#!/usr/bin/perl -s use strict; use POSIX; use Text::Ngram qw(ngram_counts); use Text::ExtractWords qw(words_count words_list); use Text::Affixes; my $version = '0.03'; our $NR_SAMPLES = 50; our ($v,$h,$d,$u,$verbose,$locale); if ($locale) { if ($u && $locale !~ /utf/i) { verbose("setting locale: $locale.UTF-8"); POSIX::setlocale( &POSIX::LC_CTYPE, "$locale.UTF-8" ); } else { verbose("setting locale: $locale"); POSIX::setlocale( &POSIX::LC_CTYPE, $locale ); } use locale; } our $utf8 = undef; $utf8 = 1 if $u; show_help() if $h; show_version() if $v; unless (-d || @ARGV) { $d = 1; } if ($d) { my @languages = @ARGV || <*-*>; for (@languages) { /(.+)-(.+)/ || die "Can't figure out the language tag and name out of '$_'\n"; make_module($1, $2, <$_/*>); } } else { my $tag = shift || die "You must provide a language tag.\n"; my $language = shift || die "You must provide a language name.\n"; @ARGV || die "You must provide at least one file.\n"; verbose("Creating module for $tag for $language language"); make_module(lc($tag), lc($language), @ARGV); } ############### # subroutines # ############### sub verbose { print STDERR $_[0], "\n" if $verbose; } ### sub show_help { die "Usage: make-lingua-identify-language tag language file1 file2 or: make-lingua-identify-language -d directory1 directory2 make-lingua-identify-language: creates Lingua::Identify language modules Examples: make-lingua-identify-language en english file1 make-lingua-identify-language -d en-english/ pt-portuguese/ make-lingua-identify-language Options: -d directory mode -h displays this messages and exit -v show version and exit -verbose verbose mode -u unicode " } ### sub show_version { die "make-lingua-identify-language version $version\n"; } ### sub make_module { my ($tag, $name, @files) = @_; verbose("Studying $name ($tag)"); # read all files in its directory my $text; my $meta = { 'language_name' => $name, 'sets' => [], }; $tag =~ /^..$/ and $meta->{'two_letter_code'} = $tag; $tag =~ /^...$/ and $meta->{'three_letter_code'} = $tag; for (@files) { if ($utf8) { open( STDINO, '<:utf8', $_ ) || die $!; } else { open( STDINO, $_ ) || die $!; } if ($_ eq 'META.yml') { verbose("\tfound META.yml"); while () { # META.yml is processed here if (/^(\w+):\s*(\w+)$/) { $meta->{$1} = $2; verbose("\tassigned $1 to $2"); } elsif (/^(\w+):\s*$/) { my $id = $1; while () { last if /^\s*$/; if (/^\s*(\w*)\s*$/) { push @{$meta->{$id}}, $1; verbose("\tpushed $1 into $id"); } } } } } else { if ($locale) { $text .= join "\n", map { lc } ; } else { $text .= join "\n", ; } } close STDINO; } # write some headers if ($utf8) { open( STDOUTO, ">:utf8" , ( uc $tag ) . ".pm" ) || die; } else { open( STDOUTO, ">" . ( uc $tag ) . ".pm" ) || die; } my $sets = join ", ", map { "'$_'" } @{$meta->{'sets'}}; verbose("\t$sets"); print STDOUTO "use utf8;\n" if $utf8; print STDOUTO "use strict;\n", "\n\${Lingua::Identify::languages{'_versions'}{'$tag'}} = '$version';\n", "\n\${Lingua::Identify::languages{'_names'}{'$tag'}} = '$name';\n", "\n\${Lingua::Identify::languages{'_sets'}{'$tag'}} = '$sets';\n"; # write POD my $module_name = uc $tag; my $podname = ucfirst $name; print STDOUTO pod_unindent(" =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Lingua::Identify::$module_name - Meta-information on $podname =head1 SYNOPSIS Nothing here is meant for public consumption. This module is to be loaded by Lingua::Identify. =head1 DESCRIPTION Automatically generated. Do not change this module yourself unless you know what you're doing. =head1 SEE ALSO Lingua::Identify(3). =head1 AUTHOR Jose Castro, C<< >> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2010-2013 by Alberto Simões This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut "); # write prefixes information verbose("\tstudying prefixes"); my $prefixes = get_prefixes( { min => 1, max => 4 }, $text ); for my $i ( 1 .. 4 ) { select STDOUTO; print "\n\${Lingua::Identify::languages{'prefixes$i'}{'$tag'}} = {\n"; my $total; for ( values %{ $$prefixes{$i} } ) { $total += $_; } for ( ( sort { $$prefixes{$i}{$b} <=> $$prefixes{$i}{$a} } keys %{ $$prefixes{$i} } )[ 0 .. $NR_SAMPLES - 1 ] ) { print " '$_'\t=> ", $$prefixes{$i}{$_} / $total, ",\n"; } print "};\n"; } # write suffixes information verbose("\tstudying suffixes"); my $suffixes = get_suffixes( { min => 1, max => 4 }, $text ); for my $i ( 1 .. 4 ) { select STDOUTO; print "\n\${Lingua::Identify::languages{'suffixes$i'}{'$tag'}} = {\n"; my $total; for ( values %{ $$suffixes{$i} } ) { $total += $_; } for ( ( sort { $$suffixes{$i}{$b} <=> $$suffixes{$i}{$a} } keys %{ $$suffixes{$i} } )[ 0 .. $NR_SAMPLES - 1 ] ) { print " '$_'\t=> ", $$suffixes{$i}{$_} / $total, ",\n"; } print "};\n"; } # write words information verbose("\tstudying words"); my $hash_w; if ($utf8) { $hash_w = my_words_count($text); } else { my %hash; words_count(\%hash, $text); $hash_w = \%hash; } my $total; for ( values %$hash_w ) { $total += $_; } print "\n\${Lingua::Identify::languages{'smallwords'}{'$tag'}} = {\n"; for (( sort { $hash_w->{$b} <=> $hash_w->{$a} } grep { !/(?:[_'",;:.«»0-9\(\)\[\]\{\}\/\\\!\?%]|^-|-$)/ } keys %$hash_w ) [ 0 .. $NR_SAMPLES - 1 ] ) { print " '$_'\t=> ", $hash_w->{$_} / $total, ",\n"; } print "};\n"; # write ngrams information my $f = sub { ngram_counts( {spaces => 0}, $_[0], $_[1]) }; get_ngrams($tag, 'ngrams', 2, 4, $f, $text ); get_letters($tag, 'letters', $f, $text); # close the file close(STDOUT); } ############################### sub get_letters { my ($tag, $what, $function, $text) = @_; verbose("\tstudying $what"); my $hash = &{$function}($text, 1); my $total; for ( values %$hash ) { $total += $_; } print "\n\${Lingua::Identify::languages{'$what'}{'$tag'}} = {\n"; for (sort { $$hash{$b} <=> $$hash{$a} } keys %$hash ) { print " '$_' => ", $$hash{$_} / $total, ",\n"; } print "};\n"; } ############################### sub get_ngrams { my ($tag, $what, $min, $max, $function, $text) = @_; for my $gram ( $min .. $max ) { verbose("\tstudying $what $gram"); #my $hash_r = ngram_counts( $text, $gram ); my $hash = &{$function}($text, $gram); my $total; for ( values %$hash ) { $total += $_; } print "\n\${Lingua::Identify::languages{'$what$gram'}{'$tag'}} = {\n"; for ((sort { $$hash{$b} <=> $$hash{$a} } keys %$hash )[ 0 .. $NR_SAMPLES - 1 ]) { print " '$_' => ", $$hash{$_} / $total, ",\n"; } print "};\n"; } } ### sub pod_unindent { ( local $_ = shift ) =~ s/^ +//mg; $_ } sub my_words_count { my $text = shift; my $count; for my $word (split /[\n\s]+/, $text) { $count->{$word}++; } return $count; } __END__ =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME make-lingua-identify-language - creates language modules for Lingua::Identify =head1 SYNOPSIS make-lingua-identify-language Language-Tag Language-Name file1 [file2 ...] or make-lingua-identify-language -d TAG1-LANGUAGE1/ [TAG2-LANGUAGE2/ ...] or make-lingua-identify =head1 DESCRIPTION Creates language modules to be used by Lingua::Identify. After creating the modules, you still have to install them. Please note that this script is still at an early stage. Please do not even look at the code... Without parameters, make-lingua-identify-language assumes mode -d and goes through all the directories in the current one. This is useful to be used in a directory where you something like this: . |-- en-english | `-- english.txt |-- fr-french | `-- french1.txt | `-- french2.txt `-- pt-portuguese `-- portuguese.txt =head2 OPTIONS =head2 -d Directory mode. Each parameter passed should be a directory whose name must be of the form tag-name (e.g., en-english/ ). Each of the directories passed should contain text files that can be used to train Lingua::Identify. =head2 -D Debug mode. Only for development. =head2 -h Display help and exit. =head2 -v Show version and exit. =head2 -verbose Verbose mode. =head2 -locale=C<< >> Set a specific locale. This way your text will be all lowercased before analysed. =head1 META.yml C files are not parsed as other files, they are ignored. In directory mode (C<-d> switch), C files are checked for info on languages codes and sets. Here's a simple C for you to put in your directories: two_letter_code: pt three_letter_code: por sets: spoken_in_portugal With that, the language will be identified with the two letter code "pt" or the three letter code "por"; it will also be in the set ":spoken_in_portugal". =head1 CONTRIBUTING WITH NEW LANGUAGES Please do not contribute with modules you made yourself. It's easier to contribute with unprocessed text, because that allows for new versions of Lingua::Identify not having to drop languages down in case I can't contact you by that time. Use I to create a new module for your own personal use, if you must, but try to contribute with unprocessed text rather than those modules. =head1 SEE ALSO Lingua::Identify(3), langident(1) =head1 AUTHOR Alberto Simões C<< >> José Alves de Castro C<< >> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2004-2005 by Jose Alves de Castro Copyright 2006-2013 by Alberto Simões This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut