#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use POSIX qw(locale_h); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "pt_PT.UTF-8"); use warnings; use locale; use Lingua::NATools::Client; use Lingua::NATools::CGI; use Lingua::NATools::Matrix; use CGI qw/:standard/; my $JSCRIPT = <<"EOS"; function help() { window.open('nat-matrix.cgi?HELP=1','NAT-QI Quick Help', 'menubar=no,height=600,width=800,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no'); } EOS print Lingua::NATools::CGI::my_header(jscript => $JSCRIPT); my $server = Lingua::NATools::Client->new(); my $corpora = $server->list(); my $crp = undef; my $name; if (param("crp")) { $crp = $corpora->{param("crp")}{id} || undef; $name = param("crp"); } if (param("corpus")) { $crp = param("corpus"); for (keys %$corpora) { $name = $_ if $corpora->{$_}{id} == $crp; } } if (param("HELP")) { print Lingua::NATools::CGI::close_window(); print help(); print Lingua::NATools::CGI::my_footer(); exit; } print div({-class=>"hlpbt", -onclick=>"help()"}, "Help"); print h1("NATools Simple Generalization Engine Interface"); print start_form({-class=>"main"}); print ""; print Tr(td({-rowspan=>"3"},submit("Calculate Matrix")), td({-rowspan=>"3"}," "), td({-colspan=>2, -style=>"text-align: left"}, "Corpus: ",popup_menu(-name=>'crp', -default => $name, -values=>[keys %$corpora]) )); print Tr(td(["Sentence in source language: ", textfield(-name=>"s1", -size=>"80")])); print Tr(td(["Sentence in target language: ", textfield(-name=>"s2", -size=>"80")])); print "
\n"; print end_form; if ($crp && param("s1") && param("s2")) { my $s1 = param("s1"); my $s2 = param("s2"); print h1($name); print "
",a({-style=>"font-size: small;", -href=>"nat-about.cgi?corpus=$crp"},"about"),"
",br; align($crp,$s1,$s2); } else { print help(); } print Lingua::NATools::CGI::my_footer(); sub align { my ($crp, $s1, $s2) = @_; $server->set_corpus($crp); my $rules = Lingua::NATools::PatternRules->parseFile("/home/ambs/Natura/main/NATools/rules.test-case"); my $matrix = Lingua::NATools::Matrix->new($server, $rules, $s1,$s2); $matrix->findDiagonal; my @s1 = @{$matrix->{s1}}; my @s2 = @{$matrix->{s2}}; my $blocks = $matrix->grep_blocks; my $MAT = $matrix->{matrix}; my $RES = $matrix->{res}; dump_html_mat(\@s1,\@s2,$MAT,$RES); print h3("Generalization"); print "\n"; print Tr(td({-colspan=>2}, "Sub Blocks")); for my $b (@{$matrix->{patterns}}) { print Tr(td($matrix->dump_block($b))); } print "
\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; # for (1..3) { for (1) { print Tr(td({-colspan=>2}, "Size $_")); my $bs = $matrix->combine_blocks($blocks, $_); for my $b (@$bs) { print Tr(td($matrix->dump_block($b))); } } print "
\n"; # print "
  # dump_latex_mat(\@s1,\@s2,$MAT,$RES);
  # print "
\n"; } sub combine { my ($s, $size, @sizes) = @_; for my $w (@sizes) { for my $i (0..$size-$w) { print Tr(td({-style=>"border: solid 1px #999999"}, join(" ",map { $s->[$_][0] } ($i..$i+$w-1))), td({-style=>"border: solid 1px #999999"}, join(" ",map { $s->[$_][1] } ($i..$i+$w-1)))); } } print "\n"; } sub findStart { my ($R,$S1,$S2) = @_; my ($i,$j) = (0,0); my $delta = 0; while($delta < $S1 && $delta < $S2) { return ($i+$delta, $j) if $R->[$i+$delta][$j]; return ($i, $j+$delta) if $R->[$i][$j+$delta]; $delta++; } return (0,0); } sub dump_html_mat { my ($S1,$S2,$MAT,$RES) = @_; print h3("Alignment Matrix"); print "\n"; my ($i,$j) = (-1,-1); my ($x,$y); for $x ("\$", @$S1, "\$") { my $class = $i%2?"\"even\"":"\"odd\""; print "\n"; $j = -1; for $y ("\$", @$S2, "\$") { if ($x eq "\$" && $y eq "\$") { print "\n"; } elsif ($x eq "\$") { print "\n" } elsif ($y eq "\$") { print "\n" } else { my $c = cor($MAT->[$i][$j]); my $x = $RES->[$i][$j]?"#ff0000":"#000000"; printf "\n",$MAT->[$i][$j]; } $j++; } print "\n"; $i++; } print "
\n"; } sub dump_latex_mat { my ($S1,$S2,$M,$R) = @_; print <<'EOH'; \documentclass{book} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage{aeguill} \usepackage{a4wide} \usepackage{rotating} \usepackage{dcolumn} \begin{document} \newcolumntype{R}[1]{% >{\begin{turn}{90}\begin{minipage}{#1}% \raggedright\hspace{0pt}}c% <{\end{minipage}\end{turn}}% } {\footnotesize \begin{turn}{90} EOH my $h = join('@{\ \ }',map {"r"} (0..scalar(@$S2))); print '\begin{tabular}{',$h,"}\n"; my ($i,$j) = (-1,-1); my ($x,$y); for $x ("\$", @$S1) { $j = -1; for $y ("\$", @$S2) { if ($x eq "\$" && $y eq "\$") { # nothing } elsif ($x eq "\$") { print ' & \multicolumn{1}{R{5em}}{',$y,'}' } elsif ($y eq "\$") { print "\\hline\n" if $i == 0; my ($ll,$rl) = latex_get_limits($i, scalar(@$S2), $R); $ll+=2; $rl+=2; print "\\cline{$ll-$rl}\n" if $ll <= $rl; print '\multicolumn{1}{r|}{',$x,'}' } else { if ($R->[$i][$j]) { print " & \\multicolumn{1}{|r|}{", latex_number_format($M->[$i][$j]),"}" } else { print " & ", latex_number_format($M->[$i][$j]) } } $j++; } print "\\\\\n"; $i++; } my ($ll,$rl) = latex_get_limits($i, scalar(@$S2), $R); $ll+=2; $rl+=2; print "\\cline{$ll-$rl}\n" if $ll <= $rl; print <<'EOF'; \end{tabular} \end{turn} } \end{document} EOF } sub latex_get_limits { my ($i,$size,$R) = @_; my ($min1,$max1,$min2,$max2) = ($size, 0, $size, 0); for (0..$size) { if ($R->[$i-1][$_]) { $min1 = $_ if $_ < $min1; $max1 = $_ if $_ > $max1; } if ($R->[$i][$_]) { $min1 = $_ if $_ < $min1; $max1 = $_ if $_ > $max1; } } return (min($min1,$min2),max($max1,$max2)); } sub latex_number_format { my $n = shift; sprintf("%.1f",$n); } sub max { my ($a,$b) = @_; return ($a>$b)?$a:$b; } sub min { my ($a,$b) = @_; return ($a<$b)?$a:$b; } sub cor { my $x = shift; # my $y = 255 - $x*255/100; my $y = 255 - $x*2; sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x",$y, $y, $y); } sub help { return <


NAT-QI (NATools Query Interface) is a web frontend to query and browse Parallel Corpora. For details about its architecture and associated tools see this page.

This interface is querying a server (NATServer) with a specific parallel corpora, and a specific pair of languages. At the moment the source language is Portuguese and the target language is English. This will be generic in the future.

The purpose of this application if to align sub-segments from a sentence, and use them to generalize translations.

Toolbar Usage:

To use this application you need two sentences (a sentence and its translation), and write them in the respective entries in the toolbar. Then, click calculate matrix to align them.

Examples: aplausos / applause, Sabe o que é um gato? / do you know what a cat is?

Output Description:

You will be presented with two separate sections: the alignment matrix, and the generalization output section. The first shows a matrix where probability relation between words is presented and a diagonal is searched. The second part shows segments extracted from the matrix.