#!/usr/bin/perl -w # NATools - Package with parallel corpora tools # Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Alberto Simões # # This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. use POSIX qw(locale_h); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "pt_PT.UTF-8"); use locale; use URI::Escape; use Lingua::NATools::Client; use Lingua::NATools::CGI; use CGI qw/:standard/; # Create a new client my $server = Lingua::NATools::Client->new(); # Get the list of available corpora my $corpora = $server->list(); # Current corpus if undefined, without a name my $crp = undef; my $name; # Check if we got a corpus identifier if (param("crp")) { $crp = $corpora->{param("crp")}{id} || undef; $name = param("crp"); } # Ok, we didn't get a corpus identifier, just a corpus name if (param("corpus") && !param("crp")) { $crp = param("corpus"); for (keys %$corpora) { $name = $_ if $corpora->{$_}{id} == $crp; } } # We didn't get a corpus identifier nor a corpus name, so get randomly one. ($name) = keys %$corpora unless $name; # Create JavaScript combo-box to change corpus being queried my $s = join("\n", join("\n", map { "source[\"$_\"]=\"$corpora->{$_}{source}\";"} keys %$corpora), join("\n", map { "target[\"$_\"]=\"$corpora->{$_}{target}\";"} keys %$corpora)); my $JSCRIPT = <<"EOS"; var source = new Array(); var target = new Array(); $s function changeLanguages() { var corpus = document.getElementById('crp').value; document.getElementById('source').innerHTML = source[corpus]; document.getElementById('target').innerHTML = target[corpus]; } function go(l,c) { if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>=4) if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")>0) { //IE 4+ var sel=document.selection.createRange(); sel.expand("word"); window.location="nat-dict.cgi?corpus=" + c + "&" + l + "=" + escape(sel.text) } else // NS4+ window.location="nat-dict.cgi?corpus=" + c + "&" + l + "=" + escape(document.getSelection()) } function help() { window.open('nat-search.cgi?HELP=1','NAT-QI Quick Help', 'menubar=no,height=600,width=800,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no'); } EOS print Lingua::NATools::CGI::my_header(jscript => $JSCRIPT); # Check if we were asked for help if (param("HELP")) { print Lingua::NATools::CGI::close_window(); print_help(); print Lingua::NATools::CGI::my_footer(); exit; } # Print form HTML print div({-class=>"hlpbt", -onclick=>"help()"}, "Help "); print h1("NAT-QI: NATools Corpora Query Interface"); print start_form({-class=>"main"}); print "\n"; print Tr(td({-rowspan=>'1'},submit("Search")), td({-colspan=>'2', -style=>"text-align: left"}, "Corpus: ",popup_menu(-onchange=>"changeLanguages();", -name=>'crp', -id => 'crp', -default=>$name, -values=>[keys %$corpora]))); print Tr(td(["", "Search on ". span({id=>"source"}, $corpora->{$name}{source}). " language: ", textfield("l1") ])); print Tr(td(["", "Search on ". span({id=>"target"}, $corpora->{$name}{target}). " language: ", textfield("l2"), ])); print "
"; print end_form; # If we have a corpus, and at least one word in one of the two # languages, then query the server if ($crp && (param("l1") || param("l2"))) { # print the corpus name and a link to the information page print h1($name); print "
", a({-style=>"font-size: small;", -href=>"nat-about.cgi?corpus=$crp"}, "meta-information"), "
",br; $server->set_corpus($crp); if (param("l1")) { ngrams(param("l1"),"l1",$crp) } if (param("l2")) { ngrams(param("l2"),"l2",$crp) } } else { # if no corpus is selected, and/or no word was passed as parameter, # print help usage and go out. print_help(); } print Lingua::NATools::CGI::my_footer(); sub ngrams { my ($word, $field, $crp) = @_; my %r = (); my $ws =scalar(split(/\s+/,$word)); print "
"; print h2($word); my %dir = (); if ($field eq "l1") { $dir{direction} = ':>'; } else { $dir{direction} = '<:'; } if ($ws == 3){ print "\n"; for (sngrams({%dir,max=>10},"$word *")){ next unless $_; print "\n"; print td({-class=>"entry2", -style=>'border: solid 1px #995500'}, $_->[-1]); print td({-class=>"entry2", -style=>'border: solid 1px #995500'}, a({-href=>create_link("$word $_->[-2]", $field, $crp)}, $_->[-2])); print "\n"; } print "
\n"; } elsif($ws == 2){ print "\n"; for (sngrams({%dir,max=>10},"$word *")){ next unless $_; print "\n"; print td({-class=>"entry2", -style=>'border: solid 1px #995500'}, $_->[-1]); print td({-class=>"entry2", -style=>'border: solid 1px #995500'}, a({-href=>create_link("$word $_->[-2]", $field, $crp)}, $_->[-2])); my $pw = $_->[-2]; for (sngrams({%dir,max=>10},"$word $_->[2] *")){ next unless $_; print td({-style=>"border: solid 1px #995500"}, a({-href=>create_link("$word $pw $_->[3]", $field, $crp)}, $_->[3])); } print "\n\n"; } print "
\n"; } else { print "\n"; for (sngrams({%dir,max=>10},"$word *")){ next unless $_; print "\n"; print td({-class=>"entry2", -style=>'border: solid 1px #995500'}, $_->[-1]); print td({-class=>"entry2", -style=>'border: solid 1px #995500'}, a({-href=>create_link("$word $_->[-2]",$field,$crp)}, $_->[-2])); my $pw = $_->[-2]; for (sngrams({%dir,max=>10},"$word $_->[1] * *")){ next unless $_; print td({-style=>"border: solid 1px #995500"}, a({-href=>create_link("$word $pw $_->[2] $_->[3]", $field, $crp)}, "$_->[2] $_->[3]")); } print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "
\n"; } print "
\n"; } sub create_link { my ($words,$field,$crp) = @_; return "nat-search.cgi?$field=".uri_escape($words)."&sequence=ON&corpus=$crp"; } sub sngrams{ my %opt =(max => 50); if(ref($_[0]) eq "HASH") {%opt = (%opt , %{shift(@_)}) } ; my $exp = shift; my $ng =scalar(split(/\s+/,$exp)); if($opt{max}){ # grep {$_} ((sort {$b->[$ng]<=>$a->[$ng]} @{$server->ngrams(\%opt,$exp)})[0..$opt{max}-1]) } else { (sort {$b->[$ng]<=>$a->[$ng]} @{$server->ngrams(\%opt,$exp)}) } } # This is the help code sub print_help { while() { print } } __DATA__


NAT-QI (NATools Query Interface) is a web frontend to query and browse Parallel Corpora. For details about its architecture and associated tools see this page.

This interface is querying a server (NATServer) with a specific parallel corpora, and a specific pair of languages.

Toolbar Usage:

Related Tools Integration: