Revision history for Lingua-Identifier 0.01 2014-08-29 - Released stable version. 0.01_8 2014-08-28 - SWIG code doesn't deal well it tainted variables. Workaround is not taint anything. 0.01_7 2014-08-27 - Fixed identify_language script to use new API. - Fixed dependencies issues. - Still debugging... 0.01_6 2014-08-26 - Added more debug messages :'( 0.01_5 2014-08-25 - Added debug messages. - Bumped Math::Matrix::MaybeGSL version dependency. 0.01_4 2014-08-24 - Basic API is now stable. - Build based on Dist::Zilla. - Still wondering what is going on with perl 5.16.3. 0.01_3 2014-08-23 - Some CPAN testers did not test because of a warning that is now fixed. - Added some more documentation, and a public method. 0.01_2 2014-08-22 - First working version, without documentation, for cpan-testers runs.