Objectives ------------ 1. Tool to process flex-like input files with flex regular expressions and perl semantic actions; 2. The processed file results in a module (with a .pm and a .xs files, makefile). 3. The result module should work without the need of Parse::pLex Work Directions ----------------- 1. Create a 'parser' for the input file. It should detect the three zones of the common flex input files: initializations %% rules %% functions The second pair of percent signs are not needed, if no functions are defined. Initializations and functions are copied directly to the module. The first line of the file should contain the package name. Rules should be splitted into the two portions: flex regular expressions and semantic actions. 2. Map the flex regular expressions in a pure flex file where for each regular expression we return a token (randomly generated). 3. Create the .xs file (basically, it is the same for all cases) with functions we will need to access from the flex analyzer; 4. Create the .pm file with the yylex function, and respective map from the generated tokens and their perl semantic actions; 5. Create the Makefile.PL file and auxiliary header files if needed.