#!/usr/bin/perl -s 

use 5.014;
use File::Copy qw(move copy);
use strict;
use LaTeX::Importer;

####### Options:
our ($p,
     $skp,   ## no prel (skip prel)
     $s,     ## no prel (skip prel)
     $twice, ## force double run of pdflatex, even without references or toc
     $clear, ## clear temporary files after build
     $fast,  ## pdflatex once, bibtex or index if needed, but not pdflatex again
     $Q,     ## quiet
     $temp,  ## tmp file name (instead of __pdflatex__$$)
     $x,     ## xelatex
     $l,     ## lualatex

my $ind;
my $redo;
my $base = $temp || "__ppdflatex__$$";

$clear //= 1;
$clear = 0 if $debug;

$Q    = "-Q" if $Q;
my $Qtex = "";
$Qtex = "-interaction  nonstopmode" if $Q;

my $texerrorsfilter = "" ; 
$texerrorsfilter = "| sed -n -e '/^[!]/,+2p' " if $Q;

my $a; # filename
$a = shift ;
$a = "<-"  if($p and not $a);

die "usage $0 file.pre\n" unless $a;

if (!-f $a) {
    $a =~ s/\.$//;
    $a .= ".tlpp" if (-f "$a.tlpp");
    $a .= ".ptex" if (-f "$a.ptex");
    $a .= ".pre"  if (-f "$a.pre");
    $a .= ".tex"  if (-f "$a.tex");

my $opt={};
my $b = $a;
$b =~ s/\.(tlpp|ptex|pre|tex)$//;

$redo = 1 if $twice;

my $c = 0;

my $v={};

$s=$skp if $skp;

$opt->{Q}=$Q if $Q;
$opt->{ti}=$ti if $ti;
$opt->{skip}=$s if $s;

if   ($s)       { copy($a, "$base.tex"); } 
elsif($p and $o){ $v= prel($opt,$a, $o)         ; exit 0; }
elsif($p       ){ $v= prel($opt,$a    )         ; exit 0; }
else            { $v= prel($opt,$a, "$base.tex");         }

my $pdflatex = "pdflatex $Qtex ";
$pdflatex    = "xelatex" if $x;
$pdflatex    = "lualatex" if $l;

_syst("$pdflatex $base $texerrorsfilter");

$redo = 1 if $v->{toc} || $v->{ref};

if ($v->{makeindex}) { _syst("makeindex $base")           ; $redo=1;}
if ($v->{biblatex})  { _syst("biber $base","continue")    ; $redo=1;}
if ($v->{bibtex})    { _syst("bibtex $base","continue")   ; $redo=1;}
if ($redo && !$fast) {
             _syst("$pdflatex $base $texerrorsfilter"); 
             _syst("$pdflatex $base $texerrorsfilter");

if($o) { move("$base.pdf" , $o      );}
else   { move("$base.pdf" , "$b.pdf");}

unlink "$base.tex" unless !$clear || $debug;

if ($clear && !$fast) { ## As caution, do not clear in fast mode
    for my $file (<$base.*>) {
        unlink $file unless $debug; ## || $file =~ /\.toc/;
    for my $file (<teximporter*.log>) {
        unlink $file unless $debug;


=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

ppdflatex - (multiple) preprocessor for LaTeX 


=head1 Options

 -p             = just work as a preprocessor filter
 -s             = skip prelatex
 -Q             = Quiet
 -ti            = force teximporter

 -verbpar       = indented paragraphs treated as verbatim
 -debug         = does nod delete temporary files

 -l             = lualatex instead of pdflatex
 -x             = xelatex instead of pdflatex


C<ppdflatex> compiles LaTeX into PDF and may (transparently) use some
Wiki-like preprocessors:

C<prelatex> (a very simple LaTeX preprocess with abbreviations for
sections, for lists, and tables )

C<beamerpp> (a very simple Beamer preprocess)

C<teximporter> (inline ABC, graphviz, gnuplot, CSV, and PDF,...). 

=head2 BiBteX, MakeIndex and BibLaTeX

C<bibtex> and C<makeindex> are also activated if necessary.
If C<\\bibliography> is found BibTeX is executed.
In order to make conceptual indexes,
if C<\\printindex> is found C<makeindex> is executed too.

=head1 teximporter: Inline foreign formats

In order to easilly importe external formats,
if teximporter sintax is found (example: C<\\import_graphviz{file}>) teximporter
preprocessor is executed.


    text in language abc

    digraph "Makefile" {
       f -> o;
       o -> o;

Presently the available inline formats are:

  pod       (Perl documentation format)
  slides    (PDF slides)
  camila    (formal specification language )
  dot       (graphViz)
  makefileg (import makefile as a graph)
  abc       (abc music format)
  csv       (csv table)

teximporter can be used as a normal filter (see teximporter)

=head1 LateX preprocessor

=head2 sections

 = section title
 == subsection title
 === subsubsection title

=head2 lists

 ...itemize example:
  . carrots
  . onions
  . tomatos

 ...enumerate example:
   .1 soup
   .1 dessert

 ...description example:
   .[pizza] ...
   .[pudim] ...

=head1 Beamer slides

In order to make beamer slides,
if beamerpp sintax is found (^=. title) beamerpp preprocessor is executed too.

=head2 slides notatio

 = section title
 == subsection title
 =. slide title
 =.== slide title and section at the same time

 _( math )_
 _ [math ]_
 *bold orange*

=head2 Example of a slides presentation


 \title{  }
 \author[JJ]{J.Joao Almeida}
 \institute{Departament of ... }

 =. Main Message 
 . Remember that...

 =. Struture of this presentation


 =.= Introduction

 =.== Motivation


 =.= Our tool

 \demo[The tool]{
   make a demo of ...

 \emph{→ in fact ...}

 =.= Conclusions
  \fixme{to be continued}
 =.= The End

=head1 AUTHOR

J.Joao Almeida, jj@di.uminho.pt

=head1 SEE ALSO


LaTeX, BibTeX


