#!/usr/bin/perl # NATools - Package with parallel corpora tools # Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Alberto Simões # # This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. use POSIX qw(locale_h); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "pt_PT.UTF-8"); use locale; use warnings; #use Data::Dumper; use Lingua::NATools::Client; use Lingua::NATools::CGI; use CGI qw/:standard :cgi-lib/ ; # Create a new client my $server = Lingua::NATools::Client->new(); # Get the list of available corpora my $corpora = $server->list(); # Current corpus if undefined, without a name my $crp = undef; my $name; # Check if we got a corpus identifier if (param("crp")) { $crp = $corpora->{param("crp")}{id} || undef; $name = param("crp"); } # Ok, we didn't get a corpus identifier, just a corpus name if (param("corpus") && !param("crp")) { $crp = param("corpus"); for (keys %$corpora) { $name = $_ if $corpora->{$_}{id} == $crp; } } # We didn't get a corpus identifier nor a corpus name, so get randomly one. ($name) = keys %$corpora unless $name; # Create JavaScript combo-box to change corpus being queried my $s = join("\n", join("\n", map { "source[\"$_\"]=\"$corpora->{$_}{source}\";"} keys %$corpora), join("\n", map { "target[\"$_\"]=\"$corpora->{$_}{target}\";"} keys %$corpora)); my $JSCRIPT = <<"EOS"; var source = new Array(); var target = new Array(); $s function changeLanguages() { var corpus = document.getElementById('crp').value; document.getElementById('source').innerHTML = source[corpus]; document.getElementById('target').innerHTML = target[corpus]; } function go(l,c) { if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>=4) if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")>0) { //IE 4+ var sel=document.selection.createRange(); sel.expand("word"); window.location="nat-dict.cgi?compact=1&corpus=" + c + "&" + l + "=" + escape(sel.text) } else // NS4+ window.location="nat-dict.cgi?compact=1&corpus=" + c + "&" + l + "=" + escape(document.getSelection()) } function help() { window.open('nat-search.cgi?HELP=1','NAT-QI Quick Help', 'menubar=no,height=600,width=800,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no'); } EOS print Lingua::NATools::CGI::my_header(jscript => $JSCRIPT); #my $x = Vars; #print pre(Dumper($x)); # Check if we were asked for help if (param("HELP")) { print Lingua::NATools::CGI::close_window(); print_help(); print Lingua::NATools::CGI::my_footer(); exit; } # Print form HTML print div({-class=>"hlpbt", -onclick=>"help()"}, "Help "); print h1("NAT-QI: NATools Corpora Query Interface"); print start_form({-class=>"main"}); print "\n"; print Tr(td({-rowspan=>'3'},submit("Search")), td({-rowspan=>'3'}, "   "), td({-colspan=>6, -style=>"text-align: left"}, "Corpus: ",popup_menu(-onchange=>"changeLanguages();", -name=>'crp', -id => 'crp', -default=>$name, -values=>[keys %$corpora]))); print Tr(td(["Search on ", span({id=>"source"}, $corpora->{$name}{source}), " language: ", textfield("l1"), "    ", ]), td({-style=>"text-align: left"},label(checkbox(-name=>'sequence', -checked=>0, -value=>'ON', -label=>'Pattern Matching'))), td(["    ", "Result-set size",popup_menu(-name=>'count', -values=>['20','50','100','500']) ])); print Tr(td(["Search on ", span({id=>"target"}, $corpora->{$name}{target}), " language: ", textfield("l2"), "    "]), td({-style=>"text-align: left"}, label(checkbox(-name=>'horiz', -checked=>0, -value=>'ON', -label=>'Horizontal Mode')), )); print "
"; print end_form; my $count = param("count") || 20; # If we have a corpus, and at least one word in one of the two # languages, then query the server if ($crp && (param("l1") || param("l2"))) { # param("l1", lc(param("l1"))) if param("l1"); # param("l2", lc(param("l2"))) if param("l2"); # print the corpus name and a link to the information page print h1($name); print "
", a({-style=>"font-size: small;", -href=>"nat-about.cgi?corpus=$crp"}, "meta-information"), "
",br; # variable to store the query results my $results; my $ptds; # Check if we are looking for a pattern or a set of words $mod = (param("sequence") && param("sequence") eq "ON") ? "=" : "-"; if (param("l1") && !param("l2")) { # We have just source language... $results = $server->conc({count => $count, crp => $crp, direction => "$mod>"}, param("l1")); # get PTDs for all searched words $ptds = get_ptds($server, $crp, "~>", lc(param("l1"))); } elsif (param("l2") && !param("l1")) { # We have just the target language $results = $server->conc({count => $count, crp => $crp, direction => "<$mod"}, param("l2")); # get PTDs for all searched words $ptds = get_ptds($server, $crp, "<~", lc(param("l2"))); } else { # We have both languages $results = $server->conc({count => $count, crp => $crp, direction => "<$mod>"}, param("l1"), param("l2")); $ptds = []; } $_->[1]{'**KEYS**'} = [sort {$_->[1]{$b} <=> $_->[1]{$a}} keys %{$_->[1]} ] for @$ptds; # Start to print results print ""; # print table header accordingly with the horizontal vs vertical # user request unless (param("horiz")) { print Tr(th({-class=>'first'},"#"), th(["%","Source Language","Target Language","Tools"])) } else { print Tr(th({-class=>'first'},"#"), th(["%","Source/Target Language","Tools"])) } my $i = 0; # print the results for (@$results) { $i++; # Code backwards compatibility O:-) $_->[4]=$_->[2]?sprintf("%.1f%%", 100*$_->[2]):""; $_->[2]=$_->[0]; $_->[3]=$_->[1]; # Highlight l1 if defined if (param("l1")) { $_->[0] = highlite($_->[0], param("l1"), $mod eq '='?1:0); $_->[1] = highlite_translations($_->[1], $ptds) if ($ptds); } # Highlight l2 if defined if (param("l2")) { $_->[1] = highlite($_->[1], param("l2"), $mod eq "="?1:0); $_->[0] = highlite_translations($_->[0], $ptds) if ($ptds); } # Create the form to ask for the matrix diagonalization tool # my $FORM = start_form(-method => "POST", # -action => "nat-matrix.cgi"); # $FORM .= hidden("corpus", $crp); # $FORM .= hidden("s1", $_->[2]); # $FORM .= hidden("s2", $_->[3]); # $FORM .= submit("\\"); # $FORM .= end_form; my $FORM = "n/a"; # Print the data accordingly with the requested format (horizontal # vs vertical) if (param("horiz")) { print Tr(td({-class=>$i%2?"entry1":"entry2", -rowspan=>2}, $i), td({-class=>$i%2?"entry1":"entry2", -rowspan=>2}, $_->[4]), td({-class=>$i%2?"entry1":"entry2", -ondblclick=>"go('l1','$crp')"}, $_->[0]), td({-class=>$i%2?"entry1":"entry2", -rowspan=>2}, $FORM)); print Tr(td({-class=>$i%2?"entry1":"entry2", -ondblclick=>"go('l2','$crp')"}, $_->[1])); } else { print Tr(td({-class=>$i%2?"entry1":"entry2"}, $i), td({-class=>$i%2?"entry1":"entry2"}, $_->[4]), td({-class=>$i%2?"entry1":"entry2", -ondblclick=>"go('l1','$crp')"}, $_->[0]), td({-class=>$i%2?"entry1":"entry2", -ondblclick=>"go('l2','$crp')"}, $_->[1]), td({-class=>$i%2?"entry1":"entry2"}, $FORM)); print "\n"; } } print "
"; } else { # if no corpus is selected, and/or no word was passed as parameter, # print help usage and go out. print_help(); } print Lingua::NATools::CGI::my_footer(); # This is the help code sub print_help { while() { print } } sub highlite { my ($text, $keywords, $seq) = @_; my $x = $keywords; $x =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; if ($seq) { $x =~ s/\*/\\S+/g; $text =~ s/\b($x)\b/$1<\/span>/gi; } else { $x =~ s/\*//g; for my $y (split /\s+/, $x) { $text =~ s/\b($y)\b/$1<\/span>/gi; } } return $text } sub highlite_translation { my ($changed, $text, $word, $perc) = (0, @_); my $class = class_from_perc($perc); $changed = $text =~ s/\b(\Q$word\E)\b/$1<\/span>/gi; return ($text, $changed); } sub class_from_perc { my $perc = shift; if ($perc < .3) { return "guessed30" } elsif ($perc < .6) { return "guessed60" } else { return "guessed100" } } sub get_ptds { my ($server, $crp, $dir, $words) = @_; return [ map { $server->ptd({crp => $crp, direction=>$dir},$_) } grep { $_ !~ m"\*" } split /\s+/, $words ]; } sub highlite_translations { my ($text, $ptds) = @_; for my $word (@$ptds) { for my $t (@{$word->[1]{'**KEYS**'}}) { ($text, my $changed) = highlite_translation($text, $t, $word->[1]{$t}); last if $changed; } } return $text } __DATA__


NAT-QI (NATools Query Interface) is a web frontend to query and browse Parallel Corpora. For details about its architecture and associated tools see this page.

This interface is querying a server (NATServer) with a specific parallel corpora, and a specific pair of languages.

Toolbar Usage:

Simple Search:
Enter a word in the search on source language or search on target language entries (or in both) to search for concordancies in the parallel corpora. Words are searched with no specific order.
Pattern Search:
If you want to search for a specific sequence of words, click the Pattern Matching radio button. This option applies to both source and target language entries. It also has the feature of searching for patterns: enter some '*' in places you want any, not specific, word.
Horizontal Mode:
The Horizontal Mode radio button let you change the layout of the output. Instead of two columns, one for each language, you get two lines, one for each language.
Result-set Size:
The Result-set size combo-box let you specify how many results you want.

Output Description:

The standard output is a five column table:

  1. number which corresponds to the order in the result-set. Not very useful.
  2. a quality measure of the sentence pair.
  3. sentence in the source language.
  4. sentence in the target language.
  5. links to tools you can apply to the sentence pair.

Related Tools Integration:

  • Double-click any word in the source or target language to access its probabilistic dictionary entry. This tool will let you navigate through the dictionary.
  • Use the [/] button in the tools column to access a sub-segment aligner, and sentence generalization tool.