#!/usr/bin/perl -w -s use strict; use Fcntl ; use CGI (":all","start_table",":nodebug"); use Data::Dumper ; $Data::Dumper::Terse =1; $Data::Dumper::Indent =1; $Data::Dumper::Deepcopy=1; use HTML::BoxML; use Pod::Simple::HTML; use LWP::Simple qw/get/; #import _only_ the get function my %h; our ($textdir,$tohtml,$export,$import,$create,$cvsdir,$slides,$base,$name,$print); $tohtml ||= $slides || $print; our %conf; my @col=("#ffffff", "#226219;" , #Verde fundo "#6a8394;" , #azul "#f36e21;" , #laranja "#f9ce87;" , #laranja2 "#fbdea7;" , #laranja3 "#d25c10;" , #laranja4 ); my $defaultcss = " "; my $fgo= q[ var i = 0; var max=30; var loc; function go(){ if(i > max){ i=0; } loc="#slide"+i;i++; this.location=loc;}]; my $x; my ($mday,$mon,$year) = (localtime(time()))[3,4,5]; my $fulldate = sprintf('%4d/%.2d/%.2d',$year+1900,$mon+1,$mday); for(@ARGV){ print tohtml("sp",$_); } sub pod2html{my $doc = shift; my $podparser = Pod::Simple::HTML->new(); my $str; $podparser->output_string(\$str); $podparser->parse_string_document($doc); $str =~ s!^.*?(

.*).*!$1!si; $str =~ s!H2>!H4>!ig; $str =~ s!H1>!H3>!ig; $str; } sub cat{my $file=shift; local $/; undef $/; open(CAT,"$file") or warn("can open $file\n"); my $r=; close CAT; $r } my %plugin = ( perl => sub{ my ($the,$prog) = @_; eval($prog).$@ }, perlpath => sub{ my ($the,$file) = @_; chomp $file; eval(cat($file))}, html => sub{ my ($the,$file) = @_; $file }, htmlpath => sub{ my ($the,$file) = @_; chomp $file; cat($file)}, url => sub{ my ($the,$file) = @_; $file=~s/\n.*//;return url2html($file) }, verbatim => sub{ my ($the,$file) = @_; "
\n" }, verbatimpath => sub{ my ($the,$file) = @_; chomp $file; "
\n" }, slides => sub{ my ($the,$file) = @_; sp2html($file)}, man => sub{ my ($the,$file) = @_; my $name = $the; $name = $1 if ($name =~ m/^man\s*(.*)/i); man2html($name); }, pod => sub{ my ($the,$file) = @_; pod2html($file) }, podpath => sub{ my ($the,$file) = @_; chomp $file; pod2html(cat($file)) }, perldoc => sub{ my ($the,$file) = @_; my $name = $the; $name = $1 if ($name =~ m/^perldoc\s*(.*)/i); "$name".pod2html(scalar `/usr/bin/perldoc -u $name`) }, ); my %style= ($conf{cssfile})?(-src => $conf{cssfile}):( -code => $defaultcss ); sub tohtml { my %opt=(); if(ref($_[0])){%opt = (%opt ,%{shift(@_)}) } my $fmt = shift; my $name = shift; my $pag = cat($name); $name =~ s!.*[\\/]!!; my $the = {thesaurus => {term => $name}}; my $files = shift || ""; my $p = $fmt || "sp"; my $fin; if ($p ne "sp"){ if (defined($plugin{$p})) { $fin = &{$plugin{$p}}($name,$pag); } else { $fin = pre($pag) }} else { $fin = sp2html(\%opt,$pag)} if($opt{slides}){ br.h2(a({name =>'slide0', href=>'javascript:void(0);', onclick=>'i=0; go();'}, ucfirst($the->{thesaurus}{term})). a({href=>'#slide0'},"(*)")). html2slides($fin ) } elsif($opt{'print'}){ br.h2(a({name =>'slide0', href=>'javascript:void(0);', onclick=>'i=0; go();'}, ucfirst($the->{thesaurus}{term})). a({href=>'#slide0'},"(*)")). html2slides({'print'=>1},$fin ) } elsif ($files) { htext(box(big(ucfirst($the->{thesaurus}{term})),[cel($fin)])) } else { htext(box(big(ucfirst($the->{thesaurus}{term})),[cel($fin)])) } } sub isExternal{ my %a=(date => 1, sn =>1); $a{$_[0]} } sub math2html{ my $f=shift; $f =~ s/\&/\&/g; $f =~ s/-->/→/g; #????????? $f =~ s/<--/←/g; #????????? $f =~ s!/\\!∧!g; #????????? $f =~ s!\\/!∨!g; #????????? $f =~ s/==>/⇒/g; #????????? $f =~ s/<==/&rLrr;/g; #????????? $f =~ s//\>/g; $f; } sub txt2html{ my $f=shift; $f =~ s/\n +
*\n/\n---hr---\n/g; $f =~ s/\&/\&/g; $f =~ s//\>/g; $f =~ s/\n---hr---\n/\n
/g; $f; } sub sp2html { my %opt=(); if(ref($_[0])){%opt = (%opt ,%{shift(@_)}) } my $pagina = "\n" . (shift(@_) || "") ; my %verb=(); my $n=0; if ($pagina) { for ($pagina) { s/\cM//g; s/[ \t]+\n/\n/g; # delete after __END__ s/\n__END__.*/\n/s; #Verbatim paragraphs s{\n\n([ \t]+\S.*?)(?=\s*\n\S|$)}{ $verb{++$n}= "\n
\n"; "\n\n\caMARCA\ca$n\n"}seg; # Hard rule s/(\n)---+[^\n+]*($|\n)/$1\n/g; # Titles wiki-like s/\n---+\+\+\+(.*)/

$1<\/h3>/g; s/\n---+\+\+(.*)/

$1<\/h2>/g; s/\n---+\+(.*)/

$1<\/h1>/g; # Titles jj-like s/\n\d\.\d\.\d\.(.*)/

$1<\/h3>/g; s/\n\d\.\d\.(.*)/

$1<\/h2>/g; s/\n\d\.(.*)/

$1<\/h1>/g; # bolds, italics, tts, wiki-like s!__([^_]+)__!$1!g; s!_\((.+?)\)_!"".math2html($1).""!eg; s!_\[(.+?)\]_!"
"!eg; s!==(.+?)==!"".txt2html($1).""!eg; s!\b_\B((?:[^_]|\B_\B)+)\B_\b!$1!g; s!=\b([^=\n]+)\b=!"".txt2html($1).""!eg; s!\*(\[|\b)([^*]+)(\]|\b)\*!$2!g; # Links... s/\[!\[(.+?)\]\]/$verb{++$n}=sp2html(\%opt,$h{$1}); "\n\n\x01MARCA\x01$n\n"/ge; s/\[!man\[(.+?)\]\]/man2html($1)/ge; s/\[!url\[(.+?)\]\]/url2html($1)/ge; s#\[!img\[(.+?)\]\]##g; s#\[!wimg\[(.+?)\]\]##g; s/\[!html\[(.+?)\]\]/cat($1)/ge; s/\[\[(.+?)\@(.+?)\]\]/sp2url({base=>$2},$1)/ge; s/\[(?:\[([^\]]+?)\])?\[(.+?)\]\]/sp2url($2,$1)/ge; s/\[(?:([^|\]]+)\|)?([^\]]+)\]/a({href=>$2,onclick=>'""'},$1 || $2)/ge; #New paragraph s/\n\s*\n/\n

\n/g; #Itemizes and Enumerates s/:\n(?=\s*\.\d)/\x03\n/gs; s/:\n(?=\s*\.)/\x02\n/gs; # while(s/\x03([^\x03\x02#]+?\n\s*)#/

    $1<\/ol>/g + # s/\x02([^\x03\x02#]+?\n\s*)#/
      $1<\/ul>/g ) {}; # s/\n\s*\.\d?(.*)/
    • $1<\/li>/g; while(s/\x03([^\x03\x02#]+?\n\s*)#/ol(markLi($1))/ge + s/\x02([^\x03\x02#]+?\n\s*)#/ul(markLi($1))/ge ) {}; s/[\x02\x03]/:/gs; s/\n\x01MARCA\x01(\d+)\n/$verb{$1}/g; } return $pagina; } else { return ""; } } sub markLi{ my $a=shift; for($a){ s{\n\s*\.\d?(.*?)(?=(\n\s*\.|$))}{
    • $1
    • }gs; } $a } sub html2slides{ my %opt=(); if(ref($_[0])){%opt = (%opt ,%{shift(@_)}) } my $n=0; my $seg=0; my $page=shift; my $prev=0; my $cu=0; my $tit=""; my $co=""; my $toc=""; my $vspace = "  
      " x 30; $vspace = hr if $opt{print}; $page =~ s!(?:(.*?))(.*?)(?=}{}gis; $n++; $toc.= "
        " x ( $cu-$prev) if($cu > $prev); $toc.= "
      " x ($prev-$cu) if($cu < $prev); $toc.= li(a({href=>"#slide$n"},(($cu==1)?strong($tit):$tit))); $prev=$cu; $seg=$n+1; "".a({name =>"slide$n", href =>'javascript:void(0);', onclick => "i=". ( $n-1) ."; go();" },$tit)."$co$vspace" !gexsi; $page =~ s!#slide$seg!#slide0!; $toc.= ("
    " x $cu) if($cu); $toc .$vspace . $page; } sub term2filename{ my $a = shift; $a =~ s/ (\w)/uc($1)/ge; $a =~ y/áéíóúçãõâêôû/aeioucaoaeou/; "$a.html" } sub sp2url { my $c={}; $c=shift if (ref($_[0]) eq "HASH"); my $u = shift; my $t = shift || ""; $t = sprintf(' type="%s" ',$t) if $t; return a({onclick=>'""', href=>$u},$u) if $u =~ m!^\w+:/!; if($tohtml and not $c->{base}){ ##FIXME THIS my $na=term2filename($u); a({onclick => '""', href=>$na}, ucfirst($u)); } else{ my $url = url(); my $todo= (param('todo') && param('todo') eq "slides")? "todo=slides":""; $url =~ s!(.*/)(.*)!$1$c->{base}! if $c->{base}; my $ua = $u; $u .= "\@$c->{base}" if $c->{base}; $ua =~ s/\s+/\%20/g; "".ucfirst($u).""; } } sub n{ # normaliza nomes my $a = shift; for ($a) { s/^\s+//g; s/\s+$//g; s/\cM//g; } $a } sub txt2the{ my $te=shift; my $the = $h{"the::$te"} ; $the = "" unless defined $the; if ($the =~ m/^(\S.*?)(\n.*|$)/s){ my $h = n($1); my $t = $2; my $th={term => $h}; while($t =~ m/\n(\w+)\s+(.*)/g){ my $k=$1; my $terms=$2; for(split(/\s*[,;]\s*/,$terms)){ push(@{$th->{$k}}, n($_)); } } $th } else {+{term=>$te}}; } sub tohtml2{ my %opt=(); if(ref($_[0])){%opt = (%opt ,%{shift(@_)}) } my $t=shift; tohtml(\%opt,$h{"the::$t"}||$t, $h{$t}) } sub getDate { my $the = shift; return $1 if ($the =~ m!\ndate\s+(.*)\n!); return ""; } sub valid { my $h=shift; my $ha=shift; return 1 unless (ref($ha) eq "HASH"); exists $ha->{$h}; } sub url2html { return get(shift); } sub man2html{ my $name=shift; my $t = `/usr/bin/man -w $name`; chomp $t; if($t =~ /\.gz$/){ $t = `/bin/zcat $t | /usr/bin/man2html`;} else { $t = `/usr/bin/man2html $t`; } ## return "Erro $!-$@\n" if $! || $@; $t =~ s!^.*?(




    .*!$1!si; $t =~ s!H3>!H4>!ig; $t =~ s!H2>!H3>!ig; $t =~ s!\s*\s*


      $t =~ s!\s*

    \s*!\n!ig; $t =~ s!\s*


      $t =~ s!\s*
    \n!ig; $t =~ s!\s*
    =head1 NAME
    breviario2html - a wiki system with ontology
    =head1 SYNOPSIS
     breviario -tohtml [-slides]        -> builds a HTML dir with all the topics
     breviario -tohtml [-slides] topic* -> builds a HTML dir with these topics
     breviario -slides topic*           -> builds a HTML dir with these topics 
     breviario -tohtml [-print] topic* -> builds a HTML dir with these topics
     breviario -create basename         -> creates a new CGI and base
     breviario -import < filename       -> import a textual version
     breviario -export > filename       -> export textual
    =head1 DESCRIPTION
    Breviario is based on Tie::Cvs -- the topics are stored in CVS
    Breviario uses Biblio::Thesuarus to 
    =head2 Instalation
    In order to use breviario, you need to install the following modules:
     CGI (":all",":nodebug");
     Data::Dumper ;
     Pod::Simple::HTML;    (for html plugin)
     LWP::Simple qw/get/;  (for 
    =head1 AUTHOR
    J.Joao Almeida, jj@di.uminho.pt
    Alberto Simões, albie@alfarrabio.di.uminho.pt
    =head1 SEE ALSO
    =head1 TODO
    -import is not working!
    Transformar metade deste ficheiro num módulo;