mean -------------------- {81161}{81260}Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh -------------------- {81607}{81654}Hey! -------------------- {81656}{81755}- La-la, la-la, la-la-la-la -------------------- {81758}{81855}La-la, la-la, la-la -------------------- {81903}{81948}There it is, Princess. {81951}{82006}Your future awaits you. {82009}{82062}- That's DuLoc?|- Yeah, I know. {82065}{82129}You know, Shrek thinks Lord Farquaad's|compensating for something, {82131}{82190}which I think means|he has a really-- Ow! {82193}{82238}Um, I, uh-- {82241}{82298}- I guess we better move on.|- Sure. {82301}{82350}But, Shrek? {82353}{82419}- I'm-- I'm worried about Donkey. {82422}{82478}- What?|- I mean, look at him. {82481}{82553}- He doesn't look so good.|- What are you talking about? I'm fine. {82555}{82674}That's what they always say,|and then next thing you know,|you're on your back. {82677}{82735}- Dead.|- You know, she's right. {82738}{82806}You look awful.|Do you want to sit down? {82809}{82873}- I'll make you some tea.|- I didn't want to say nothin', {82876}{82942}but I got this twinge in my neck,|and when I turn my head like this, look. {82944}{82989}- Ow! See? {82992}{83053}-Who's hungry? I'll find us some dinner.|-I'll get the fire wood. {83056}{83163}Hey, where you goin'?|Oh, man, I can't feel my toes! {83166}{83225}I don't have any toes! {83228}{83283}I think I need a hug. -------------------- {83369}{83422}Mmm. {83425}{83519}Mmm. This is good.|This is really good. {83573}{83626}- What is this?|- Uh, weedrat. {83629}{83680}Rotisserie style. {83682}{83741}No kidding. {83744}{83789}Well, this is delicious. -------------------- {83792}{83841}Well, they're also great|in stews. {83844}{83945}Now, I don't mean to brag,|but I make a mean weedrat stew. -------------------- {84035}{84134}I guess I'll be dining|a little differently tomorrow night. {84136}{84257}Maybe you can|come visit me in the swamp sometime. {84260}{84311}I'll cook all kinds|of stuff for you. {84314}{84406}Swamp toad soup, fish eye tartare--|you name it. {84409}{84483}I'd like that. -------------------- {84650}{84726}See the pyramids|along the Nile -------------------- {84729}{84791}Um, Princess? {84794}{84895}- Watch the sun rise|from a tropic isle|- Yes, Shrek? {84898}{84989}- I, um, I was wondering.|- Just remember, darling|all the while {84992}{85045}Are you-- -------------------- {85048}{85109}You belong to me {85112}{85178}Are you gonna eat that? -------------------- {85342}{85439}- Man, isn't this romantic?|Just look at that sunset.|- Sunset? {85442}{85502}Oh, no!|I mean, it's late. {85505}{85550}- I-It's very late.|- What? {85552}{85622}Wait a minute.|I see what's goin' on here. {85624}{85694}- You're afraid of the dark, aren't you?|- Yes! {85697}{85792}Yes, that's it. I'm terrified.|You know, I'd better go inside. {85795}{85875}Don't feel bad, Princess. I used to|be afraid of the dark, too, until-- {85877}{85943}Hey, no, wait.|I'm still afraid of the dark. {85945}{86021}- Good night. {86023}{86095}- Good night. -------------------- {86098}{86170}- Ohh! {86173}{86239}Now I really see|what's goin' on here. {86241}{86286}Oh, what are you|talkin' about? {86289}{86355}I don't even wanna hear it. Look,|I'm an animal, and I got instincts. {86357}{86414}I know you two were diggin'|on each other. I could feel it. {86417}{86485}You're crazy.|I'm just bringing her back to Farquaad. {86487}{86567}Oh, come on, Shrek.|Wake up and smell the pheromones. {86569}{86633}- Just go on in|and tell her how you feel.|- I-- {86635}{86730}There's nothing to tell.|Besides, even if I did tell her that, {86733}{86778}well, you know-- {86781}{86865}and I'm not sayin' I do|'cause I don't-- {86867}{86924}she's a princess,|and I'm-- {86927}{86991}An ogre? {86993}{87057}Yeah. An ogre. {87059}{87156}- Hey, where you goin'?|- To get... more fire wood. -------------------- {87626}{87657}Princess? {87660}{87724}Princess Fiona? -------------------- {87827}{87895}Princess, where are you? -------------------- {88021}{88080}Princess? -------------------- {88155}{88221}It's very spooky in here.|I ain't playing no games. -------------------- {88466}{88523}- Aah!|- Oh, no!|- No, help! {88526}{88600}- Shh!|- Shrek! Shrek! Shrek!|- No, it's okay. It's okay. {88602}{88670}- What did you do with the princess?|- Donkey, I'm the princess. {88673}{88739}- Aah!|- It's me, in this body. {88741}{88801}Oh, my God!|You ate the princess! {88804}{88849}- Can you hear me?|- Donkey! {88852}{88907}- Listen, keep breathing!|I'll get you out of there!|- No! -------------------- {88910}{88968}- Shrek! Shrek! Shrek!|- Shh. {88971}{89014}- Shrek!|- This is me. -------------------- {89138}{89206}Princess? {89209}{89293}What happened to you?|You're, uh, uh, {89295}{89340}uh, different. {89343}{89396}- I'm ugly, okay?|- Well, yeah! {89399}{89473}Was it something you ate? 'Cause|I told Shrek those rats was a bad idea. {89476}{89536}- You are what you eat, I said. Now--|- No. {89539}{89619}I-- I've been this way|as long as I can remember. {89621}{89679}What do you mean? Look,|I ain't never seen you like this before. {89682}{89758}It only happens|when the sun goes down. {89792}{89878}"By night one way,|by day another. {89881}{89930}"This shall be the norm... {89932}{90006}"until you find|true love's first kiss... {90009}{90114}and then|take love's true form." {90117}{90201}Ah, that's beautiful.|I didn't know you wrote poetry. {90204}{90249}It's a spell. {90252}{90313}When I was a little girl, {90316}{90380}a witch cast a spell|on me. {90382}{90442}Every night I become this. {90445}{90532}This horrible, ugly beast! -------------------- {90593}{90713}I was placed in a tower to await the day|my true love would rescue me. {90716}{90777}That's why I have to marry|Lord Farquaad tomorrow... {90780}{90862}before the sun sets|and he sees me... {90892}{90962}like this. {90965}{91043}All right, all right. Calm down.|Look, it's not that bad. {91045}{91144}You're not that ugly.|Well, I ain't gonna lie. You are ugly. {91147}{91219}But you only look like this at night.|Shrek's ugly 24-7. {91221}{91301}But, Donkey,|I'm a princess, {91304}{91390}and this is not how a princess|is meant to look. {91392}{91481}Princess, how 'bout if you|don't marry Farquaad? {91484}{91529}I have to. {91532}{91600}Only my true love's kiss|can break the spell. {91602}{91686}But, you know, um,|you're kind of an ogre, {91689}{91771}and Shrek-- well,|you got a lot in common. {91773}{91808}Shrek? {91811}{91902}Princess, I--|Uh, how's it going, first of all? {91905}{91971}Good?|Um, good for me too. {91974}{92019}I'm okay. {92022}{92139}I saw this flower and thought of you|because it's pretty and-- {92141}{92242}well, I don't really like it,|but I thought you might like it|'cause you're pretty. {92245}{92321}But I like you anyway.|I'd-- uh, uh-- -------------------- {92374}{92458}I'm in trouble.|Okay, here we go. {92461}{92520}I can't just marry whoever I want. {92523}{92577}Take a good look|at me, Donkey. {92580}{92625}I mean, really, {92628}{92692}who could ever love a beast|so hideous and ugly? {92694}{92751}"Princess" and "ugly"|don't go together. {92754}{92811}- That's why I can't|stay here with Shrek. {92814}{92919}My only chance to live happily|everafter is to marry my true love. {92922}{93004}- Don't you see, Donkey? -------------------- {93006}{93084}That's just how|it has to be. {93087}{93159}It's the only way|to break the spell. {93162}{93228}- You at least gotta|tell Shrek the truth.|- No! {93230}{93300}You can't breathe a word.|No one must ever know. {93302}{93353}What's the point of being able to talk|if you gotta keep secrets? {93355}{93429}Promise you won't tell.|Promise! {93432}{93506}All right, all right.|I won't tell him. But you should. {93508}{93580}I just know before this is over,|I'm gonna need a whole lot|of serious therapy. {93582}{93666}- Look at my eye twitchin'. -------------------- {94211}{94300}I tell him, I tell him not. {94312}{94407}I tell him,|I tell him not. {94410}{94455}I tell him. -------------------- {94458}{94507}Shrek! {94510}{94570}Shrek, there's something|I want-- -------------------- {95070}{95123}Shrek. {95157}{95206}- Are you all right?|- Perfect! {95208}{95255}Never been better. {95257}{95335}I-- I don't--|There's something I have to tell you. {95338}{95398}You don't have to tell me|anything, Princess. {95401}{95450}- I heard enough last night.|- You heard what I said? {95453}{95498}Every word. {95501}{95552}I thought you'd understand. {95555}{95600}Oh, I understand. {95603}{95689}Like you said, "Who could|love a hideous, ugly beast?" {95691}{95755}But I thought that|wouldn't matter to you. {95757}{95798}Yeah? Well, it does. {95861}{95914}- Ah, right on time. {95916}{95984}Princess, I've brought you|a little something. -------------------- {96091}{96178}What'd I miss? What'd I miss? {96181}{96243}Who said that?|Couldn't have been a donkey. {96277}{96335}Princess Fiona. {96338}{96402}As promised.|Now hand it over. {96405}{96506}Very well, ogre. The deed|to your swamp, cleared out, as agreed. {96509}{96618}Take it and go|before I change my mind. {96620}{96688}Forgive me, Princess,|for startling you, {96690}{96735}but you startled me, {96738}{96825}for I have never seen|such a radiant beauty before. {96828}{96900}I am Lord Farquaad. {96902}{96994}Lord Farquaad?|Oh, no, no. {96997}{97067}- Forgive me, my lord,|for I was just saying... {97070}{97200}a short... farewell. {97203}{97314}That is so sweet. You don't have|to waste good manners on the ogre. {97316}{97361}It's not like|it has feelings. {97364}{97458}No, you're right.|It doesn't. {97461}{97556}Princess Fiona, beautiful, fair,|flawless Fiona. {97559}{97631}- I ask your hand in marriage. {97633}{97753}Will you be the perfect bride|for the perfect groom? -------------------- {97833}{97956}Lord Farquaad, I accept.|Nothing would make-- {97959}{98035}Excellent! I'll start the plans,|for tomorrow we wed! {98037}{98082}No! I mean, uh, {98085}{98141}why wait? {98144}{98235}Let's get married today|before the sun sets. {98238}{98302}Oh, anxious, are we?|You're right. {98305}{98398}The sooner, the better.|There's so much to do! {98401}{98456}There's the caterer,|the cake, the band, the guest list. {98459}{98531}Captain, round up|some guests! {98533}{98597}Fare-thee-well, ogre. {98600}{98661}Shrek, what are you doing?|You're letting her get away. {98664}{98728}- Yeah? So what?|- Shrek, there's something|about her you don't know. {98731}{98788}Look, I talked to her|last night. She's-- {98791}{98888}I know you talked to her last night.|You're great pals, aren't ya? {98890}{98979}Now, if you two are such good friends,|why don't you follow her home? {98982}{99029}Shrek, I--|I wanna go with you. {99031}{99101}I told you, didn't I?|You're not coming home with me. {99104}{99198}I live alone!|My swamp! Me! Nobody else! {99201}{99250}Understand? Nobody! {99253}{99368}Especially useless, pathetic,|annoying, talking donkeys! {99371}{99447}- But I thought--|- Yeah. You know what? {99449}{99502}You thought wrong! {99544}{99589}Shrek. -------------------- {99729}{99824}I heard there was|a secret chord -------------------- {99827}{99899}That David played|and it pleased the Lord -------------------- {99902}{100017}But you don't really|care for music, do ya -------------------- {100060}{100140}It goes like this|the fourth, the fifth -------------------- {100142}{100202}The minor fall|the major lift -------------------- {100205}{100363}The baffled king|composing hallelujah -------------------- {100366}{100444}Hallelujah -------------------- {100446}{100528}Hallelujah -------------------- {100530}{100623}Hallelujah -------------------- {100626}{100739}Hallelujah -------------------- {100786}{100870}Baby, l've been here before -------------------- {100872}{100946}I know this room|I've walked this floor -------------------- {100949}{101070}I used to live alone|before I knew you -------------------- {101112}{101186}I've seen your flag|on the marble arch -------------------- {101188}{101268}But love is not|a victory march -------------------- {101270}{101375}It's a cold|and it's a broken hallelujah -------------------- {101415}{101489}Hallelujah -------------------- {101492}{101566}Hallelujah -------------------- {101569}{101641}Hallelujah -------------------- {101644}{101776}Hallelujah -------------------- {101818}{101909}And all I ever|learned from love -------------------- {101912}{101968}Is how to shoot at someone -------------------- {101971}{102032}- Who outdrew you -------------------- {102035}{102123}And it's not a cry|you can hear at night -------------------- {102126}{102198}It's not somebody|who's seen the light -------------------- {102201}{102370}- It's a cold|andit's a broken hallelujah -------------------- {102372}{102438}Hallelujah -------------------- {102441}{102519}Hallelujah -------------------- {102521}{102599}Hallelujah -------------------- {102601}{102758}Hallelujah -------------------- {102958}{103005}Donkey? {103008}{103061}- What are you doing? {103063}{103133}I would think, of all people, you would|recognize a wall when you see one. {103136}{103181}Well, yeah. {103184}{103264}But the wall's supposed|to go around my swamp, not through it. {103267}{103333}It is around your half. See,|that's your half, and this is my half. {103336}{103397}Oh! Your half. Hmm. {103400}{103460}Yes, my half.|I helped rescue the princess. {103463}{103516}I did half the work,|I get half the booty. {103519}{103599}Now hand me that big old rock,|the one that looks like your head. {103601}{103656}- Back off!|- No, you back off. {103659}{103706}- This is my swamp!|- Our swamp. {103709}{103754}- Let go, Donkey!|- You let go. {103757}{103804}- Stubborn jackass!|- Smelly ogre. {103806}{103859}Fine! {103861}{103941}- Hey, come back here.|I'm not through with you yet.|- Well, I'm through with you. {103943}{104021}Uh-uh. You know,|with you it's always, "Me, me, me!" {104023}{104084}Well, guess what!|Now it's my turn! {104087}{104138}So you just shut up|and pay attention! {104140}{104187}You are mean to me. {104189}{104248}You insult me and you don't|appreciate anything that I do! {104251}{104325}You're always pushing me around|or pushing me away. {104327}{104418}Oh, yeah? Well, if I treated you|so bad, how come you came back? {104421}{104497}Because that's what friends do!|They forgive each other! {104500}{104576}Oh, yeah.|You're right, Donkey. {104579}{104680}I forgive you...|for stabbin' me in the back! {104682}{104812}Ohh! You're so wrapped up|in layers, onion boy, you're|afraid of your own feelings. {104814}{104896}- Go away!|- There you are, doing it again|just like you did to Fiona. {104899}{104960}All she ever do was like you,|maybe even love you. {104963}{105062}Love me? She said I was ugly,|a hideous creature. {105064}{105109}I heard the two of you|talking. {105112}{105157}She wasn't talkin' about you. {105160}{105215}She was talkin' about, uh,|somebody else. -------------------- {105277}{105334}She wasn't talking|about me? {105337}{105391}Well, then who was|she talking about? {105394}{105458}Uh-uh, no way. I ain't saying anything.|You don't wanna listen to me. {105461}{105515}- Right? Right?|- Donkey! {105518}{105578}- No!|- Okay, look. {105581}{105626}I'm sorry, all right? -------------------- {105666}{105711}Hmph. -------------------- {105744}{105830}I'm sorry. {105833}{105934}I guess I am just a big,|stupid, ugly ogre. {105964}{106011}Can you forgive me? -------------------- {106064}{106109}Hey, that's what friends|are for, right? {106112}{106176}Right. Friends? {106178}{106223}Friends. {106226}{106296}So, um, {106299}{106352}what did Fiona|say about me? {106355}{106429}What are you asking me for?|Why don't you just go ask her? {106432}{106504}The wedding!|We'll never make it in time. {106506}{106582}Ha-ha-ha! Never fear, for where|there's a will, there's a way, {106585}{106636}and I have a way. -------------------- {106741}{106799}- Donkey? {106802}{106858}I guess it's just|my animal magnetism. {106861}{106937}Aw, come here, you. {106939}{107005}All right, all right. Don't get|all slobbery. No one likes a kiss ass. {107008}{107068}All right, hop on|and hold on tight. {107071}{107155}I haven't had a chance to|install the seat belts yet. -------------------- {107309}{107368}Whoo! -------------------- {107914}{107974}People of DuLoc, {107977}{108041}we gather here today... {108043}{108092}to bear witness... {108094}{108139}- to the union...|- Um-- {108142}{108200}- of our new king--|- Excuse me. {108203}{108267}- Could we just skip ahead|to the "I do's"? {108269}{108314}Go on. -------------------- {108436}{108522}Go ahead, have some fun. If we|need you, I'll whistle. How about that? {108586}{108631}Shrek, wait, wait!|Wait a minute! {108634}{108698}- You wanna do this right, don't you?|- What are you talking about? {108700}{108745}There's a line you|gotta wait for. {108748}{108807}The preacher's gonna say, "Speak now|or forever hold your peace." {108810}{108899}- That's when you say, "I object!"|- I don't have time for this! {108902}{108943}Wait. What are you doing?|Listen to me! {108945}{108990}- Look, you love this woman, don't you?|- Yes. {108993}{109023}- You wanna hold her?|- Yes. {109026}{109079}- Please her?|- Yes! {109081}{109143}Then you got to, got to|try a little tenderness {109146}{109212}- The chicks love that romantic crap!|- All right! Cut it out. {109214}{109300}- When does this guy say the line?|- We gotta check it out. {109303}{109379}- And so, by the power vested in me, {109381}{109459}- What do you see?|- The whole town's in there. {109461}{109535}- I now pronounce you husband and wife,|- They're at the altar. {109538}{109598}- king and queen.|- Mother Fletcher! He already said it. {109601}{109663}- Oh, for the love of Pete! {109694}{109743}I object! {109745}{109794}- Shrek? {109797}{109842}Oh, now what|does he want? -------------------- {109929}{110001}Hi, everyone.|Havin' a good time, are ya? {110004}{110057}I love DuLoc,|first of all. {110059}{110118}- Very clean.|- What are you doing here? {110121}{110191}Really, it's rude enough|being alive when no one wants you, {110193}{110273}-but showing up uninvited to a wedding--|-Fiona! {110275}{110347}- I need to talk to you.|- Oh, now you wanna talk? {110349}{110419}It's a little late for that,|so if you'll excuse me-- {110422}{110478}- But you can't marry him.|- And why not? {110481}{110573}Because-- Because he's just|marrying you so he can be king. {110576}{110632}Outrageous!|Fiona, don't listen to him. {110635}{110721}- He's not your true love.|- And what do you know about true love? {110724}{110780}Well, I-- Uh-- {110783}{110863}- I mean--|- Oh, this is precious. {110866}{110977}The ogre|has fallen in love with the princess! {110980}{111033}- Oh, good Lord. {111036}{111081}An ogre and a princess! -------------------- {111217}{111276}Shrek,|is this true? {111311}{111371}Who cares?|It's preposterous! {111374}{111460}Fiona, my love, we're but a kiss away|from our "happily ever after." {111463}{111524}Now kiss me!|Mmmm! -------------------- {111623}{111703}"By night one way,|by day another. '' {111749}{111815}I wanted to show you before. -------------------- {112356}{112416}Well, uh, {112419}{112466}that explains a lot. {112469}{112556}Ugh! It's disgusting! {112559}{112608}Guards! Guards! {112610}{112686}I order you to get that|out of my sight now! Get them! {112688}{112754}- Get them both!|- No, no! {112757}{112846}This hocus-pocus alters nothing.|This marriage is binding,|and that makes me king! {112849}{112903}- See? See?|- No, let go of me! Shrek! {112906}{112947}- No!|- Don't just|stand there, you morons. {112949}{113009}Get out of my way!|Fiona! -------------------- {113074}{113133}Arrgh! {113136}{113208}I'll make you regret the day we met.|I'll see you drawn and quartered! {113210}{113280}- You'll beg for death to save you!|- No! Shrek! {113282}{113366}- And as for you, my wife,|- Fiona! {113368}{113432}I'll have you locked back in that tower|for the rest of your days! {113434}{113477}- I am king! {113480}{113570}I will have order!|I will have perfection! I will have-- -------------------- {113602}{113674}Aaah! {113677}{113743}- Aah!|- All right. Nobody move. {113745}{113794}I got a dragon here,|and I'm not afraid to use it. {113797}{113859}- I'm a donkey on the edge! -------------------- {113972}{114029}Celebrity marriages.|They never last, do they? {114082}{114125}Go ahead, Shrek. {114159}{114213}Uh, Fiona? {114241}{114294}Yes, Shrek? {114296}{114393}I-- I love you. {114395}{114448}Really? {114475}{114547}Really, really. {114549}{114594}I love you too. -------------------- {114726}{114765}Aawww! {114812}{114890}"Until you|find true love's first kiss... {114892}{114970}and then take love's true form." -------------------- {115536}{115606}"Take love's|true form. Take love's true form." -------------------- {115754}{115813}Fiona? -------------------- {115874}{115935}Fiona. {115938}{115998}Are you all right? {116001}{116046}Well, yes. {116049}{116127}But I don't understand. {116129}{116180}I'm supposed to be beautiful. -------------------- {116245}{116298}But you are beautiful. -------------------- {116360}{116418}I was hoping this would be|a happy ending. -------------------- {116510}{116615}I thought love was only true|in fairy tales -------------------- {116618}{116653}Oy! -------------------- {116655}{116743}Meant for someone else|but not for me -------------------- {116802}{116872}Love was out to get me -------------------- {116875}{116941}That's the way it seemed -------------------- {116944}{117051}Disappointment|haunted all my dreams -------------------- {117053}{117131}And then I saw her face -------------------- {117134}{117200}Now I'm a believer -------------------- {117203}{117263}And not a trace -------------------- {117266}{117332}Of doubt in my mind -------------------- {117334}{117431}- I'm in love|- Ooh-ahh -------------------- {117433}{117491}I'm a believer|I couldn 't leave her -------------------- {117494}{117547}If I tried {117549}{117646}God bless us, every one. {117648}{117732}Come on, y'all!|Then I saw her face|Ha-ha! {117735}{117809}Now I'm a believer|Listen! -------------------- {117812}{117878}Not a trace -------------------- {117881}{117947}Of doubt in my mind -------------------- {117950}{118028}I'm in love|Ooh-ahh -------------------- {118030}{118131}I'm a believer|I couldn't leave her if I tried -------------------- {118134}{118202}- Ooh!|- Uh! -------------------- {118205}{118266}Then I saw her face -------------------- {118269}{118339}Now I'm a believer|Hey! -------------------- {118342}{118408}Not a trace|Uhh! Yeah. {118411}{118489}Of doubt in my mind|One more time! {118491}{118600}I'm in love|I'm a believer -------------------- {118602}{118645}Come on! -------------------- {118648}{118693}I believe, I believe|I believe, I believe -------------------- {118696}{118760}I believe, I believe|I believe, I believe, I believe, hey {118762}{118823}Y'all sing it with me!|I {118826}{118865}Believe {118868}{118938}I believe|People in the back! {118941}{119011}- I believe|- I'm a believer -------------------- {119013}{119083}I believe {119086}{119154}I believe {119157}{119262}I believe -------------------- {119321}{119374}Oh, that's funny.|Oh. Oh.