#!/usr/bin/perl # NATools - Package with parallel corpora tools # Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Alberto Simões # # This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. use POSIX qw(locale_h); use URI::Escape; setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "pt_PT.UTF-8"); use warnings; use locale; use Data::Dumper; use Lingua::NATools::Client; use Lingua::NATools::CGI; use CGI qw/:standard :cgi-lib/; my $server = Lingua::NATools::Client->new(); my $corpora = $server->list(); my $crp = undef; my $name; if (param("crp")) { $crp = $corpora->{param("crp")}{id} || undef; $name = param("crp"); } if (param("corpus")) { $crp = param("corpus"); for (keys %$corpora) { $name = $_ if $corpora->{$_}{id} == $crp; } } ($name) = keys %$corpora unless $name; my $s = join("\n", join("\n", map { "source[\"$_\"]=\"$corpora->{$_}{source}\";"} keys %$corpora), join("\n", map { "target[\"$_\"]=\"$corpora->{$_}{target}\";"} keys %$corpora)); my $JSCRIPT = <<"EOS"; var source = new Array(); var target = new Array(); $s function changeLanguages() { var corpus = document.getElementById('crp').value; document.getElementById('source').innerHTML = source[corpus]; document.getElementById('target').innerHTML = target[corpus]; } function go(l,c) { if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>=4) if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")>0) { //IE 4+ var sel=document.selection.createRange(); sel.expand("word"); window.location="nat-dict.cgi?corpus=" + c + "&" + l + "=" + escape(sel.text) } else // NS4+ window.location="nat-dict.cgi?corpus=" + c + "&" + l + "=" + escape(document.getSelection()) } function help() { window.open('nat-dict.cgi?HELP=1','NAT-QI Quick Help', 'menubar=no,height=600,width=800,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no'); } EOS print Lingua::NATools::CGI::my_header(jscript => $JSCRIPT); print <<'EOH'; EOH if (param("HELP")) { print Lingua::NATools::CGI::close_window(); print_help(); print Lingua::NATools::CGI::my_footer(); exit; } print div({-class=>"hlpbt", -onclick=>"help()"}, "Help"); print h1("NATools Probabilistic Dictionaries Browsing Interface"); print start_form({-class=>"main"});; print ""; print Tr(td({-rowspan=>'2'},submit("Search")), td({-rowspan=>'2'},"   "), td({-style=>"text-align: left"},"corpus",popup_menu(-onchange=>"changeLanguages();", -name=>'crp', -id => 'crp', -default => $name, -values=>[keys %$corpora]) ), td({-rowspan=>'2'},"   "), td(["search ".span({id=>"source"}, $corpora->{$name}{source})." language: ", textfield("l1")])); print Tr(td({-align=>'left'},label(checkbox(-name=>'compact', -checked=>1, -value=>'ON', -label=>' compact mode'))), td([ "search ".span({id=>"target"}, $corpora->{$name}{target})." language: ", textfield("l2"), ])); print "
"; print end_form; if ($crp) { if (param("compact")) { if ((param("l1") || param("l2"))) { my $results; my $word; my $dir; if (param("l1")) { $dir = "~>"; $word = param("l1"); } if (param("l2")) { $word = param("l2"); $dir = "<~"; } $word = lc($word); $results = $server->ptd({crp=>$crp,direction => $dir},$word); # FIXME exit if (!$results); print h1($name); print div({-style=>"text-align: center"}, a({-style=>"font-size: small;", -href=>"nat-about.cgi?corpus=$crp"},"meta-information")).br; print h2({-style=>"text-align: center"},"$word ($results->[0])"); print div({-style=>"text-align: center"}, "[", a({-href=>"nat-ngrams.cgi?corpus=$crp&".(($dir eq "~>")?"l1":"l2")."=$word"},"n-grams"), "]"); print "
\n"; print Tr(th({-class=>'first'},"Level 1"), th({colspan => 8},"Level 2")); for (sort {$results->[1]{$b} <=> $results->[1]{$a}} keys %{$results->[1]}) { my $od = $dir eq "~>"?"<~":"~>"; my $l1 = $dir eq "~>"?"l2":"l1"; my $l2 = $l1 eq "l1"?"l2":"l1"; my $or = $server->ptd({crp=>$crp,direction => $od}, $_); print "\n"; print td({style=>'background-color: #eeeeee; border-bottom: dotted 1px #999999; border-right: dotted 1px #999999'}, [table(Tr(td(small(sprintf("%.2f %%", defined($results->[1]{$_})?100*$results->[1]{$_}:0)))), Tr(td(a({href=>"?compact=1&corpus=$crp&$l1=".uri_escape($_)},$_)," ", defined($or->[0])?"(".$or->[0].")":"-")))]); my $ncells = 0; for my $y (sort {$or->[1]{$b} <=> $or->[1]{$a}} keys %{$or->[1]}) { my $style = ""; $style = "background-color: #ffffee;" if ($y eq $word); print td({style=>"$style border-right: dotted 1px #999999; border-bottom: dotted 1px #999999;"}, table(Tr(td(a({href=>"?compact=1&corpus=$crp&$l2=".uri_escape($y)},$y))), Tr(td(small(sprintf("%.2f %%",100*$or->[1]{$y})))))); ++$ncells; } for ($ncells .. 7) { print td({style=>"border-right: dotted 1px #999999; border-bottom: dotted 1px #999999;"}, " "); } print "\n"; } print "
"; } else { print_help(); } } else { my %args = Vars(); if ($args{l1}) { my $word_to_search = lc($args{l1}); $results = $server->ptd({crp=>$crp,direction => "~>"}, $word_to_search); print entry($word_to_search, "<~",$results,$crp,$name); } elsif ($args{l2}) { my $word_to_search = lc($args{l2}); $results = $server->ptd({crp=>$crp,direction => "<~"}, $word_to_search); print entry($word_to_search, "~>",$results,$crp,$name); } else { print_help(); } } } else { print_help(); } print Lingua::NATools::CGI::my_footer(); sub print_help { while() { print } } sub entry { my ($word, $dir, $results, $crp, $name) = @_; my $yellow = 33; my $green = 66; my %color = ( blue => '#bbffff', red => '#fbb', green => '#bfb', yellow => '#ffb', ); my $ret = h1($name); $ret .= "
".a({-style=>"font-size: small;", -href=>"nat-about.cgi?corpus=$crp"},"about")."
".br; $ret .= h2({-style=>"text-align: center"},"$word ($results->[0])"); $ret .= ""; my %hash; if ($results->[1]) { %hash = %{$results->[1]} } else { %hash = (); } for my $y (sort {$hash{$b} <=> $hash{$a}} keys %hash) { my $calc = $hash{$y}*100; my $bclass="background-color: $color{red};"; $bclass = "background-color: $color{yellow};" if ($calc >= $yellow); $bclass = "background-color: $color{green};" if ($calc >= $green); $ret .= sprintf("",$calc); my $class = ""; my $results2 = $server->ptd({direction => $dir, crp=>$crp}, $y); my %trans2; if ($results2->[1]) { %trans2 = %{$results2->[1]} } else { %trans2 = () } $class = "background-color: $color{blue}" if (exists($trans2{$word})); $ret .= "\n"; } else { $ret .= "$y\n"; } if ($y eq "(none)") { $ret .= ""; } else { $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; } $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; } $ret .= "
%.2f%%"; if ($dir eq "<~") { $ret .= "$y ".$results2->[0].""; if ($dir eq "<~") { $ret .= ">>"; } else { $ret .= ">>"; } $ret .= "
"; $ret .= ""; for my $x (sort {($trans2{$b} <=> $trans2{$a})||0} keys %trans2) { my $bclass="background-color: $color{red};"; my $calc = defined($trans2{$x})?$trans2{$x}*100:0; $bclass = "background-color: $color{yellow};" if ($calc >= $yellow); $bclass = "background-color: $color{green};" if ($calc >= $green); $ret .= sprintf("\n",$calc); $ret .= "\n"; } else { $ret .= "$x\n"; } $ret .= ""; } $ret .= "
%.2f%%"; if ($dir eq "<~") { $ret .= "$x
"; $ret .= "
"; return $ret; } sub count { my $hash = shift; my $word = shift; return (defined($hash->{$word}{count}))?$hash->{$word}{count}:" "; } __DATA__


NAT-QI (NATools Query Interface) is a web frontend to query and browse Parallel Corpora. For details about its architecture and associated tools see this page.

This interface is querying a server (NATServer) with a specific parallel corpora, and a specific pair of languages.

Toolbar Usage:

Enter a word in the search on source language or search on target language entries (not in both, or the source language will be used) to search for the word entry in the probabilistic dictionary.

This dictionary was obtained by word-aligning the associated parallel corpus.

You can as well change from the normal mode to the compact mode. This will change the way the dictionary is shown, as well as some tools which are just available on some modes.

Standard mode Output Description:

A word search will return the word entry in the probabilistic dictionary, presented as a table. This table will show two levels of the dictionary. The first level include the direct translations from the word you searched with their respective translation probability and occurrence count in the corpus.

For each of these words, their probable translations and respective probability are shown as well.

Colors make it easier to distinguish between high or lower translation probabilities. Red for probabilities lower than 33%, yellow for those up to 66% and green for the other ones. Also, if a translation includes as a probable translation the word you searched for, its word entry is shown in blue.

At the right of the occurrence count for the translation there is a link to search examples of sentence pairs where those two words co-occurr.

Compact mode Output Description:

A word search will return the word entry in the probabilistic dictionary, presented as a table. The table title is the word you searched for and the occurrence count of that word on the aligned corpus. As this number increases dictionary results should be better.

The first column of the table (Level 1 output) contains the most probable translations for the searched word. for each one of the possible translation its occurrence number is shown, as well as its translation probability (related to the word you searched for).

The remaining row contains the translations for the word in the first column, with its translation probability. If the cell is shaded it means that translation translation includes the word you searched for.

Each word has a link to its dictionary entry. That way you can navigate through all the dictionary.