#!/usr/bin/perl my $id="__jj1-constituicao"; use NAT::Client; my $client = NAT::Client->new( Local => "./$id"); $client->iterate( {Language =>'source'}, sub { my %p = @_; print "$p{word}: $p{count}\n"; }); __END__ =head1 NAME jj-2 - example for PTD iteration =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION (Previously: jj-1 -> to create the corpus) Print the all the words and (just) the number of occurrences. Example of output: constituição: 83 da: 961 república: 265 portuguesa: 23 iv: 6 revisão: 18 constitucional: 59 preâmbulo: 1 a: 1234 25: 9 =head1 AUTHOR J.Joao Almeida, jj@di.uminho.pt =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1). =cut